Developmental Psychology Midterm Quizlet

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What does your text suggest is the most significant physical development of middle childhood?

Improvement in fine motor coordination that makes it possible to write, play a musical instrument, paint, and draw

A child who has difficulty mastering specific academic skills such as reading, but who has normal intelligence and no physical or sensory handicaps, might be categorized as having which of the following?

Continued myelination of the frontal lobes and reticular formation and the nerves that link the two

Which of the following pose the most significant health risks among school-aged children?

Accidents and obesity

Researchers estimate that about 85% of bike-related head injuries could be prevented by

requiring children to wear helmets while riding bicycles.

Public health officials believe that the current levels of obesity among children and adults in the United States can be attributed to which of the following?

Decreased physical activity and increased consumption of high-calorie convenience food

Why would a group of preoperational children find magic tricks uninteresting?

Because they don’t understand natural laws.

Which of the following is the best example of a child’s use of inductive logic?

Imani’s teacher was kind on the first day of class. From that he assumed that she is probably a nice person.

Anthony knows that not everyone goes to college and those who do are not guaranteed to graduate. From this he decided that college is probably difficult as well as time consuming. What type of logic did Anthony use to draw these conclusions?

Deductive logic

Which of the following terms do developmentalists use to refer to the ability to make efficient use of short-term memory capacity

Processing efficiency

Which of the following is considered to be the basis of children’s cognitive development, according to most theorists?

Increases in processing efficiency with age

Which of the following terms applies to thinking about how to think?


Which of the following is NOT one of the information processing strategies described in your text?


During the middle childhood years, the main focus of education is on which of the following?

The ability to read and write

When I.Q. tests are developed, the scores are determined by comparing individual students’ scores to an overall average attained by giving the same test to large numbers of similar individuals. This process describes which of the following strategies?


Who is the theorist who proposed the idea of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner

Sternberg’s theory proposes three components of intelligence. What are they?

Contextual, experiential and componential

Which of the following is NOT a common reason why parents choose to homeschool their children?

Their children have learning or physical disabilities.

Which of the following summarizes a basic educational difference when comparing students from the United States and Asia?

Many U.S. students are dependent on calculators rather than their own math skills.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding girls’ and boys’ physical development during middle childhood?

Boys are more advanced than girls in the development of fine motor coordination.

The authors of your text describe the period of early childhood in terms of which of the following?

"Stepping out"

When four-year-old Deidra wants an item or an activity, she will attack her parents with her fists until they laughingly and protestingly give her what she wants. Her parents’ decision to give into Deidra’s demands in this fashion

will reinforce her behavior and possibly create a long-lasting pattern of aggression and defiance.

Which of the following is a central theme that emerges from both Freud’s and Erikson’s view of development during the preschool period?

Families must balance their children’s emerging skills and desire for autonomy with their parental need to protect and control their children

According to Li-Grining how do children learn impulse control?

Through social interactions which apply both positive reinforcement and negative punishment

Tommy is a difficult child. His parents have finally given up on trying to control his impulsive behaviors. How is this likely to influence Tommy’s social relationships?

He is likely to have difficulty forming social relationships.

Which of the following best describes egocentric empathy?

When a child attempts to ease another’s discomfort by offering something that they, themself would find comforting

Guilt, shame and pride are all examples of which of the following?

Moral emotions

According to Koenig, Cicchetti & Rogosch (2004) what is likely to happen to a child who does not have a warm trusting relationship with their parents?

They will not develop moral emotions.

When 4-year-old Mariella thinks of activities, behaviors, or personal characteristics as being "for mommy" or "for daddy", she is using which of the following?

Gender schemas

Multicultural studies have found similar gender stereotypes across cultures. Which of the following is NOT a common gender stereotype for men?


Multicultural studies have found similar gender stereotypes across cultures. Which of the following is NOT a common gender stereotype for women?


Which of the following is an accurate statement about cross-gender behavior in childhood?

Adults may disapprove of boys’ cross-gender behavior because they fear it will lead to homosexuality.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about attachment relationships of children in early childhood?

Four- and five-year-olds who are securely attached to their parents are more likely than insecurely attached children to have positive relationships with their preschool teachers.

Which of the following best defines the term parenting styles?

The characteristic strategies that parents use to manage children’s behaviors

According to research, which parental characteristic is most consistently related to children’s secure attachments, altruistic and empathetic behaviors, and school achievements?

Warmth and nurturance

Which parenting style has the most consistently positive outcomes?


Which parenting style is associated with the most socially competent children?


Which of the following is the most likely reason that African American and Asian American families use an authoritarian parenting style with their children?

Authoritarian parenting is believed to help children succeed and attain important goals.

Which of the following is NOT a negative consequence of spanking as a form of discipline?

Withdrawal from both parents

Which statement regarding family structure and ethnicity is true?

Single parent families are more common among African Americans and Native Americans than other groups.

Children of gay or lesbian parents

are likely to be heterosexual.

Which of the following is perhaps the most important factor that negatively affects children after a divorce?

The shift away from an authoritative parenting style

The preschool years, from age two to age six, include which two of Erikson’s stages of development?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt; initiative versus guilt

Holding a pencil to write or draw requires which of the following?

Fine motor skills

Research shows which of the following to be true regarding children who are enrolled in Head Start or a similar enriched preschool program?

They are more likely to achieve in school and to graduate from high school.

During the preschool years, parents can expect their children to gain how many inches in height each year?

2-3 inches

Preschoolers gain an average of how many pounds per year?


Which of the following terms describes when the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex undergo functional specialization?


Recent research supports the theory that handedness is the result of which of the following?


Parents can expect their pre-schoolers to get a cold

4-6 times a year

Which of the following is FALSE with regard to child abuse in the United States?

There are no laws requiring that child abuse be reported to the authorities.

Which of the following characteristics increases the risk that a child would be abused

Having a difficult temperament

According to Piaget, at about age two, children begin to use which of the following in their thinking?


When Mickey was five, he gave his mother a dead frog for her birthday. Mickey didn’t understand why his mother didn’t like her gift, because he thought the frog was cool. This represents what type of thinking?


Which of Piaget’s stages is characterized by symbolic representation and egocentrism?


Knowledge of words such as want, need and think is associated with the development of

the theory of mind.

According to Case, working memory is also known as which of the following?

Short-term storage space

Which of the following refers to a child’s ability to think about or evaluate the quality of her thinking?


A three-year-old child who uses language as a guide to solving problems, such as saying "Put it there" to himself as he builds a tower of blocks, is using which of the following?

Private speech

Which of the following terms defines the ability to link new words to real world referents?


When children have learned a basic rule of language, such as how to form a plural or a past tense, and then begin to apply the rule when it seems correct, even though it is incorrect, what are they doing?


Children whose IQ scores are below ________ are often referred to as retarded, and those who score above ________ are often called gifted.

70 and who have problems with adaptive behavior; 130

Researchers who have analyzed IQ scores of adopted twins have found that identical twins are more like one another in IQ than fraternal twins are. They also have found that IQs of adopted children are more strongly correlated with the IQs of their biological parents than with the IQs of their adoptive parents. These research results suggest

that intelligence has a genetic component.

Dr. Sarrett is giving five-year-old Teesa a pre-kindergarten physical examination. When Dr. Sarrett asks Teesa to jump up and down and hop on one leg, What is the Doctor testing?

Gross motor skills

Roberto is 11 months old. He smiles a lot, is generally cheerful and shows little anxiety around strangers. Which type of temperament does Roberto have?


From The Real World on page 166: the optimal teacher/child ratio for children under age 2 is


In the Harlow monkey studies, with which "mother" did the infant monkeys spend the most time?

The mother covered in terrycloth

According to Bowlby’s theory of attachment which of the following will a child have developed by age 5 years?

An internal model that includes self, mother and relationships in general

All of the following statements about attachment are true EXCEPT:

Attachment to fathers is not as strong because mothers have a biological advantage.

Which of the following is a term applied to an infant’s cry and protest at being left with someone other than their primary caregivers?

Separation anxiety

Callie, age 11 months, went to the circus with her mother. When a clown came bouncing up to Callie’s stroller, Callie was anxious and looked at her mother. When Callie’s mother began to laugh at the clown, Callie joined in the laughter. Callie’s behavior is called

social referencing.

Which of the following terms is used to describe children who readily separate from their caregivers and seem to enjoy exploring their surroundings?

Securely attached

Julie’s mother is extremely busy with her job, which she does at home. Some days Julie’s mom is responsive and attentive, other days she is so overwhelmed by work that she is emotionally unavailable. Which of the following attachment styles is Julie likely to develop?


Which of the following statements is true about attachment?

According to your text, the quality of attachment in infancy predicted sexual dysfunction in adults better than a sexual abuse history did.

The emotional and behavioral predispositions present at birth are thought to be the foundation of personality. These predispositions are collectively referred to as


Which of the following is true regarding the long-term stability of temperament?

Most studies have found that the basic temperament of a child stays relatively stable at least through age 12

________ is the process of selecting experiences based on temperament.


How does a child develop a subjective self?

By understanding her ability to have an effect on her environment

Which of the following statements about gender and temperament is true?

Temperament differences between boys and girls are smaller than what is perceived by parents and other adults

Megan is a toddler who participated in an experiment. Her mother placed a dot of rouge on her nose and sat her in front of a mirror to see if she would reach for the mirror or her own nose in order to touch the red spot. If Megan reaches for her own nose, she is demonstrating


At what age do self-conscious emotions typically arise?

18 months

Which of the following is NOT a self-conscious emotion


All-in-all what seems to be the most important factor in cognitive development in children?

Appropriate levels of stimulation

Which of the following statements about social development and day care is true?

Children in nonparental care seem to have a higher rate of insecure attachment than children with exclusively maternal care.

What is the crisis of Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development?

Trust versus mistrust

According to your text, which of the following statements is correct concerning challenges to Piaget’s theories?

Piaget underestimated the cognitive abilities of infants.

What is Piaget’s first stage of cognitive development?


Which of the following theorists is credited with the development of the behaviorist perspective of language?

B.F. Skinner

Children learn rules of grammar before they learn the exceptions to them. In other words, the errors they make in language are associated with rules, not random patterns, as behaviorists suggested. This criticism represents the ideas of whom?

Noam Chomsky

In some languages, nouns and verbs are stressed sounds and children who speak those languages seem to learn nouns and verbs first. In other languages, prefixes and suffixes are stressed and children learn those sounds first. This idea that children are preprogrammed to focus on "stressed" sounds is a part of which view of language development?


What terminology would some theorists use to describe the innate language processor that children are born with?

Language acquisition device

Receptive is to expressive as

understanding is to producing.

The average two year old has a vocabulary of about how many words?


Naming explosion typically occurs around what age?

16 – 24 months

Which of the following is a term that linguists use to describe the average sentence length?

Mean length of utterance

With regard to language development, which statement is FALSE?

Babies in Asian cultures babble before they coo.

What is the most widely used test that attempts to measure the intelligence of infants?

Bayley Scales

Infant intelligence tests primarily gauge intelligence by measuring

sensory and motor skills.

According to your text, some researchers suspect that, among infants, which of the following might be a good predictor of later intelligence test scores?

Rates of habituation

Which of the following best defines intelligence?

The ability to take in and use information to function within a particular environment.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Mozart Effect?

Several studies have replicated and supported the original research.

Which of the following is true regarding extraordinary amounts of intellectual stimulation in infancy?

It does little, if anything, to enhance cognitive development?

Permanent changes in behavior that result from experience are examples of


At birth we lack the ability to perceive, think, or use language because which area of our brain is not well developed?


The "visual cliff" is used to measure which of the following?

Depth perception

Your brain has the ability to change in response to experience. This ability is known as


According to many neurophysiologists, which of the following will result in the pruning of redundant neural pathways and the selective retention of the most efficient pathways in an infant’s brain?


What effect does watching television have on the developing brain?

Toddlers might improve their vocabulary and social skills by watching high-quality television programs.

Which of the following is typically true of parents in the United States?

They view an infant’s erratic sleep patterns as a problem that needs to be fixed

Your friend Olga is a new, first-time mother. Her three-month-old infant has shown an increase in crying over the past weeks. She doesn’t know whether this is because she is picking the child up every time that it cries. She is asking you for advice. What would you say to her?

It is normal for crying to increase over the first 6 months of life and picking her child up will not reinforce the crying.

If two-month-old Andrew has colic, which of the following characteristics will be most noticeable to his parents?

His intense crying

Kaye has just mastered sitting up without support. About how old would you expect Kaye to be?

7 months old

Most experts recommend that an infant’s first solid food be

an iron-fortified single-grain cereal, such as rice.

Immunizations are most effective if begun at what time in a child’s life?

The first month

What is the special, often unexpected urgency in treating infants’ respiratory illnesses promptly?

Respiratory illnesses may affect the ears, and ear infections may impair hearing and interfere with the development of brain areas that are essential for language development.

Which the following is NOT associated with SIDS?

Greater than average birth weight

Which of the following is the simplest precaution that a parent can take to reduce the risk of SIDS?

Position the infant on his/her back to sleep

In the United States, which group has the highest infant mortality rate?

African Americans

Seth is six weeks old. You are holding three balloons in your hand: one red, one blue and one green. Which of the following statements is most likely true?

Seth has already developed the required cones in his eyes to differentiate between the three different colored balloons.

The five basic flavors that humans register are

sweet, sour, bitter, umami, salty.

Habituation is best defined by which of the following?

The decline in attention that occurs because a stimulus becomes too familiar

Researchers determine an infant’s interest in an object by measuring which of the following?

How long they look at the object

What is the name of the process of creating new synapses which happens very quickly in the first couple of years after birth?


Which of the following is a correct statement about the events leading up to conception?

After ejaculation, sperm travel the following path: the woman’s vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tube.

Which of the following aspects of neonatal functioning is NOT assessed by the Apgar scale?

Babinski reflex

What is the difference between gametes and all other body cells?

Gametes contain only 23 chromosomes, other body cells contain 46

Which of the following is true of identical twin studies?

The study of monozygotic twins is important because it helps us, to some extent, identify genetic versus environmental causes of behavior.

Phyllip has red hair, which comes from a recessive gene. This must mean that Phyllip received the gene from

both parents.

Which of the following is true of a trait that is passed through mitochondrial inheritance?

It is passed from a mother to her children

Janae and Sean are siblings who come from a family with a history of anxiety. Janae is somewhat anxious but generally takes things in stride. Sean, however, is always concerned about his health, his job, and his family even when there is no reason to be concerned. Which of the following concepts proposed by Michael Rutter best explains the difference between Janae and Sean?

Multi-factorial inheritance

Which of the following individuals has the greatest risk for bearing a child with trisomy 21?

Mrs. Black, age 45

Which of the following does NOT happen during the first trimester of pregnancy?

The cervix thins and begins to stretch.

Which of the following is associated with the second trimester of pregnancy?

Movements of the fetus

Salina is becoming emotionally attached to her unborn fetus. Her breasts are secreting colostrum. Salina is most likely in which trimester?


The human brain develops before the reproductive system. This fact is part of which of the following?

The cephalocaudal growth pattern

A normally developing fetus has reached a length of 12 inches and weighs about one pound. Using ultrasound it is possible to tell if the fetus is male or female. In which stage of development is this fetus?


Which of the following correctly lists the stages of prenatal development in order of progression?

Germinal, embryonic, fetal

Which of the following is the best example of the proximodistal principle of development during the prenatal period?

The spinal cord develops before the arms.

Which stage begins when implantation is complete and continues through organogenesis?

Embryonic stage

Organogenesis is

the process by which the basic structures of the embryo’s organs, organ systems, and body parts are completed.

Nadia is exposed to high levels of radiation during the 6th, 7th and 8th weeks of gestation. Which of the following organ structures in the fetus are most likely to show abnormalities?

Virtually all organ systems are vulnerable during this time

Which of the following best summarizes our understanding of the effects of maternal cocaine use on fetuses and infants?

The effects are not clearly understood because it is difficult to separate the effects of cocaine from those of poverty and other drugs.

Mrs. Lincoln is receiving information and advice about prenatal care from her health care team. With regard to alcohol, what advice will they most likely give Mrs. Lincoln?

Avoid alcohol entirely

Pregnant women should eat foods high in folic acid, such as beans or spinach, during pregnancy. What is the purpose of this dietary recommendation?

To reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida

hen researchers have examined the relationship between maternal emotions and prenatal development, the most consistent finding has been that

fetuses of severely distressed mothers tend to grow more slowly.

Which of the following is NOT a commonly used prenatal diagnostic procedure?


Which of the following is the final stage of labor?

Delivery of the placenta

The nucleus of the typical human cell contains how many chromosomes?

23 pairs

What is the ULTIMATE goal of developmental theories?

To predict behavior.

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of human development places primary emphasis on

the interactions among the contexts in which children live and develop.

Jada saw some money on the kitchen table. She really wanted to take it but her conscience kept her from it. Which part of Jada’s personality is telling her that it would be socially unacceptable to take the money?


According to Freud’s model of personality, which of the following best demonstrates the functioning of the id?

Stealing a CD because you really want it

From No Easy Answers on page 29: Which of the following is the MOST correct statement regarding repressed memories?

The perpetrators of abuse are more likely to forget the incidents than are the victims.

Freud is to psychosexual as Erikson is to ________.


Erikson’s is a psychosocial theory because it involves which type of interactions?

Between internal drives and cultural demands

Erikson’s dilemma of intimacy vs isolation is associated with what developmental age?

18 – 30 years

Watson believed that children could be trained to do anything through

manipulation of the environment.

In classical conditioning, if the sour taste of lemon juice automatically causes your mouth to pucker, the lemon juice is the ________ and the pucker of lips and tongue is the ________

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

Behavior is more likely to reoccur if

it has been reinforced.

A boy is pestering his mother for candy in the grocery store, whining for ten minutes and saying things like, "I want candy! Please? Just this once! Oh, come on, Mom,please?" His mother ignores him for ten minutes, but finally gives in and says, "Oh, all right. Here it is. Just stop whining!" If the boy engages in more whining in the future, and the mother gives in even more easily, which of the following would apply to the mother?

Negative reinforcement

Miguel is expected to clean his room and to empty all trash in the house. When Miguel forgets his chores, he is grounded. Which of the following has been appropriately applied if Miguel remembers to do his chores?

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following theorists is primarily responsible for social-cognitive learning theory?

Albert Bandura

Which of the following best summarizes social-cognitive learning theory?

Rewards and punishers are not always necessary as children learn through observing siblings’ interactions with their parents.

According to Bandura, which of the following terms best describes the expectancies we acquire about what we can and cannot do?


Which of the following theories is concerned with the developmental aspects of thinking, memory and logic?


Which of the following best defines the word scheme according to Piaget?

Cognitive structures that guide behaviors and actions

During which of Piaget’s stages does the child learn to to manipulate ideas, concrete objects or events, and to use abstract ideas and hypothetical situations in solving problems?

Formal operations

Jan likes to fix her own breakfast but the milk carton is too heavy for her to manage on her own. Her mother pours milk into a special pump dispenser just for Jan. Which of the following has Jan’s mother provided?


"Social interactions are the most important contributors to a child’s healthy development." Which of the following theories would most likely support this statement


Information processing theorists liken the human mind to

a computer.

Which of the following is NOT true of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory?

Most of the current research contradicts Vygotsky’s ideas.

Which of the following is particularly useful in research that is the focus of behavioral genetics?

Identical twins

Psychoanalytic theorists suggests that human development depends on

the influence of internal drives and emotions upon behavior.

Who was the philosopher who believed that children are born with a mind which is a blank slate?

John Locke

After reading chapter one, which of the following should you be able to apply to your daily life?

You will have some tools to critically evaluate research and make an informed decision as to applying the research findings to your daily life.

Which of the following best describes your text’s approach to human development?

Human development begins at birth and continues throughout the lifespan.

The three broad categories that are used to classify changes over the lifespan are called?

domains of development.

Which of the following are central to the nature-nurture controversy?

Biological process and experiential factors

Which of the following accurately defines the concept of inborn biases?

Babies are born with built-in tendencies to respond to stimulation or experience in certain ways.

Our sense of "the right time" to go to college, marry, have children, or retire is determined by our?

social clock.

The basic idea that there may be significant periods in development when an organism is especially sensitive to the presence or absence of some particular kind of experience or influence is referred to as a?

critical period

Which of the following best defines sensitive period?

A specific period in development when an organism is particularly responsive to specific forms of experience or particularly influenced by their absence.

Which of the following are members of the same cohort?

A high school student in California and a high school student in Florida

Which of the following best defines a system of meanings and customs shared by an identifiable group and transmitted across generations?


Which of the following best describes the goals of developmental science?

To describe, explain, predict & influence development

Sets of statements that propose general principles to explain development are known as?


Predictions that can be tested in an effort to explain human development are known as?


The Maple Leaf Elementary School counselor, social worker and the parents of eight-year-old Jimmy Jackson are working as a cooperative team to determine why Jimmy exhibits a pattern of highly aggressive behavior toward his peers and teachers. Jimmy’s behavior has been extensively observed, he has been subjected to a battery of psychological tests, and his parents have been interviewed. This in-depth examination of Jimmy Jackson is an example of what?

a case study

How does observation in the laboratory differ from naturalistic observation?

The researcher in a laboratory setting has some level of control over the variables which might influence the participants’ behavior.

An experiment is designed to study the effects of long lectures on the sleeping behavior of college students. In such a study, the dependent variable is?

the length of time a lecture runs

Researchers designed an experiment to study the effects of a professor’s sense of humor on enrollment numbers. What is the independent variable in this study?

The college professor’s sense of humor

A new medicine for headaches is in clinical trials. The patients who are receiving this new drug are members of which group?

The experimental group

In an experiment, what do we call the group of participants who receive a neutral treatment?

control group

Which of the following is the best example of a longitudinal research study?

Dr. Cisneros initially studied a group of recently-divorced 40-year-olds to evaluate their communication skills and continued to study their interpersonal relationships for 30 years.

Which is the best term to describe when a researcher lives in a particular culture for an extended time in order to gain a detailed understanding and description of the culture?


In survey research it is very important that the participants reflect the characteristics of the whole group of people being studied. To which characteristic of the sample are we referring?


Which of the following best explains the protection from harm aspect of research ethics?

If temporary harm may be caused by the research, the researchers must provide a way to relieve that harm.

What is the term that Arnold Gesell used to describe genetically programmed sequential patterns of change such as puberty or menopause?


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