Digital Photography 1 A Unit TWO- The History of Photography

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Most stock agencies do not have their images online because of privacy issues.


Who created the first photograph?

Joseph Nicephore Niepce

The pinhole camera was invented in 1811.


What substance was the first photograph made from?


In the early days of photography, cameras were limited to professional photographers because of the knowledge needed to work the cameras and develop the images with various chemicals.


The development of instant cameras is generally credited to Oskar Barnack, an American scientist.


The Calotype was named for the Greek meaning: beautiful picture.


The term photography was first used in about 1839 by Sir John Herschel.


The collodian process used wet plates, which were glass plates that had been covered with a mixture of chemicals before being placed in the camera for the exposure.


What was the first commercial photography process?


The first glass negative was invented in 1934.


When did stock photography agencies begin?


Autochrome Lumiere was which of the following?

A color process

By the 1850s, Daguerreotypes cost anywhere from 50 cents to $10 apiece.


The technology that contributed to digital cameras came from spy satellites used during the Cold War.


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