Chapter 20 Quiz

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Who was sentenced to death in a controversial criminal trial?

Nicola Sacco

The trial and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti:

demonstrated how the Red Scare extended into the 1920s.

What did Calvin Coolidge believe was the chief business of the American people?


The backbone of economic growth during the 1920s was the increased consumption of:


During the 1920s, American multinational corporations:

extended their reach throughout the world.

During the 1920s, consumer goods:

were frequently purchased on credit

In the 1920s, movies, radios, and phonographs:

helped create and spread a new celebrity culture.

During the 1920s

an estimated 40 percent of the population remained in poverty.

Agriculture in the 1920s

enjoyed its golden age

Labor unions lost members in the 1920s for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

some corporations began to provide employees with pensions and medical insurance.

The Equal Rights Amendment

proposed to eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex

For the feminist woman in the 1920s, freedom meant:

the right to choose her lifestyle.

Which would NOT be considered a characteristic of a flapper?

advocated temperance

In their 1929 study, Middletown, Robert and Helen Lynd:

argued that leisure activities and consumption had replaced political involvement.

President Harding’s call for a return to normalcy meant:

a call for the regular order of things, without excessive reform

The Teapot Dome scandal involved:

the secretary of the interior, who received money in exchange for leasing government oil reserves to private companies.

All of the statements about Prohibition during the 1920s are true EXCEPT:

Religious fundamentalists opposed Prohibition on the grounds that it violated freedom

The Scopes trial illustrated a divide between:

modernism and fundamentalism

The Scopes trial of 1925:

pitted creationists against evolutionists.

Many forces predisposed Ku Klux Klan members to accept the group’s exclusionary message without much analysis. These forces included all of the following EXCEPT:

Coolidge’s economic policies.

The Ku Klux Klan

flourished in the early 1920s, especially in the North and West.

The 1924 Immigration Act:

set quotas that favored immigration from southern and eastern Europe.

Besides work and school, the most active agents of Americanization during the 1920s were

dance halls, department stores, and movie theaters.

Cultural pluralism

described a society that gloried in ethnic diversity.

Which city was considered the "capital" of black America?


The Harlem Renaissance

included writers and poets such as Langston Hughes and Claude McKay.

Which issue became the focus of the 1928 presidential race?

the fact that Alfred Smith was Catholic

In 1928, Herbert Hoover:

won the presidency, primarily because of his sterling reputation and the general, apparent prosperity of the nation.

All of the following statements about the 1924 Immigration Act are true EXCEPT:

the 1924 Immigration Act sought to ensure that more immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe than from northern and western Europe.

All of the following are examples of economic foreign policy designed to improve American business EXCEPT:

rejecting the League of Nations.

During the Scopes trial, Clarence Darrow, the defense lawyer, questioned whom as a supposedly expert witness about the Bible?

William Jennings Bryan

The flapper:

epitomized the change in standards of sexual behavior.

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis:

crafted an intellectual defense of civil liberties during the 1920s.

Effects of the auto industry’s growth included all of the following EXCEPT:

reducing the use of assembly-line production

DuPont emerged as a powerful corporation in the:

chemical industry

Innovations in the movie industry of the 1920s included all of the following EXCEPT

using the mass growth of commercial television to promote films

During the Harding administration, the Supreme Court:

became substantially more pro-buisness

The growth of radio and other mass media in the 1920s produced:

a national culture

Some members of the Lost Generation

created famous "jazz paintings"

Who was not a celebrity of the 1920s?

Jackie Robinson

"Banned in Boston" referred to

a book ban in the city, including books by ernest hemingway

The Red Scare was an

anti-organized labor crusade after the war disguised as being anti-communist

Robert La Follette ran for president in 1924,

as a progressive part canidate

There were many forces that predisposed potential Ku Klux Klan members to accept its exclusionary message without much analysis. These forces included all of the following except the

the birth of the Harlem Renaissance


Anti-modernist protestant movement early 20th century proclaiming the liberal truth of the Bible

Illegal alien

a person in the country unlawfully

What is the farmers plight?

Supply and demand lowered income resulting in the farmers losing their land

In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court:

argued that bans on dangerous speech were constitutional

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