Government- Unit 4

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What geographic feature made early Americans consider isolationist policies?

having a large ocean on each side of the country

Which word best describes early American foreign policy?


What is the primary mission of the United Nations?

to preserve international peace through discussion

What is a treaty?

a formal agreement between two or more nations

Which sentence best describes the role of the Federal Reserve System?

Its role is to regulate the US financial system.

Is there a potential problem if governments continually finance goods and services with borrowed money?

Yes, because eventually the debt must be repaid with interest.

What is the purpose of federal antitrust laws?

to preserve competition among business firms

Which kind of tax is paid when purchasing consumer goods and services?

sales tax

Which historical event is the best example of domestic policy?

the Affordable Care Act

Which phrase best describes domestic policy?

the government’s attempt to solve internal problems

Which action is an example of domestic policy?

Congress approves a declaration of war on a foreign enemy.

Which government agency primarily deals with domestic policy issues?

the State Department

Economics is the study of what?

the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

If the demand for a good increases without its supply increasing, what change will occur?

increased price of the good

Which economic mechanism does a barter system operate without?


Communism and socialism are largely based on the works of which economist?

Karl Marx

Which program created during President Johnson’s administration focuses on providing health coverage to the elderly?


When a government passes a law granting citizens tax credits if they use public transportation on a regular basis, which technique of policy enactment is it using?


Which sentence best explains why politicians continually need to reevaluate domestic policy?

A solution might become obsolete over time.

Which primary areas did President Johnson’s Great Society seek to address?

poverty, civil rights, and health care

Imagine driving down the highway and reading a sign that states "Save the planet—don’t litter." Which technique of policy enactment is being used?


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