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The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ________ one another.

think about, influence, and relate to

To analyze how people explain others’ behavior, Fritz Heider developed

attribution theory.

Ksana insists that her boyfriend’s car accident resulted from his carelessness. Her explanation for the accident provides an example of

a dispositional attribution.

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another’s behavior is called

the fundamental attribution error.

A tendency to overestimate the extent to which a stranger’s violent behavior stems from his or her aggressive personality best illustrates

the fundamental attribution error.

Caitlin concluded that her husband was late for dinner because he was caught in heavy traffic. Her conclusion best illustrates

a situational attribution.

Observing yourself on a videotape is most likely to increase your tendency to attribute your behavior to

personality traits.

In explaining our own behavior or the behavior of those we know well, we often resort to

situational attributions.

Poverty and unemployment are likely to be explained in terms of personal dispositions by ________ and in terms of situational influences by ________.

political conservatives; political liberals

Attitudes are ________ that guide behavior.

belief-based feelings

Opinion change resulting from incidental cues such as a speaker’s attractiveness illustrates

peripheral route persuasion.

Central route persuasion is most likely when people

are naturally analytical.

To "brainwash" captured American soldiers during the Korean War, Chinese communists made effective use of

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

In the years immediately following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed diminishing racial prejudice. According to the text author, this best illustrated the impact of

actions on attitudes.

The tendency for initial compliance with a small request to facilitate subsequent compliance with a larger request is known as the

oot-in-the-door phenomenon.

The set of prescribed behaviors associated with a particular social position is best described as a(n)


Having observed participants in his simulated prison study, Philip Zimbardo offered an explanation for the destructive behavior of U.S. military guards at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib Prison. Zimbardo’s explanation best exemplified

a situational attribution.

Fernando’s favorable attitude toward capital punishment began to change when he was asked to offer arguments opposing it in a class debate. His attitude change is best explained by ________ theory.

cognitive dissonance

When no weapons of mass destruction were found following the U.S. invasion of Iraq, some Americans revised their memories of the main rationale for going to war. The text author suggests that we can best explain why people changed their memories in terms of

cognitive dissonance theory.

Unconsciously mimicking those around us is known as

the chameleon effect.

We tend to feel cheerful around happy people and sad around depressed people. This illustrates

the chameleon effect.

Solomon Asch asked people to identify which of three comparison lines was identical to a standard line. His research was designed to study


Research participants believed that the Asch conformity test involved a study of

visual perception.

Alex thinks drinking sugar-laden sodas is bad for you but other players on his hockey team insist that it is not. Alex is likely to conform to their opinion if

he feels insecure in his role as a new member of the team.

Normative social influence results from peoples’ desire to

gain social approval.

Mr. Maslova attends faculty meetings simply to gain the approval of the school principal. Mr. Maslova’s behavior exemplifies the importance of

normative social influence.

Conformity resulting from the acceptance of others’ opinions about reality is said to be a response to

informational social influence.

A culture that promotes individualism is most likely to encourage


In all of Milgram’s obedience experiments, participants were deceived about

he amount of shock the victim actually received.

In Milgram’s first study of obedience, the majority of "teachers" who were ordered to shock a "learner"

complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock.

Participants in the Milgram obedience studies were ordered to

deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers

In Milgram’s obedience experiments, "teachers" were MOST likely to deliver high levels of shock when

the "learner" was placed in a different room from the "teacher."

In Milgram’s obedience experiments, "teachers" exhibited a somewhat lower level of compliance with an experimenter’s orders when

the experiment was not associated with a prestigious institution like Yale University.

In Milgram’s obedience experiments, "teachers" were LEAST likely to deliver the highest levels of shock when

the experiment was not associated with a prestigious institution like Yale University.

When the participants in Milgram’s study were later surveyed about taking part in the research, most reported that they

did not regret taking part in the experiment.

In 1942, German reserve police officers obeyed orders to kill some 1500 Jews in the village of Jozefow, Poland. This incident illustrated that people are most likely to be destructively obedient when

they perceive their orders to come from legitimate authority figures.

In Milgram’s experiments, participants were torn between whether they should respond to the pleas of the ______ or the demands of the ______.

"learner"; experimenter

According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that

even ordinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction.

The gradually escalating levels of destructive obedience in the Milgram experiments best illustrate one of the potential dangers of

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Social facilitation is most likely to occur in the performance of ________ tasks.


Social facilitation refers to the tendency to

perform well-learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others.

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This best illustrates

social facilitation.

After a light turns green, drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This best illustrates

social facilitation

University students were observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when they thought three others were pulling with them on the same rope. This best illustrates

social loafing.

Class members are asked to work cooperatively in groups on major course papers. Every member of a group is to receive exactly the same grade based on the quality of the group’s paper. This situation is most likely to lead to

social loafing.

Individuals who are normally law-abiding may vandalize and loot when they become part of a mob. This change in behavior is best understood in terms of


Deindividuation refers to

a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity.

Group polarization is most likely to occur in a group in which

individuals share a similar opinion.

Individuals who believe that the death penalty should be abolished meet to discuss the issue. Research on group interaction suggests that after discussion the individuals will be

even more convinced that the death penalty should be abolished.

By providing prospective terrorists with electronic "chat rooms" for interfacing online with others who share their attitudes, the Internet most likely serves as a medium for

group polarization.

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