PsychSim6 Quiz- Can You Trust Your Memory-

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a.) what is necessary to learn.

Most of the time people encode: a.) what is necessary to learn. b.) a picture-like representation of an object. c.) more information than they could ever use. d.) less information than they actually need.

c.) encoding

What is the name for the process of learning new information? a.) storage b.) retrieval c.) encoding d.) memory

b.) short answer

Which of the following is an example of a task that requires recall? a.) matching b.) short answer c.) multiple choice d.) true/false

b.) multiple choice

Which of the following tasks is a recognition task? a.) short answer b.) multiple choice c.) fill-in-the-blank d.) writing an essay

a.) a multiple choice test

Amy prefers recognition tests to recall tests. Which type of test would Amy like the best? a.) a multiple choice test b.) a test where she had to write an essay c.) a test where she had to complete short answer questions d.) a test where she had to fill in the blanks

d.) a multiple choice test

According to Roediger and McDermott, what test should the participants perform BEST on? a.) an essay test b.) a fill in the blanks test c.) a short answer test d.) a multiple choice test

a.) a short answer test

According to Roediger and McDermott, what test should the participants perform WORST on? a.) a short answer test b.) a matching test c.) a true/false test d.) a multiple choice test

b.) recognition

According to Roediger and McDermott, what memory task results in superior performance? a.) recall b.) recognition c.) encoding d.) retelling

b.) 60%

In Roediger and McDermott’s study, what percentage of participants RECALLED items NOT presented on the study list? a.) 90% b.) 60% c.) 70% d.) 80%

b.) 80%

In Roediger and McDermott’s study, what percentage of participants RECOGNIZED items NOT presented on the study list? a.) 60% b.) 80% c.) 90% d.) 70%

a.) encoding, storage, and retrieval

When we want to remember something we need to use _______ in that order. a.) encoding, storage, and retrieval b.) retrieval, storage, and encoding c.) encoding, retrieval, and storage d.) storage, encoding, and retrieval

c.) recall and recognition

Professor Chen wants to study memory. The two basic ways that she can test memory are called: a.) encoding and storage b.) recognition and encoding c.) recall and recognition d.) storage and recall

d.) encoding

Anne remembers her last birthday. What will be the FIRST stage of processing that allowed for this memory to be formed? a.) storage b.) retrieval c.) decay d.) encoding

b.) decay

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main processes related to memory? a.) storage b.) decay c.) encoding d.) retrieval

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