Government Unit 3

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Why does the Consitution guarantee that the courts may not prosecute members of congress for what they say in the house or senate in relation to congressional business?

Freedom of Speech is a vital part of legislative debate

Senators are elected to serve

six-year terms

In congress, screening bills for floor consideration is a major duty of

comitee members

The fact that all congressional districts in a state must have about the same number of people so that one person’s vote is euqla to another’s is due to the ?

Wesberry v. Sanders ruling

The regular period of time during which congress conducts its business is called a


The number of senate seats held by each state is

fixed by the constitution

All of the following are differences between the House fo Representatives and the Senate EXCEPT

method of election

Which of the following is an informal qualification for the house of representatives

must currently reside in the district he or she represents

The lawmaking function of congress is central to democracy because

it is the means by which the public will becomes public policy

Beofre the 17th amendment was adopted, senators were chosen by

The State legislatures

Which of the following is a qualification for senators?

must have been a citizen for at least nine years

The house may refuse to seat a member-elect only if he or she

does not meet the constitutional standards of age, citizenship, and residency

Which group has traditionally used its power to gerrymander congressional districts?

State legislatures

Which of the following is true of the House of Representatives

Every State is represented by at least one member

Which statement about congressional districts is true?

They function as voting districts within each state

When must congressional districts be held?

the Tuesday after the first monday in November of each even-numbered year

Which fact disqualifies a person from Utah in the Senate?

The candidate has been a citizen for eight years

The framers of the constitution favored bicameralism because

it allowed for fair and equal representation of the States at the national level

Members of Congress fill all of the following roles except that of

Cabinet member

What is the point the cartoonist is trying to make?

Some senators see themselves as priviledged and exempt from public opinion.


a grant for the exclusive right to make, use, or sell new or improved inventions

indirect tax

a charge levied by the government, first paid by one person, then passed on to another


the exclusive legal right to copy sell or publish a piece of creative work

strict constructionist

an ______ would argue for a narrow interpretation of the powers of congress

liberal constructionist

A(n)______ favors a broad interpretation of the Constitution, which would extend the powers of congress


the power too ______ provides a way of bringing charges against the President for any high crimes and misdemeanors committed while in office.

Who has the power to propose Constitutional Amendments?


Which of the following nonlegislative powers may be exercised solely by the senate?

the power to approve or reject major presidental appointments

The implied powers doctrine, upheld in McCulloch v. Maryland, gives congress the power to do

anything reasonably related to carrying out the expressed powers

Congress is given investagatory powers in order to

examine matters related to its lawmaking powers

The supreme court ruling in gibbons v. ogden expanded the

comerce power to include all commercial interactions

All the following expressed powers belong to congress EXCEPT

the power to tax exports

Since 1989, the expansion of power of the national government has been caused by all of the following EXCEPT

strict construction of the Constitution

Supreme court rulings have been key to broadening the scope of which expressed power?

the commerce power

The level of the nation’s debt

is not limited by any government agency

All treaties must be approved by a two-thirds vote of

the senate

According to the Constitution, who has the sole power to impeach the president?

The House of Representatives

Why did the framers of the constitution include the Necessary and Proper Clause?

to empower Congress to pass laws needed to carry out the expressed powers

For what purpose does the Constitution give congress the power to regulate backruptcy?

to establish uniform procedures for dealing with insolent debtors

Congress shares foreign relations power with the


Discharge Petition

enables members to force a bill that has been in committee for 30 days onto the floor for consideration


Voted on by either house, but has no force of law

Party Caucus

closed meeting of the members of each party in the house


majority of the full membership of either house


provision attached to an important bill

The main reason that congress creates comittees is to

divide the workload

Unlike the House, the Senate has a legislative process with

few limits on debate

Proposed measures that apply to specific individuals or places are

private bills

The purpose of a filibuster is to

prevent action on a bill

Conference committees act as a "third house of congress" when they

produce a compromise bill that both the House and Senate will acept

In both houses the standing committess

are ussually headed by members chosen on the basis of seniority

Which of the following is a way a bill can become a law without the President’s signature?

The President fails to act on the bill within 10 days of recieving it while Congress is in session

A compromise bill worked on by a conference comitee of the house and senate members is

usually passed by both houses of congress

The duties of the House Rules Comittee are best described as those of a

traffic cop

On the first day of a new term, The House

elects a speaker to preside

To propse a constitutional ammendment, Congress uses a

joint resolution

When a bill is first introduced in the house, it is FIRST

given a number and title

The main way to end a filibuster is by

invoking the Cloture Rule

Bills that Originate in either house of congress may be

formulated by private citizens

When the Senate’s Republican caucus wants party members to vote for a bill, the person who determines how many votes can be be counted on is the


Most measures introduced in the house die at which of these steps


The role of the House of Rules Committee is played in the Senate by the

majority floor leader

In order to prevent a bill passed by congress from becoming a law, the President may

refuse to sign it and attach a veto message

How and when bills reach the floor of the house is decided by the

Rules Committee

Bills are introduced in the Senate by

individual senators

Majority floor leaders hold considerable power due mainly to the fact that

the majority party has more seats than the other party has

In the Vice Presidents absence the presiding officer of the Senate is the

President pro tempore

The arrow labeled X shows that some bills start in the house. Where would the bills traveling along the arrow labeled Y have started from?


To which of the following does a subcommittee report a bill?

a full committee

To which of the following does a full comittee of the house report a bill?

The Rules Committee

legislative oversight

congress can oversee that laws are being carried out

17th amendment

senators are elected by the people. 1912


drawing district lines to make a certain group have not as much voting power

Commerce clause

regulating commerce international and interstate

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