You are configuring your computer to dial up to the Internet. What protocol should you use? |
Which of the following are characteristics of TACACS +? |
Allowing for a possible of three different servers, one each for authentication, authorization, and accounting. Uses TCP. |
Which of the following is a platform independent authentication system that maintains a database of user accounts and passwords that centralizes the maintenance of those accounts? |
You want to set up a service to allow multiple users to dial in to the office server from modems on their home computers. What service should you implement? |
You have decided to implement a remote access solution that uses multiple remote access servers. You want to implement RADIUS to centralize remote access authentication and authorization. |
Configure the remote access servers as RADIUS clients. |
You have just signed up for Internet access using a local provider that gives you a fiber optic line into your house. From there, the Ethernet and wireless connections are used to create a small network within your home. |
Which of the following are differences between RADIUS and TACACS+? |
Radius combines authentication and authorization into a single function. TACAS+ allows these services to be split between different servers. |
Which of the following are methods for providing centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting for remote access? |
Which of the following protocols or services is commonly used on cable Internet connections for user authentication? |
You often travel away from the office. While traveling, you would like to use a modem on your laptop computer to connect directly to a server in your office and access files on that server that you need. |
Remote access |
Remote Access
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