Art History- The Movement III- Painting

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Which of the following best illustrates Tinoretto’s planning techniques?

He created a small scale model with wax figures.

Who is the artist and what is the title of the piece above?

Pontormo, Entombment.

Who is the artist of the piece above?


All of the following encompass the style of Mannerism except _________.

Using simplistic subjects.

What was Tintoretto’s painting goal in The Last Supper?

To combine Titian’s color with Michelangelo’s drawing.

What was Bronzino’s real name?

Agnolo di Cosimo.

What is the name of the painting below?

Madonna with the Long Neck.

What artist painted the above image of The Last Supper?


How does the artist use light in the image above?

He uses one natural and one supernatural light source.

Why is the painting above considered a hallmark of 16th century painting?

The architectural details, vibrant and vivid colors, theatrical and realistic.

Why was the painting above so controversial?

The heads of the Inquisition felt it was offensive, unfocused, and blasphemous.

What artist painted the image below?


What is Mannerism?

A style from the 16th century that suggested elegance, self-awareness, and sometimes artificial grace.

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