Final for stress management

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social support consists of all of the following

tangible support, emotional support, and informational support

The time management technique in which tasks are prioritized is known as

A,B,C lists

What is true about nonverbal body language?

It can be a primary mode of communication

All of the following are true about "I" statements EXCEPT

When we use "I" the other person is less likely to listen

Expressing yourself and satisfying your own needs, feeling good about it, and not hurting others in the process is known as

assertive behavior

The assertion theory is based upon the premise that every person has certain basic rights.


When trying to resolve a conflict, you should do all of the following except

use "but" and "and"

Time management skills include which of the following?

prioritizing and scheduling tasks

If the items on this list never get done, it would not greatly affect your life.

C list

Social support results in which of the following benefits?

helping patients adjust to their illnesses, improve immune system effectiveness, and decreasing cortisol secretion during stress

People who never say "No" are rarely stressed.


As a first step in managing your time better, you might want to analyze how you are currently spending your time.


Getting others to do those things that need to be done, but that do not need your personal attention, is known as


All of your goals should be equally important.


Relating your feelings regarding another person’s behavior is which component of DESC ?


When resolving conflicts, the more you agree, the more passive you appear.


Seeking to dominate or get your own way at the expense of others is known as

aggressive behavior

Communication by body posture often says as much as the spoken word.


Aggressive nonverbal communication would include which of the following?

leaning forward with glaring eyes, clenching fists, hands placed on hips, and shaking head

The acronym DESC stands for all of the following terms, except


The purpose of the communication process is to convince someone that your point of view is correct.


Social support can help prevent stressors from occurring in the first place, but it cannot help once a stressor has been encountered.


Sacrificing your own needs or wants to meet someone else’s needs or wants is know as

nonassertive behavior

Paraphrasing a speaker’s words and feelings is known as

reflective listening/active listening

Which of the following are techniques for managing anxiety?

environmental planning, self-talk, and thought stopping

A state of mind that includes 3 factors: committment, control, and challenge is known as


The belief that one is either the victim of circumstances or the master of circumstances, each of which is erroneous, is known as

co-creator perception deficiency

Researchers have developed two components of Type A behavior that appear to opperate in opposite directions. These two components are;

impatience/irritability and achievement striving

The unrealistic fear that manifests itself in physiological arousal and is accompanied by the behavioral signs of escape or avoidance is


If a person is having a panic attack, which of the following is most likely to occur?

heart rate will increase

Hardiness has been shown to do all of the following except

decrease one’s ability to experience strong emotions

Self-efficacy plays a role in

academic stress levels, life satisfaction, occupational stress, relationship stress

A method of coping with anxiety that consists of examining irrational beliefs is known as

ABCDE technique

Humor has been shown to

improve tolerance of pain, decrease the stress response, improve functioning of the immune system

The perception that one has control over events that affect one’s life is known as

internal locus of control

Either imagining or encountering an anxiety-provoking stimulus while practicing relaxation is known as

systematic desensitization

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Type A behavior?


How highly you regard yourself is known as


Anxiety tht is either temporry in nature or specific to a particular stimulus is known as

state anxiety

A behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive, with no free-floating hostility and no sense of urgency, is called:

Type B

A general sense of anxiety not specific to a particular stimulus is known as

trait anxiety

Self-efficacy is the personal belief that the self

can be successful

People with Type C behavior tend to exhibit all of the following traits except

an unusual ability to cope with high stress levels

Feelings of terror that strike suddently and repeatedly with no warning are known as

panic disorder

Resilient traits include all of the following except


The perception that one has little control over events that affect one’s life is known as

external local of control

A feeling of intense and disabling self-conscieousness with an intense and persistent feeling of being watched, judged, and evaluated in a negative manner is called

social phobia

An intense fear of something that poses little or no actual danger is known as a or an

specific phobia

People with Type D behavior tend to exhibit all of the following traits except

lack of inhibition

In a study by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the most common form of CAM is


A person’s view of life’s meaning, direction, purpose, and connectedness to other things, other people, and the past and future is known as


Which of the following has been associated with spiritual health?

ability to experience love, joy, peace and fulfillment, abiity to achieve and help others achieve full potential, ability to discover and express one’s purpose in life, adherence to religious doctrine

At stress reduction clincs, patients use which techniques to learn how to live in the moment and become acutely aware of feelings, thoughts, and sensations?

mindfulness meditation

Prayers that seeks divine intervention either to prevent an occurance or to help overcome it as known as

intercessory prayer

Research investigations in which neither the research subject nor the data collectors are aware of who is in the control group and who is in the experimental group are known as


An organized entity in which people have common beliefs and engage in common practices relevant to spirituality is known as


Attempts to change a situation (similar to problem-focused coping) are known as

primary control

An attempt to control oneself or one’s emotional reactions is known as

secondary control

Turning over an entire situation to a source beyond the self is


Research has hypothesized that volunteering is associated with with of the following?

social support, healthier habits, better physical functioning

Spirituality can function as

either primary or secondary control

A condition in which people are living a "life story" that is inconsistent with their beliefs and values is called

spiritual disease

Forgiveness has been shown to have all of the following health benefits, except

lower likelihood of having an accident

Forgiving others has been found to be associated with which of the following?

reduced stress, improved mental health, effective families, marital satisfaction

Freely giving of your talent and/or time without the expectation of a tangible incentive is


A good time to meditate is

before rising

Mantra is defined as

a word used as the object of focus during meditation

The abiiity to switch off irrelevant brain networks and maintain an internal focus is


Meditation has been demonstrated to have positive effects on blood pressure, heart rate and eating disorders


Herbert Benson’s relaxation response is also known as secular meditation


When meditating, you should set your alarm to alert you when 20 minutes has passed


When meditating, try hard to get your muscles to relax


One of the key processes of meditation is learning to separate mind and body.


Which of the following should be avoided before meditating?

Coca-cola, cigarettes, coffee

The primary purpose of meditation is to

gain control over your attention

When practicing meditation, it’s a good idea to try meditating in a noisy environment to see if you really know how to relax "under pressure."


Relaxation techniques for cognitive issues include

progressive relaxation

Another name for trophotropic response is

relaxation response

Guidelines for relaxation techniques found in your textbook are based on

both cognitive and physical issues

Meditation has been demonstrated to have positive effects on blood pressure, heart rate and eating disorders


Visualization of relaxing images starts by

rotating the eyeballs inward and upward

A process by which one muscle group is relaxed, then another muscle group is relaxed, is called

progressive relaxation

The sensation of heaviness experienced during autogenics is caused by

muscles relaxing

Autogenic training uses the bodily sensations of heaviness and warmth to relax and then expand this relaxed state to the mind through the use of


Which of the following is not one of the six initial stages of autogenics?

focus on reducing blood pressure

Other names for__________ are Jacobsonian relaxation and neuromuscular relaxation.

progressive relaxation

The contraction phase of progresive relaxation is designed to help people better recognize when they are


Autogenics has been shown to benefit to benefit the following types of people, except

people with restless leg syndrome

A relaxation technique that involves imagining one’s limbs to be heavy, warm, and tingling is called

autogenic training

A (an) _________ in alpha brain waves, a sign of mental relaxation, occurs as a result of autogenics


The generalized warmth experienced during autogenics is a function of the dilation of

blood vessels

The term autogenic means


There are _________ basic body positions to perform autogenics


Signs and symptoms of tension in the body include

body feeling stiff, difficulty sitting comfortably, trembling hands

Using as many senses as you can during imagery will

make the image as real as possible

A process by which one muscle group is relaxed, then another muscle group is relaxed, is called

progressive relaxation

A relaxation technique that involves manipulating points in the body that are muscularly tense is called.


A six-step relaxtion technique that results in relaxation in seconds is called

quiet reflex

A relaxation technique that searches for relaxed body parts and transports that sensation to less relaxed areas is called

body scanning

Pressing down on points of the body where knots or bands of muscle tension frequently occur is called


________ is focusing your attention on the present moment.


Deep breathing that expands the belly rather than the chest is called

diaphragmatic breathing

Body postures used during the practice of yoga are called


Which of the following is an example of a biofeedback instrument?

basal body thermometer

The three phases of biofeedback include all of the following

measuring, converting, feeding back

A massage technique that massages a "reflex zone" in the foot in which damage to body parts is throught to be manifested is called


The use of plant material added to massage oil thought to have pharmacological qualities that improve health is called


Biofeedback that measures temperature is called

thermal feedback

The most relaxing and healthy type of breathing is

diaphragmatic breathing

The use of electronic instruments or other techniques to monitor and change subconscious activities, many of which are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, is called


Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback measures

muscle contractions

____________ offers you a way to maximize your success in a behavior change program by allowing you to fit the change into your particular circumstances


Someone who is unaware of the problem or the need to change is in which phase of Stages of Change?


All the activities in which people engage are called

lifestyle behaviors

Core properties of effective goal setting include

how specific and difficult the goal is, the anticipated effects of achieving the goal, feedback regarding the goal

Rewarding yourslf with concert tickets for staying on your exercise routine for two weeks is known as

material reinforcement

One’s opinion of how effective the recommended health behavior is in reducing the risk or seriousness of a condition, disease, or illness is called

perceived benefit

Someone who continues the changed behavior over time is in which phase of the Stages of Change?


Reasons that interfere with someone engaging in behaviors that he or she wishes to engage in are called


A barrier to your success in reducing your weight would be

when a friend drops by with a favorite high-calorie desert

Variables associated with Goal Setting Theory include:

self-efficacy, proximal and distal goal setting, moderately difficult goal setting

"I can take charge of my own health" is a statement made by someone exhibiting

internal locus of control

If you begin a new exercise program by exercising for 20 minutes one day each week and gradually increase the number of days you exercise, then increase the duration each session, you are adopting a process known as


"Because I broke my goal of not smoking a cigarette today, I won’t watch TV tonight" is an example of


Cues to action include

strategies to activate and encourage healthy behaviors

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