POS Chapter 8 Post Test

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________ is the only state that does not require voter registration.
A. California
B. Wisconsin
C. Maine
D. Indiana
E. North Dakota


The Twenty-Sixth Amendment was ratified

A. during the Korean War.
B. right after the Soviets launched Sputnik.
C. during the Vietnam War.
D. during Watergate.
E. during the Iranian hostage crisis.


Which of the following characteristics constitutes one’s socioeconomic status?

A. level of income, level of education, and prestige of occupation
B. level of income, level of political participation, and number of friends
C. level of income, level of political participation, and level of intelligence
D. level of education, number of friends, and age
E. level of education, level of political participation, and age


Which of the following did NOT take part in the 2012 protests against SOPA and PIPA?
A. Wikipedia
B. Google
C. Facebook
D. Twitter
E. U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Which of the following is NOT a key factor affecting one’s level of participation?
A. age
B. income
C. geographic region
D. education
E. occupation


Which of the following statements is true?

A. Eighteen states granted women the right to vote before the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment.
B. Many states allowed the direct election of U.S. senators before the adoption of the Seventeenth Amendment.
C. both a and b
D. Congress gave women the right to vote in the United States before any single state.
E. Direct election of senators began during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.


Which of the following statements about the 2004 presidential election is true?
A. John Kerry won the popular vote.
B. George W. Bush was narrowly re-elected.
C. Same-sex ballot measures in several states may have helped to get George W. Bush reelected.
D. both b and c
E. George W. Bush won a landslide election.


Which of the following statements is true about political participation?

A. African Americans and Latinos are less likely to participate in politics than whites.
B. African Americans and Latinos participate in politics at the same levels as whites.
C. African Americans hardly participate in politics at all, while Latinos participate at extraordinarily high levels.
D. Latinos barely participate in politics, while African Americans participate at extraordinarily high levels.
E. Whites hardly participate in politics at all, while African Americans and Latinos participate at extraordinarily high levels.


Which of the following statements is true?

A. Voter turnout in California decreases in a presidential election when the race is not close.
B. Citizens are generally less knowledgeable about politics in battleground states.
C. States do not vary much when it comes to voter turnout.
D. Voter turnout in Oregon increases in a presidential election when the race is not close.
E. Texas is a "safe" Democratic state.


Studies have discovered ________ to be the key element of successful mobilization efforts.

A. personal contact
B. direct mailings
C. extensive use of phone banks
D. advertising in local media
E. e-mail newsletters


Which of the following is NOT a traditional form of political activity?
A. protests
B. contributing to a candidate
C. litigation
D. voting
E. visiting a candidate’s website


What was the primary venue for citizen participation in national politics until the early 1900s?
A. U.S. Senate elections
B. U.S. presidential elections
C. both a and b
D. U.S. House elections
E. recall elections


During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the criteria for determining one’s eligibility to vote were established by ________.
A. the U.S. Constitution
B. the federal government
C. state governments
D. the common-law tradition
E. the Articles of Confederation


Which of the following statements about the impact of the SOPA and PIPA protests is most accurate?

A. The protests led to congressional ethics investigations against three members of the House of Representatives and two senators.
B. The protests led Congress to pass new laws outlawing political action by search engines and social networking sites.
C. The protests created a grassroots backlash that caused the bills to lose support among many members of Congress.
D. The protests created a surge in popular support for the bills and led many additional members of Congress to vote in favor of them.
E. The protests had no noticeable effect on the congressional debate.


What has been one of the most pressing questions concerning socioeconomic status?

A. Why has the level of participation in politics not increased as a result of the rising level of education among Americans?
B. Why do recent immigrants display a higher level of political participation than second- and third-generation Americans?
C. Why is Catholic American participation consistently higher than that of Protestant Americans?
D. Why do citizens in coastal cities tend to have a voting rate approximately 5-7 percent higher than citizens in landlocked states?
E. Why have rising income levels not increased the number of people who are willing to make monetary contributions to political candidates?


About ________ percent of eligible voters turn out for midterm congressional elections.

A. 10
B. 33
C. 50
D. 61
E. 76


Women are disadvantaged as candidates for office because
A. too many women run in elections every year.
B. women only run in elections as candidates from the Democratic Party.
C. male voters almost never support female candidates.
D. male candidates are more likely to have the advantage of incumbency in office.
E. there are still many state laws that prevent women from running in elections.


Which of the following statements about Asian Americans is true?

A. Although a majority of Asian Americans voted Republican in the 1990s, in the 2000s they have been voting increasingly Democratic.
B. Although a majority of Asian Americans voted Democratic in the 1990s, in the 2000s they have been voting increasingly Republican.
C. There are more Asian Americans in the United States than African Americans.
D. There are more Asian Americans in the United States than Latinos.
E. Turnout is higher among Asian Americans than among whites.


The digital divide refers to the

A. tendency for liberals and conservatives to visit very different sites online.
B. line separating citizens with Internet access from those without.
C. finding that Facebook users have fundamentally different political views than Myspace users.
D. fact that only a small number of people read political stories online.
E. large differences between how people use cell phones and how they use personal computers for political purposes.


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