Conservation Biology and Global Change

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Biodiversity hotspot

A relatively small area with numerous endemic species and a large number of endangered or threatened species

What did the researchers do that caused red-cockaded woodpeckers to form new breeding groups at new sites?

Constructed nesting cavities at new sites

__________ are the most affected by toxic compounds in the environment because __________

Top-level carnivores; the biomass at any given trophic level is produced from a larger biomass ingested at the level below

Scientists from Russia and Japan are attempting to resurrect the extinct woolly mammoth __________

by using well-preserved bone marrow from the thigh of a frozen mammoth

What is thought to be a possible consequence of rising CO2 levels?

Increased vegetative productivity

Loss of "flying foxes" would impact ecosystem diversity because ________

these bats are important pollinators and seed dispersers in the Pacific Islands and their loss would harm plant diversity

The greatest cause of extinction of species today is __________

habitat alteration

The natural human connection to nature and other forms of life is called __________


The reason for the decline of the greater prairie chicken in Illinois was _________

a decrease in fertility due to lack of genetic diversity in the population

The three levels of biodiversity in the correct order are _________ diversity

genetic, species, and community/ecosystem

Connections between habitat fragments are referred to as __________

movement corridors

An endangered species is one that ________

is in danger of extinction

The science that integrates all aspects of biology is called _________

conservation biology

A small population that inbreeds may ________

be drawn into an extinction vortex

One of the most impressive models of sustainable development can be seen in the __________

Costa Rican zoned reserves

The technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) uses a polymerase from _________

Thermus aquaticus

Ozone is __________

beneficial in the upper atmosphere

Mining and forestry result in _________

habitat loss

The rosy periwinkle from Madagascar is important because _________

it contains alkaloids that inhibit cancer cell growth

The branch of biology that is important in controlling overharvesting is _________

molecular biology

The destruction of the ozone layer is most directly linked to __________

the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere

Mark Shaffer, of Duke University, studied grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park to determine this threatened species’ _________

minimal viable population

Crop pollination, water purification, and moderation of weather extremes are just a few examples of __________

ecosystem services

What Central American country is a world leader in zoned reserves?

Costa Rica

How do climatologists estimate past atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

Climatologists measure the CO2 concentrations in air bubbles trapped in glacial ice

An exotic species is a(n) __________

introduced species

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