Biology 115 (chapter14)

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Ecology is best defined as the study of:

The relationships between all living organisms and their environments.

On average, which leaves more offspring that survive to become adults and reproduce: a pair of elephants or a pair of rabbits?

If both populations are stable, the pair of elephants and the pair of rabbits will leave the same number of offspring that survive to become adults and reproduce.

In a population exhibiting logistic growth, the rate of population growth is greatest when N is:


In a population, as N approaches K, the logistic growth equation predicts that:

The growth rate will approach zero.

The number of individuals that can be supported in a given habitat is the:

None of the above: innate capacity for increase, biotic potential, density-dependant, or density-independant

Which of the following statements about maximum sustainable yield is incorrect?

The maximum sistainable yield for a population is a useful management guideline for harvesting plant products such as timber, but is not helpful for managing animal populations.

Dr. David Reznick has studied life history evolution in guppies that live in stream in Trinidad. Guppies are found in two different types of habitat: sites where predation is high, and sites where predation is low. Which of the following life history characteristics would you expect to evolve in a guppy population living in a high-predation site?

Increased egg number

The death rate of organisms in a population exhibiting a type III survivorship curve is:

Lower after the organisms survive beyond the earliest age groups.

Which of the following is a major tradeoff in life histories?

Growth for reproduction

Natural Selection:

Cannot weed out from a population any alleles that do not reduce an individual’s relative reproductive success, even if these alleles increase an individual’s risk of dying.

Which of the following statements about the hazard factor of a population is incorrect?

It is a measure of how quickly the individuals in a population age.

Life extension:

Has been acheived using labratory selection for delayed reproduction.

A population pyramid:

Represents the number of individuals in various age groups in a population.

A primary difference between the age pyramids of industrialized and developing countries is that:

In developing countries, much larger proportions of the population are in the youngest age groups.

Which statement best describes expectationbs for the world’s human population by the year 2010?

It will exceed 7 billion if the current rat eof increase continues.

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