Biology 101 quiz 4 study guide

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When the organism expresses a set of genes, the result is the characteristics of that organism. These characteristics are called its ____________.


The term "transcription" means the process of reading a base sequence in ____________ to generate a complementary base sequence in ____________.


Information from DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which is then transported to ribosomes. This phrase describes the role of ____________ in ____________ expression.

Life Information

Why is the word "translation" used for protein production?

The process of reading a sequence of bases in RNA and generating from it an encoded sequence of amino acids that comprises a polypeptide chain or protein.

Describe 2 major problems that transcription solves for the cell.

Expressing information selectively Finding space to express it

In the process of transcription, the base sequence in the molecule ____________ is read by the molecule ____________, an enzyme that makes RNA molecules.

RNA RNA Polymerase

In the translation process, tRNA molecules are also called "adapter" molecules. Why? What is their function?

In binding to codons on mRNA, they’ve also arranged amino acids in the correct sequence needed for translation

There are more than four kinds of amino acids in proteins. Each kind of amino acid must be coded for in mRNA. Thus, a short sequence of mRNA bases called a(n) ____________ is used to code for each amino acid in the translation process.


What is a general name for a three-dimensional, folded molecule shaped like an "L," with an anticodon at one end and an amino acid attachment site at the other end?

Transfer RNA

Transferring correct amino acids to the ribosome during elongation is a good description of the role of ____________ in the cell cytoplasm.

tRNA Synthetases

The role of the ribosome or its subunits: creating a channel for ____________ to enter and exit.


The ____________ is often represented as a chart in which a specific sequence of bases in mRNA (a codon) is used to represent each amino acid building block found in the world of proteins.

Genetic code

The genetic code is said to be degenerate. What does this mean?

A code in which several code words have the same meaning. The genetic code is degenerate because there are many instances in which different codons specify the same amino acid. A genetic code in which some amino acids may each be encoded by more than one codon.

What are the 3 essential resources that a daughter cell must get from a parent cell or from nature in order to succeed in living life?

Good supply of monomers , persistent supply of energy, and a continuous source of information to direct growth.

Life perpetuates itself at the ____________ level by acquiring monomers and energy sources at the microscopic level and by carrying out absorption, processing and growing "for" the organism.


When DNA is replicated, the two strands are first separated through breakage of ____________; each strand then becomes a ____________ against which two new strands are made.

Polymerizing nucleotides Template

List the 4 symbols/names for the 4 stages of the cell cycle.

1. Mitosis- 2. G1- 3. S- 4. G2-

List in order the stages of mitosis.

1. Prophase – Chromosomes become visible, spindle fibers form, nuclear envelope dissolves 2. Metaphase – Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. 3. Anaphase – Chromosome pairs seperate to different sides of the cell by the spindle fibers. 4. Telophase – New nuclei are formed around each grouping of Chromosomes

The nuclear membrane of the cell disintegrates during which mitotic period of the cell cycle?

Prophase 1

The mitotic stage of metaphase is most clearly defined by what organelle activity with what result?

stage of mitosis in the eukaryotic cell cycle in which chromosomes are at their most condensed and coiled stage.

The de-condensation of visible chromosomes back into chromatin fibers is a defining feature of which phase of the cell cycle?


List the 2 principle characteristics of the disease cancer.

Divide uncontrollably, dedifferentiate, and spread into other tissue.

A ____________ is a mutated form of a gene that normally directs the activation of regulatory pathways moving a cell toward division.

Oncogenes (tumor)

What would you call genes that normally direct the inhibition of cell division regulatory pathways?

The proto-oncogenes?

In healthy cells, what is the normal function of the activated ras protein?

Stimulates a cascade of regulatory alterations that results in the movement of a cell from G1, into S phase of the cell cycle.

Information for developing an animal comes from within the animal. This is a major difference between animal development and ____________ development.


List the recognized organ systems to be found within the human body.

Nervous system, endocrine system, muscular system, skeletal system, intergumentary system, circulatory system, lymphatic/immune system, respitory system, digestive system, excretatory system, reproductive system.

Summarize the structure and function of the endocrine system.

Consists of ductless glands that release hormones that are transported throughout the body by blood vessels. The endocrine system is composed of a network of glands that include the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, testes (males), ovaries (females), and placenta (in females of most species).

A sequence of human cell divisions accompanied by some growth and cell differentiation convert an early, solid ball of cells called a ____________ into a hollow ball of cells called a ____________.

Morula Blastocycst

List and distinguish all the terms that would be used to describe aspects of the three-dimensional adult form.

-Dorsal -Ventral -Anterior -Posterior -Lateral -Medial

In the three-dimensional form of the adult Dalmatian dog, what would the "front" end of the animal be named?


Your primordial (early) ____________ began as a fusion of two endocardial tubes near your midline.

Heart tube

List the 5 pre-specialized (early) regions of the brain found in a 7-week-old human embryo.

1. Telencephalon 2. Diencephalon 3. Mesencephalon 4. Metencephalon 5. Myelencephalon

Successful differentiation of early brain regions requires that cells destined to form these regions have surface receptors for both the ____________ and ____________ signal proteins.

Wnt SHH (sonic hedgehog)

What is the role of the adult cerebrum?

Sensory and motor functions

Heart rate and respiratory inhalation rate functions in the mature human adult are controlled by the ____________ ____________.

Medulla oblongata

Which part of the mature adult brain exerts a dominant control over the endocrine system?

The Thalamus : Ventral hypothalamus and pituitary gland

The brain most directly interacts with and controls the ____________ ____________ and the peripheral ____________.

Spinal Cord Periperal Nerves

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