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Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.


This term applies to newspaper reporters and other writers who pointed out the social problems of the era of big business.

Lincoln Steffens

Muckracker who wrote about vote stealing, corruption and political machines in the book, The Shame of Cities

S.S. McClure

muckraker who attacked big businesses. His editorials (on big businesses, conditions of cities and the character of the people/country) provoked much comment and new trends in investigating journalism and encouraged progressives

direct primary

a primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office. A measure fought for by progressives

Eugene Debs

Prominent radical, socialist leader (and five time presidential candidate) who founded the American Railroad Union and led the 1894 Pullman Strike

Margaret Sanger

radical nurse who campaigned for birth control (contraceptives) and planned parenthood. she began the Birth Control Movement

Industrial Workers of the World

(IWW) international labor union and radical labor movement. founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I

home rule

a charter that allowed cities more freedom from state control when dealing with local matters

city manager system

a professional city manager who is hired (usually by the city council) to run each department of the city. Meant to check the power of the mayor and the city council

commission system

a form of city government where exectutive power is invested in a group of professional commissioners chosen for their skills and expertise

Robert La Follette

Progressive Wisconsin governor who attacked machine politics, big businesses and pressured the state legislature to require each party to hold a direct primary


allowed all citizens to introduce a bill into the legislative and required members to take a vote on it


a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate

Lochner vs. New York

Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict ordinary workers’ hours because such a restriction would violate the Fourteenth Amendment (work is a libert that cannot be taken without due process)

Hammer vs. Dagenhart

Declared the Keating-Owen Act (a child labor act) unconstitutional on the grounds that it was an invation of the state authority

Adkins vs. Children’s Hospital

the Supreme Court ruled bussinesses could not set maximum hours for women to work (violates the Fourteenth Amendment)

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

this factory kept doors locked to avoid theft which trapped workers inside when a fire erupted (killing 146 people); alerted reformers to the terrible conditions of industrial workers

Muller vs. Oregon

First case to use the "Brandeis brief"; recognized a 10-hour workday for women laudry workers on the grounds of health and community concerns

Carrie Chapman Catt

Spoke powerfully in favor of suffrage, worked as a school principal and a reporter ., became head of the National American Woman Suffrage, an inspiried speaker and abrilliant organizer. Devised a detailed battle plan for fighting the war of suffrage.

Alice Paul

leader of the National Woman’s Party and the Congressional Union, campaigned for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution and led protests

19th Amendment

gave women the right to vote, an example of national social reform

16th Amendment

authorized federal income tax, an example of national economic reform

17th Amendment

allowed for popular election of senators, an example of national political reform

Northern Securities Company

A massive trust of railroad companies that was attacked by Theodore Roosevelt, under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and was ordered to dissolve by the Supreme Court. The suit came after Congress refused to pass a bill that would regulate railroads

United Mine Workers

(UMW) went on a coal strike in 1902. The management refused to cooperate with the miners and Roosevelt called a meeting in which the coal operators refused to participate. Roosevelt then announced that if an agreement could not be made, he would order troops to seize and operate the mines. The UMW and the coal operators agreed to work out an agreement with a commission appointed by Roosevelt. This was the beginning of Roosevelt’s Square Deal and an increase in executive power.

The Jungle

A popular novel by Upton Sinclair that exposed the awful conditions of meat slaughterhouses –> this led to increased legislation

Meat Inspection Act

came out of pressure on Congress placed by Roosevelt after he read The Jungle and sent men to inspect Chicago slaughterhouses. Increased the amount of slaughterhouse regulation

Pure Food and Drug Act

came out of pressure on Congress placed by Roosevelt after he read The Jungle and sent men to inspect Chicago slaughterhouses. It forbade the manufacture and the sale of adulterated and fraudulently labeled products

Federal Reserve Act

under Wilson, it created the first central banking system since Jackson destroyed the National Bank. It controlled the currency, making it more stable

Clayton Antitrust Act

under Wilson, it specified certain actions as being illegal, while exempting labor unions and agricultural organizations

W.E.B. Du Bois

a militant black reformer who graduated from Harvard and was not wholly excepted by either the white or black community (he was of a mixed background). He was critical of Washington’s ideas (accommodation) and was a founder of both the NAACP and the Niagara Movement

Niagara Movement

a meeting of blacks at Niagara Falls in 1905, including Du Bois, where they created a list of demands (ex. unrestricted right to vote, end to segregation, equality of economic opportunities, exc.)


(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) created in 1909 by a group of liberals (including Du Bois, Jane Addams and John Dewey) to eradicate racial discrimination

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