Exam- 02.08 The History of Photography Quiz

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William Henry Fox Talbot invented which of the following?
A. Calotype
B. Daguerreotype
C. Collodion process
D. Bellows camera

A. Calotype

Who created the first photograph?
A. George Eastman
B. John Herschel
C. Joseph Nicephore Niepce
D. William Henry Fox Talbot

C. Joseph Nicephore Niepce

What camera introduced the concept of a "snap-shot"?
A. Ur-Leica
B. Talbotype
C. Daguerreotype
D. Brownie

D. Brownie

Count Sergei Lvovich Levitsky invented which of the following?
A. Collodion process
B. Digital imaging
C. Dry plates
D. Bellows camera

D. Bellows camera

Autochrome Lumiere was which of the following?
A. A color process
B. A bellows camera
C. A type of wet plate
D. The first digital camera

What was the benefit of a caloytpe over a daguerreotype?
A. The quality was much better.
B. It provided digital images.
C. Multiple copies of the photograph could be made.
D. All of the above.

C. Multiple copies of the photograph could be made.

When did Kodak introduce film photography to the commercial market?
A. 1840s
B. 1860s
C. 1880s
D. 1900s

C. 1880s

What substance was the first photograph made from?
A. Bitumen
B. Silver
C. Lemon juice
D. Acidic acid

A. Bitumen

The calotype was named after the Greek word kalos, meaning "beautiful."
A. True
B. False

A. True

The development of instant cameras is generally credited to Oskar Barnack, an American scientist.
A. True
B. False

B. False

The term "photography" was first used in about 1839 by Sir John Herschel.
A. True
B. False

A. True

The first glass negative was invented in 1934.
A. True
B. False

B. False

The collodion process was significantly more expensive than the cost of a daguerreotype.
A. True
B. False

B. False

The daguerreotype process was inexpensive and easy for just about anyone to use.
A. True
B. False

B. False

The collodion process used wet plates, which were glass plates that had been covered with a mixture of chemicals before being placed in the camera for the exposure.
A. True
B. False

A. True

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