Biology Lab Practical

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What part of the digestive system would you see in a cross-section anterior to the gizzard of an Earthworm?

The crop

What structure in the Earthworm has a similar function as the human heart? Explain.

The aortic arches. They pump blood through dorsal and ventral vessels to the rest of the worm like our aorta pumps blood through vessels to the rest of our body.

What do two Earthworms exchange during mating? Explain your answer.

They join at the clitellum to exchange sperm and egg since earthworms have both.

Describe the difference bewtween a closed and an open circulatory system

A closed system has blood closed completely in vessels but in an open one blood is released straight into tissues and cells.

Do earthworms have a front and back end?

Yes. They have a mouth and brain at one end and an anus at the opposite end.

What characteristics distinguish an annelid from other worms?

Annelids have segmented bodies and a coelem which is a tube filled with fluid and contains most of the organs.

How many arms does a squid have? How many tentacles?

8 arms and 2 tentacles

What do the arms do and what do the tentacles do?

The arms of the squid are usually used to grasp objects while tentacles are used to capture and hold prey.

What is the function of the water jet? Does the squid swim head first or feet first?

The water jet is used for propulsion/movement of the squid. They swim head first.

What are two external features that are adaptations for the squids predatory life?

Large eyes and tentacles and arms

What are two traits that the squid shares with other mollusks?

They all have a soft body and bilateral synmetry.

How can you tell if a squid is male or female?

The male gonads are usually white and female ones are yellow.

How many gills does the squid have?


Where does the ink sac empty into and what is its function?

It emptys into the water jet and it holds ink to spray so it can defend itself by distracting predators

What is the function of the pen?

It is used to stabalize the squid for swimming

How do wastes exit the squid?

Waste travels from the anus and exits through the water jet

What does the cloaca of a shark do?

It is a catch all basin that leads to the outside

What does the rectal gland of a shark do?

It regulates the sharks salt balance

What does the spiral valve of a shark do?

It adds surface area to the intestine for digestion and absorption

What do rugae in a shark do?

They help with the churning and mixing of food with digestive juices

What do myomeres in a shark do?

Contractions of the myomeres create a side to side motion which propels the shark forward

What does the cloacal opening in a shark do?

It recieves the products of the intestine, urinary, and genital ducts

What do ampullae of Lorenzini in a shark do?

These are sense organs that are sensitive to change in temperature, water pressure, electrical fields and salinity

What do pectoral fins in a shark do?

They provide the lift the shark needs to keep from sinking (like airplane wings)

What do gill slits in a shark do?

Water taken in from the mouth and spiracles exit through them

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