ART 1910- Chapter 1quiz

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We owe our access to Vincent van Gogh’s thoughts and feelings about many of his paintings to:

the many letters he wrote to friends and relatives.

Which is NOT a task for artists, according to the text?

To help us see the world in the same way that we see it

Which are methods used by prehistoric painters?

All of these. (reed brushes, animal fats and pigments mixed together, powdered pigments blown through hollow reeds)

Although Vincent van Gogh suffered emotionally throughout his life, he was able to give his emotions tangible form in works such as:

The Starry Night

Radiocarbon testing indicates that the earliest images made by humans date back to:

the Paleolithic Period.

According to the author, the most important meaning of an artwork is:

what it means to the viewer.

No society that we know of has lived without some form of art. The impulse to make and respond to art appears to be as deeply ingrained as the ability to:

learn language.

"All art is basically Paleolithic or Neolithic: either the urge to smear soot and grease on cave walls or pile stone on stone" was said by:

Anthony Caro

Theo van Gogh was Vincent van Gogh’s:


The most famous of Maya Lin’s work is:

the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

The oldest drawing and paintings found in the Chavet cave:

All of these (not meant to embellish their habits, establish connection with beasts, use natural pigments and charcoal, created a connection with beasts depicted)

The famous Neolithic structure in England, made of megaliths that once formed several concentric circles, is called:


The 10th-century bronze sculpture illustrated in this chapter is the work of an artist performing the role of "giving tangible form to the unknown." The unknown, in this case, is the physical form of the diety:


Theories regarding the purpose of Stonehenge included all listed EXCEPT:

the megalith configuration represented an astrological calendar.

The sculptor Constantin Brancusi spent his life searching for forms that were:

all of these: simple, pure, and timeless.

The list of traits that creative people seem to possess, given in this chapter, includes all of the following EXCEPT:


According to the author, the impulse to create art comes from basic human interests in:

all of these. (exploring aesthetic possibilities, creating order and structure, constructing images and forms that carry meaning)

The nature of perception suggests that the most important key to looking at art is:

to become aware of the process of looking at itself.

Vanitas paintings meditate on:

the fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness.

The function of artists to give tangible form to the unknown is evident in the 10th-century sculpture Shiva Nataraja through images that represent the following concepts EXCEPT:

the sculpture reports a story about a Hindu dancer.

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