Art and Appreciation-Test 1

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According to the author, one way to begin looking at art is to consider broad areas of meaning reflected in the art of many cultures throughout history. These areas of meaning are known as:


Which of the following is an example of a theme in art?

The Natural World

In the painting White Clouds over Xiao and Xiang by Wang Jian,

The painter’s inscription situates him in a centuries-old tradition of painterly and poetic meditations

Which of the following was designed as a place of worship or meditation?

Both Sainte-Chapelle and the Great Mosque at Córdoba

Iconoclasm means the ________ of images based on religious beliefs.


Cimabue’s Madonna Enthroned and Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South are similar in all these ways EXCEPT:

They share the same iconography

Whereas the Christian image by Cimabue depicts the central figure surrounded by angels, the Buddhist image in this chapter shows the central figure surrounded by enlightened beings known as:


The Egyptians imagined the ________ as resembling earthly life in every detail


Pablo Picasso’s Guernica was a protest against

The bombing of a civilian population

Pablo Picasso painted Guernica in 1937 for:

The Spanish Pavilion of the Paris World’s Fair

The subject matter of Edward Hopper’s Gas

Depict aspects of everyday life

The range of this artist’s work makes him difficult to categorize. In addition to paintings, prints, and combination pieces, he has done extensive set and costume design for Merce Cunningham and others, as well as graphic design for magazines and books.

Robert Rauschenberg

Jeff Wall’s A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai) is a ________ that refers to a ________.

Photograph; print

Eugene Delacroix’ painting, Liberty Leading the People, was created in support of:

The Revolution of 1830

The ________ often created equestrian statues of their emperors and one of the finest examples features a bearded Marcus Aurelius:


One of the most delightfully eccentric figures in the history of art is the Japanese painter and woodcut designer known as:


Meta Warrick Fuller’s poignant sculpture draws upon the_________ to create __________.

History of slavery; Talking Skull

The best-known work of the bizarrely inventive Hieronymus Bosch is

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Although this artist survived a devastating streetcar accident, she suffered crippling pain for the remainder of her life. She often painted self-portraits as though to affirm that she still existed:

Frida Kahlo

Van Gogh’s paintings are of high value because:

His work had a major influence on subsequent artists There are a limited number of his paintings He plays a large role in Western art history His paintings allow the viewer to feel with the artist himself

When discussing the size, shape, material, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its


During the Renaissance in Western Europe, ________ came to be regarded as the more elevated of the arts:

painting, sculpture, and architecture

What are the tasks of artists?

1. They create places for human experience 2. extraordinary versions of ordinary objects, 3. record and commemorate, 4. give tangible form to the unknown, 5. give tangible form to feelings and ideas 6. refresh our vision to help us see the world in new ways.

What term(s) describe artwork done by nonprofessionals?

Brut (raw art), outsider art, folk art, naive art

Philosophers determined that the pleasure of art was an intellectual pleasure and was perceived through:

disinterested contemplation

Bird in Space, Constantin Brancusi:

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Maya Lin:

The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh

Vanitas, Juan de Valdés Leal

Wheel of Fortune (Vanitas), Audrey Flack

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

Pieta, Giovanni Bellini

Seated Woman Holding a Fan, Pablo Picasso

Melodious, Vasily Kandinsky

Guernica, Pablo Picasso

Self-Portrait with Monkeys, Frida Kahlo

Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson


Latin word for "vanity" refers to the fleeting. Nature of earthly life and happiness.


of, relating to, or denoting the later part of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons and implements prevailed


Branch of philosophy dealing with feelings aroused by the sensory experiences of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.


a large stone that forms a prehistoric monument (e.g., a menhir) or part of one (e.g., a stone circle or chamber tomb) "Stonehenge"

Naturalistic Art:

A form of representational art that faithfully records light and shadow, color, and space. First communion, Pablo Picasso

Stylized Art:

A form of representational art that conforms to a present style or convection. Ex: Harthor and Sety, Detail of pillar from tomb of Sety

Abstract Art:

Uses the appearances of the world only as starting point. Certain points are selected, then exaggerated. Seated Woman Holding a Fan, Pablo Picasso

Disinterested contemplation:

Refers to looking beyond the actual, partial, and personal in search of beauty and pleasure

Trompe l’oeil:

French for "fool the eye" lifelike art. House painter III, Duane Hanson

Installation art:

Work of art meant to be entered, explored, and experienced by the viewer.


is a broad idea or a message conveyed by a work, such as a performance, a painting, a motion picture, or a video game. This message is usually about life, society or human nature.

Representational Art:

Art that represents the visible world so that a likeness can be recognized. Ex: First communion, Pablo Picasso


What a work of art is about or its subject matter.


A work of art is closely associated to the life of its creator; the tradition it grows from and responds to; the audience it was made for; and the society in which it circulated.


Identifying, describing, and interpreting subject. Knowledge of a specific time, belief, or culture can help us understand meanings that might have been missed.

Outsider Art:

Work of artwork created by a nonprofessional artist. Ex: Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations


a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus Christ on her lap or in her arms.

Know the social functions of art (What Do Artists Do?) from Chapter 1 and examples of each.

Example: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial or Stonehenge "Creates a place for some human purpose" Example: Kente Cloth "Crete extraordinary versions of ordinary things" Example: Emperor Jahagir Resiving his Sons Khusrau"Record and commemorate" Example: Shiva as Lord of Dance "Give tangible form to unknown" Example: Starry Night "Give tangible form to feelings and ideas" Example: Torn Poster "Refresh our vision and help us to see the world in new ways

Van Gogh’s paintings are of high value because:

His work had a major influence on subsequent artists There are a limited number of his paintings He plays a large role in Western art history His paintings allow the viewer to feel with the artist himself

During the Renaissance these works were separated into a different category from craft and became known
as the fine arts.

painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry

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