Biology Quiz 3-Homeostasis

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If calcium levels within a man’s blood drop too low it can result in twitching, depression, coma, or even death. Which characteristic of life is the man being affected by?

Living things must maintain homeostasis.

Along with sensory receptors, _____ transport information to the integrating center.

signal pathways

_____ is a control mechanism that intensifies an earlier reaction.

Positive feedback

Claude Bernard first recognized _____.

separate fluids outside and inside the cell

The response of an effector is _____.

to maintain homeostasis

After receiving a stimulus, the _____ send(s) signals to the appropriate area of the body.

integrating center

Organisms have the ability to regulate their internal environment in order to maintain a steady state called _____.


Positive feedback is most like _____.

adding wood to a burning fire to increase the heat

Negative feedback is most like _____.

an air conditioner that turns on if the temperature gets too hot

Environmental change that triggers a definite action on the part of the organism serves as a(n) _____.


A plant may open and close its stomata to prevent excess water loss and maintain ____


When a woman goes into labor during childbirth, the cervix expands which sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release oxytocin which results in more contractions which results in more oxytocin being released and so on. What is happening during childbirth?

A positive feedback loop.

_____ occurs when the response serves to counteract the stimulus.

Negative feedback

How do some plants survive the intense desert heat and drought?

Plants close their stomata during times of intense heat or drought in order to prevent water loss and maintain homeostasis.

An example of maintaining homeostasis at the system level would be _____.

breathing faster while jogging

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