History 1301 Chapter 14 Review

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What did fighting a defensive war mean for the Confederates?

Since the weapon technology was basically equal, it was an advantage for the Confederates.

The scale of Civil War bloodshed was comparable to that of which other conflict?

War of the Triple Alliance

How did war correspondents in the Civil War change the way Americans understood their war?

Since the Union and the Confederacy banned reporters from the battlefields, journalists mostly had to work with eyewitness accounts.

What disagreements existed between McClellan, the commander of the Army of the Potomac, and president
Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln thought the general was not using his manpower advantage.

What would have been a practical outcome of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The freeing of slaves would weaken the Confederate war effort.

How would the service of African-American soldiers in the Civil War best be categorized?

They were treated unfairly.

After comparing the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, what conclusion can be made?

Lincoln was pragmatic in his decision making.

Besides preserving the Union, how else has Lincoln’s legacy lived on in today’s America?

He overcame regional differences to build a new nation-state.

Why did Thomas F. Drayton deny that the Confederacy was fighting to defend slavery?

He proposed that an invading Union army would enslave white southerners.

The Civil War proved to be disastrous for which noncombatants?


What was a result of the expanding Union economy?

The size and spending of the government increased tremendously.

By analyzing the New York City draft riots, what can be determined about the Civil War?

The Civil War was a rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight.

What was ironic about the Confederate government?

This new centralized government became stronger than the national government had been before the war.

What could be one possible reason why Robert E. Lee invaded the North in 1863?

He hoped to deliver a knockout blow to the North.

Why was Vicksburg essential?

Capturing the city allowed the Union to control the entire Mississippi River.

What separated Grant from the other Union generals that commanded the Army of the Potomac?

Grant was willing to wage a war of attrition.

What was one downside to Lincoln’s Ten-Percent Plan of Reconstruction?

It allowed white landowners to return home with little repercussions; It did not allow blacks any voice in decisions that would affect them after the war; It only required one-tenth of the area’s population to commit to supporting the Union and emancipation. (All of these answers are correct)

Among the Confederacy’s advantages during the Civil War was:

Its large size, which made it more difficult for the Union to conquer.

The example of German immigrant Marcus Spiegel demonstrated that:

The views of average Americans evolved considerably during the course of the Civil War.

Approximately how many Union and Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War?


At the first Battle of Bull Run:

Spectators from the city came with picnic baskets to watch.

Who was offered a command in the Union army, but declined because of his devotion to his native state?

Robert E. Lee

The major Confederate army in the East, commanded by Robert E. Lee, was called the Army of:

Northern Virginia

At Antietam:

The nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history.

During the first two years of the war, Union forces were generally:

More successful in the West than in the East.

General George McClellan did all of the following EXCEPT:

Win major victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennessee.

When did Great Britain abolish slavery in its empire?


The last nation in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery was:


In what year did slavery officially end in the Western Hemisphere?


During the early days of the war, the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution proposed by Senator John Crittenden
of Kentucky that:

Affirmed that the Union had no intention of interfering with slavery.

Lincoln was hesitant to support abolition early in the war because he:

Feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the Union.

During the Civil War, the term "contraband camps" referred to:

Camps of southern slaves who had escaped from their masters and entered Union lines.

Which Union general in Missouri decreed freedom to that state’s slaves in 1861, a year before Lincoln issued
the Emancipation Proclamation?

John Frémont

Which of the following is NOT true of Abraham Lincoln’s slavery policy during the first two years of the

He proposed a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery immediately.

Lincoln’s issuance of an emancipation proclamation:

Followed the narrow Union victory in the Battle of Antietam.

The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863:

Did not apply to the border slave states that had not seceded.

The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment is best known as:

A regiment of free blacks who charged Fort Wagner, South Carolina.

During the Civil War, black soldiers:

Helped inspire Republicans to believe that emancipation also demanded equal rights before the law

Beginning in 1863, what did Frederick Douglass urge northern blacks to do?

Enlist in the Union army

Lincoln’s vision during the Civil War:

Was that the American nation embodied a set of universal ideals rooted in political democracy and human freedom.

Lincoln spoke of "a new birth of freedom" for the nation in his:

Gettysburg Address.

During the Civil War, northern Protestant ministers:

Helped create a civic religion combining Christianity and patriotism.

With regard to civil liberties during the Civil War, President Lincoln:

Suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

In the Ex parte Milligan case, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that:

Accused persons must be tried before civil courts where there were open, rather than military, tribunals.

Clement Vallandigham was:

A northern politician banished to the Confederacy.

Economically, the Civil War led to:

The emergence of a nation-state committed to national economic development.

Colonel John Chivington is remembered for:

Leading an attack that killed perhaps 400 Indian men, women, and children.

Captains of industry like steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and oil man John D. Rockefeller:

Began creating or consolidating their fortunes during the Civil War.

Which of the following is true of the Confederacy and Native Americans?

Slaveowning Indians generally supported the Confederacy.

"Greenback" was a Civil War-era nickname for:

Paper money.

The U.S. Sanitary Commission:

Coordinated war donations on the northern home front.

During the Civil War, northern white women:

Began obtaining jobs as government clerks.

Who lobbied for the United States to endorse the First Geneva Convention of 1864?

Clara Barton

Copperheads were:

What Republicans called northern opponents of the war.

Which of the following is NOT true of the New York City riots of 1863?

They convinced Lincoln to delay issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

Which of the following is true of Jefferson Davis and his governing?

His administration actually suffered from the Confederacy’s lack of political parties.

"King Cotton diplomacy" led Great Britain to:

Find new supplies of cotton outside the South.

Which of the following did NOT cause divisions within the Confederacy?

The heavy taxes on planters, who resented paying the majority of the war’s costs

Rose Greenhow:

Was a Confederate spy in Washington, D.C.

In the May and June 1864 battles in Virginia (between the armies of Grant and Lee):

The Union army, despite high casualties, pressed forward in its campaign.

In July 1863, the Union won two key victories that are often identified as turning points in the war. These
victories occurred at:

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Vicksburg, Mississippi.

The "Sea Island Experiment" refers to:

Northern reformers’ efforts to assist former slaves with the transition to freedom

Which September 1864 event helped Lincoln win reelection as president that November?

Sherman’s capture of Atlanta

Rehearsals for Reconstruction during the Civil War demonstrated that:

The main aspiration of former slaves was the ownership of their own land.

The Wade-Davis Bill in 1864:

Showed Radical Republicans’ frustration with Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan.

General Sherman marched from Atlanta to the sea in order to:

Demoralize the South’s civilian population.

The Thirteenth Amendment:

Abolished slavery throughout the United States.

Lincoln’s second inaugural address:

Described the Civil War as divine punishment.

A major part of the Anaconda Plan was:

A naval blockade of the South.

In his last speech, Lincoln said what regarding postwar policy?

There should be at least limited black suffrage.

How was Ulysses Grant received in Europe during his tour in the 1870s?

He was praised as a "Hero of Freedom."

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Civil War?

It greatly expanded the powers of the presidency and reduced the influence of Congress.

Frederick Douglass viewed the abolition of slavery as:

Not the end of the nation’s work, but the beginning of a new phase of it.

According to Thomas F. Drayton’s letter from April 1861 from South Carolina, why did his brother Percy
refuse to support the South?

Fighting for the South would be to fight for slavery against freedom.

According to Thomas F. Drayton’s letter from April 1861 from South Carolina, what did southerners fight


According to Thomas F. Drayton’s letter from April 1861 from South Carolina, what dangers did northerners

The enslavement of whites

As Abraham Lincoln explained in his speech at the Sanitary Fair in Baltimore in 1864, how did northerners
interpret liberty differently from Americans in South?

As self-ownership and free labor

As Abraham Lincoln explained in his speech at the Sanitary Fair in Baltimore in 1864, how did southerners
understand liberty in contrast to northerners?

As ownership of others and their labor

In Abraham Lincoln’s speech at the Sanitary Fair in Baltimore in 1864, who was the "wolf"?

Abraham Lincoln himself

In Abraham Lincoln’s speech at the Sanitary Fair in Baltimore in 1864, who was the "shepherd"?

The Union

Comparing demographic and economic data on the two belligerents of the American Civil War, an investor
looking for the riskiest and therefore most profitable investment would have bought which of the following?

Confederacy treasury bonds

The grooved barrel of the modern rifle gave which of the following a clear advantage in the Civil War?

Troops on the defense

What evidence is there to support the claim that President Abraham Lincoln initially wanted to make the war
about the union rather than slavery?

He did not challenge slavery in the non-seceding border states

Which of the following provides evidence for the argument that emancipation was a divisive issue between
white and black in the North?

Republicans lost seats in the 1862 midterm elections.

Which of the following documents the fact that Lincoln’s effort at union differed from the movement toward
centralized nation states elsewhere in the world at the same time?

The Gettysburg Address

Which of the following supports the argument that the Battle of Gettysburg changed the course of the war
because Robert E. Lee abandoned the previous southern strategy?

Lee initiated the battle in an effort to invade Pennsylvania.

Which of the following underlines Abraham Lincoln’s focus on union?

His refusal to sign the Wade-Davis Bill

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