Forensic Science

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A Chinese book has the first written record of medical knowledge to solving crime in a description of how to distinguish between strangulation and drowning.


As an expert witness, a forensic scientist is ethically responsible for doing what?

Telling the whole truth.

Forensic entomologists study what to help solve crimes?


One of the tasks that a forensic odontologist might have is to determine the time of death for a body.


There are currently about 320 crime laboratories in the US.


The oldest forensic lab in the US was built by who?

The LA Police Dept.

Who said that there is an exchange of materials when two objects come into contact with each other?

Edmond Locard

Leone Lattas found a way of using a comparison microscope to improve this technique to better match bullets.


What condition in the body happens as the blood stops pumping through the body and settles in the parts of the body lowest to the ground?

Liver Mortis

Forensic odontologists might be involved in which of the following circumstances?

A victim has a bite on his arm.

What area specializes in the identification and examination of skeletal remains?

Forensic Anthropology

Intermediate photographs should show the relation of evidence to other parts of the crime scene.


What type of sketch is done at the scene of the crime before the evidence is collected?

Rough sketch

What would be an exception to the 4th amendment?

An individual gives permission for the search.

Small evidence is also called what?

trace evidence.

Evidence may be placed into containers like manila envelopes, plastic pill bottles, plastic bags, and carefully folded paper.


Blood should not be stored how?

In an airtight container.

A sample taken from the crime scene is called what?

A questioned sample.

Who is the first person to arrive at a crime scene?

A First responder.

Firearms should be stored in what type of package?

Paper bag.

What is the chain of custody?

A list of all people who had possession of the evidence.

Molds might be used for what type of evidence?

Tire tracks

Rough sketches will contain measurements to allow later drawings to be drawn to scale.


Physical properties are those that an object or trace evidence has with just it’s physical existence without altering it in any way with chemicals.


Which of the following might be an individual characteristic in an impression?

A broken tread.

In order to be a good test it should be what?


Plaster of Paris is often used to create casts of impressions today.


What is the frequency of an event?


what is evidence that is used to help recreate or illustrate a crime?

demonstrative evidence.

Class characteristics are associated with what?

a group

Which fractures occur first when glass is struck?

Radial fractures

For glass fragments to be individualized, what must be true?

They must fit together.

How long to casts of impressions need before they can be analyzed?

24 hours.

DNA is not always available in a hair sample.


How many full length strands of hair are collected from the scalp to use as a sample?


In the study that the FBI did on examining the physical characteristics of hair, what percentage of the matches weren’t really matches?


What is the most common type of fingerprint?


A hair’s form and structure is known as what?


What type of DNA is easiest to collect?

Mitochondrial DNA

What reagent may be sprayed at a crime scene to identify blood?


How much does hair grow in a month?

One cm

The first system to classify blood is known as what?

A-B-O system.

The morphology of a hair sample can tie the hair to a single person.


If a fingerprint is discovered on a dark surface, what color of fingerprint powder might be used?


What is the best source of DNA when working with hair samples?

Follicular tissue

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