Art history test 2 also

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Which of the following describes the Temple of "Fortuna Virilis" (Temple of Portunus), Rome?
a. pseudo-peripteral
b. peripteral
c. marble façade
d. placed on a stylobate


Which of the following is uniquely Greek in style and was imported to Rome in the first century BCE?
a. rectangular shaped temples
b. tholos style temples
c. cement façades
d. Tuscan columns


Roman temple design during the Republican period reflected the colossal design of the Greek Hellenistic
style. This can be seen in which of the following temples?
a. Temple of "Fortuna Virilis" (Portunus), Rome
b. Temple of Vesta, Tivoli
c. Pantheon, Rome
d. Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, Palestrina


Freed slaves often ordered portrait reliefs for their tombs. Which of the following is the best reason for this?
a. celebrate their new status as free
b. reminder of their former status as slaves
c. commemorate their status as Roman citizens
d. celebrate their immortality via portraiture


Which of the following structural materials allowed the architect of the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia to
raise such a grand and eloquent expression of Roman power?
a. concrete
b. marble
c. bronze rebar
d. metal armatures


The Republican portraits are usually of older men. Which of the following explains the life-like veritism of
these portraits?
a. the Hellenistic tradition of portraiture
b. the Etruscan tradition of funereal sculpture
c. the tradition of the treasured household imagines
d. the new Republican tradition of portraiture


Which of the following was the first to break with tradition and use his portrait on Roman coinage?
a. Caesar Augustus
b. Pompey
c. Julius Caesar
d. Tiberius


Which of the following would be located in a forum and would house the law court for the city?
a. stoa
b. Capitolium
c. basilica
d. arena


The Arch of Titus shows the military triumphs of Titus, returning after the successful conclusion of the Jewish Wars in 70 CE. Which of the following was also included in the sculptural program for the Arch of
a. celebration of imperial virtues
b. celebration of the ancestry of Titus
c. celebration of the birthplace of Titus
d. celebration of the reign of Nero


Flavian portraits, unlike Republican portraits, showed people of all ages and both sexes. Which of the following was one of the purposes of the portrait bust of the Flavian Woman (probably a Flavian princess)?
a. show Republican virtue
b. show divinity of the woman
c. show her Greek ancestry
d. show idealized beauty


Which of the following would describe the "baroque" style of the 2nd century CE tomb nicknamed Al-
Khazneh, the Treasury, located at Petra?
a. studied disregard for classical rules
b. studied regard for classical rules
c. experimentation with new architectural rules
d. standard use of forms and motifs to reflect Middle Eastern funerary architecture


The Pantheon was one of the most influential designs in the history of architecture. It brought new meaning to the concept of "architectural space." Which of the following descriptions characterize this influential work?
a. the design is based on the intersection of two squares
b. the design is based on the intersection of two circles
c. the design is based on the intersection of two rectangles
d. the design is based on the trapezoid


Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "First Style" of Roman painting?
a. Architectural
b. Intricate
c. Masonry
d. Ornate


A large palace/fort was built at Split in Yugoslavia by ____.
a. Julius Caesar
b. Trajan
c. Diocletian
d. Constantine


Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "Fourth Style" of Roman painting?
a. Masonry
b. Linear Fantasies
c. Dissolution of confining walls
d. Architectural Illusionism


Pompeian wall paintings of the Second Style are characterized by which of the following?
a. fantastic architecture based on the theater
b. painted copies of inlaid stonework
c. various sections, some painted decoratively
d. the wall seemingly opening up into an illusionistic landscape


Where would an oculus be found?
a. at the center of a dome
b. in the wall of a temple
c. as part of a Roman peristyle
d. in the apse of a basilica


The Emperor Trajan commissioned which of the following?
a. the Colosseum
b. an Arch of Triumph now in Paris
c. the Ara Pacis
d. the column depicting his victories


The most pronounced influence of Greek Classical art on Roman art could be seen in work done for which of
the following?
a. the Roman Republic
b. the Emperor Augustus
c. Trajan
d. Constantine


The Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia was characterized by which of the following?
a. monumental concrete barrel vaults
b. pseudo-peripteral style
c. use of bucrania
d. religious frescoes


The reliefs on the Column of Trajan are not a reliable chronological account of the Dacian campaigns; however, they do present an accurate record of the general character of the campaigns. Which of the
following also describes this narrative?
a. Dacians were depicted as insignificant with poor military skills
b. Dacians were never depicted, only Trajan was depicted
c. no active battles were depicted
d. Dacians were depicted respectfully and their skills as warriors were acknowledged


Coffering was a useful architectural device in that it performed what function?
a. helped expand interior space
b. helped lighten the weight of a dome or arch
c. supplied an accurate means of measurement for the Romans
d. enabled extensive road systems to be built


Which style of wall painting was least characteristic of Roman wall painting?
a. architectural frames
b. illusionism
c. mathematical linear perspective
d. eclecticism


The palace at Tivoli was constructed for which of the following emperors?
a. Augustus
b. Nero
c. Constantine
d. Hadrian


Christianity was recognized as the official religion of Rome in the early fourth century CE by which of the
a. Diocletian
b. Constantine
c. Marcus Aurelius
d. Trajan


In contrast to a Greek temple, Roman temples usually were ____.
a. set on a stylobate
b. constructed on a hill
c. pseudo-peripteral
d. constructed of wood


Which famous Roman building included all of the following features: barrel vaults, groin vaults, and a central
dome over an eight-sided room.
a. Pantheon
b. Basilica Ulpia
c. Colosseum
d. Villa of Mysteries


The figures from the frieze of the Villa of Mysteries are thought to depict an initiation into which of the
a. cult of Demeter
b. cult of Persephone
c. cult of Dionysus
d. cult of Sol Invictus


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