Bio Exam #1 Chap 4 Practice Test

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Potential energy:

is contained in matter placed in certain positions or arrangements.

Every time a source of energy is converted from one form to another:

some of the energy is converted to heat, which is one of the least usable forms of kinetic energy.


occurs in all cells.

Which by-product of photosynthesis was important in altering the atmosphere of the earth so that aerobic organisms could evolve?


Which of the following products of the light reactions of photosynthesis are later employed in the Calvin cycle?


All alcoholic beverages are produced as the result of:

cellular respiration by yeast occurring in the absence of oxygen.

Bubbles come from the leaves of an Elodea plant when it is put under water because:

oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis.

A green plant can carry out photosynthesis if given nothing more than:

water, light, and air.

Life gains most of its energy from:


The carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis enters the plant through the:


Fermentation reactions generally occur under conditions of:

low oxygen concentrations.

Chlorophyll b and the carotenoids are important as receptors of light energy because they:

respond to wavelengths different from the wavelengths that chlorophyll a responds to.

Theodor Engelmann broadcast light that had been passed through a prism onto a mat of algae. This exposed different parts of the algae to different wavelengths of light. When he added aerobic bacteria to the system, he noted that the largest groups of bacteria aggregated in the areas of the algae illuminated by the blue and red light. What did Engelmann discover from this experiment?

Bacteria aggregated in the area in which the most oxygen was being released.

Photons excite electrons in chlorophyll. These electrons are then trapped by the primary electron acceptor. How does the photosystem replace the trapped electrons?

The photosystem replaces its light-excited electrons by extracting electrons from water.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which _______________ converts to ATP, the "fuel" used by all living things.

cellular respiration

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is constant; it can ____________________, but not _______________.

be transferred and transformed; created or destroyed

Which of the following is NOT a form of kinetic energy?

a covalent bond linking phosphate molecules

Which of the following is NOT a product of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide

During the Krebs cycle:

the products of glycolysis are further broken down, generating additional ATP and the high-energy electron carrier NADH.

Which of the following energy-generating processes is the only one that occurs in all living organisms?


Aerobic bacteria:

lack mitochondria.

In photosynthesis, both the first and the second photosystems:

generate energy storage molecules.

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