Art History- The Movement II- People

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How are the nudes in the images below depicted differently?

The nude in the painting on the left is depicted more maternal than erotic.

What original character did the mercenary replace in the image above?

A second woman.

What is Correggio’s most famous piece?

Assumption of the Virgin.

Who was Titian most inspired by?


What artist is depicted in the image above?


What artistic skills are best represented in the image above?

Color and form.

Correggio was known for creating _________ and ____________ effects.

Dramatic; theatrical.

In the work seen above, Correggio brought in the______________ of ___________ work.

Idealism; Raphael’s.

Which of the following is Giorgione most well known for?


What technique of Leonardo da Vinci’s is demonstrated in the fresco seen above?


Where is the image above located?

Parma Cathedral.

What does the sensuous quality of this piece suggest was its inspiration?

Classic mythical beauty as well as flesh-and-blood beauty.

Who was the above piece painted for?

The Duke of Urbino.

What is the name of the painting above?

The Tempest.

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