ap human geography unit 2

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Age Distribution

the distributions of age in a population

Carrying Capacity

the largest number of people that the environment of a particular area can support


a population group that’s distinguished by a certain characteristic

Demographic Equation

equation that summarizes the amount of growth or decline in a population during a certain period of time, also taking into account net migration and natural increase

Demographic Transition Model

sequence of demographic changes in which a country mover from a high CDR and a high CBR, to having a low CDR and a low CBR

Dependency Ratio

ratio of the economically dependent part of the population to the productive part

Doubling Time

time it takes for a country to double its population


meeting place for the world’s religions and ideologies

Infant Mortality Rate

however many infants die per thousand per year


the correlation between stability and openness


an adaptation that does more harm than good

Thomas Malthus

British demographer that suggested that a massive plague or epidemic would ‘check’ the population


, and mortality rate being how many people die per thousand, CDR


birth rate, or CBR


Advocacy of population control programs to enough resources for current and future populations

Population Densities

measurements of number of people per a unit of land area

Population Distributions

the distributions of different specifications of populations

Population Explosion

population booms (low CDR and high CBR)

Population Projection

the estimated population in a certain time in the future

Population Pyramid

a pyramid-like diagram that displays the population distributions between age and sex

Rate of Natural Increase

difference of CDR and CBR in a given country in a year


the curve that defines how rate at which technology is advancing


how well a country can supply its residents with the proper needs

Zero Population Growth

CDR and the CBR of a country even out

Activity Space

places in a local area in which cyclic movement occurs

Chain Migration

people follow others of preceding friends or family I their migratory paths

Cyclic Movement

repetitive movement in a short periods of time (back-and-forth movement)

Distance Decay

the interaction of places decreases as the distance increases

Gravity Model

interaction of places based on their population, sizes, and distances between them

Internal Migration

movement within a country’s borders

Intervening Opportunity

an opportunity that arises or occurs before the reaching of the initial goal

Migration Patterns

patterns of movement; Intercontinental- over countries’ borders, Interregional- within a region or certain area, Rural-Urban- from a rural area to an urban area (farm to a city)

Migratory Movement

movement that consists of one person migrating from one place to another

Periodic Movement

movement involving longer periods of time further away from home

Push-Pull Factor

a reason why a migrant might leave or move to a place


a person who has a fear of being caught in means of race, religion, ethnicity, group, or political views

Space-Time Prism

set of all points that can be reached by an individual given a maximum possible speed from a starting point

Step Migration

migration involving people to move upward as far as rural to urban, such as farm, then the outskirts, an average neighborhood, then to a city


a system of pastoral farming in which ranchers move livestock according to the seasonal availability of pastures


movement that consists of one person migrating from one place to another

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