Contemporary period

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Which of the following best describes aleatory music?

aleatory is music that allows for an element of chance to enter the performance.

Which of the following is the composer for this piece?(.27)

Which of the following is the composer for this piece?

The factor that most clearly distinguishes this example from music of earlier periods is the use of:

The factor which most clearly distinguishes this example from music of earlier periods is the use of extended dissonance which doesn’t resolve directly to consonance.

The following piece was written by a leading figure of the post-WWII German avant-garde. Identify this composer.

Karlheinz Stockhausen

Given the atonal nature of this example, which of the following is the most likely composer?


Which one of these composers wrote music for prepared piano?

John Cage

Which characteristic of texture in this example is most closely associated with music of the Contemporary period?

The characteristic of texture in this example most closely associated with music of the contemporary period is a thick texture with full and frequently dissonant chords.

Audiences immediately embraced the dodecaphonic work of Arnold Schoenberg.

Audiences did not know what to make of Schoenberg’s new music, and they made their displeasure known

According to the text, what was the significance of Debussy’s work?

Debussy’s work represented the first viable alternative to tonal music.

Which of the following trends in contemporary music does this excerpt exemplify?

Jazz influence

Who composed the groundbreaking piece The Rite of Spring?

Igor Stravinsky

Given the Hungarian folk music flavor of this example, which of the following is the most likely composer?


Which of the following is the composer for this excerpt?(.31)


Given the primitive flavor of this example, which of the following is the composer?


Which of the following movements is associated with Debussy and Ravel?


Which of the following composers invented the twelve-tone system of composition?

Arnold Schoenberg

Which of the following composers was known for using folk-based fiddle tunes like the one in the following example?

Aaron Copland

Which one of the following composers’ style is most closely associated with that of the commercial music world known as Tin Pan Alley?

George Gershwin

Which of the following composers developed the concept of total theater?

Carl Orff

What unique feature of this example suggests that it was written in the Contemporary period?

The unique feature that suggests this example was written in the Contemporary period is the use of traditional instruments in different ways

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