Physical Anthropology- Ch.5 Biology in the Present

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A gradual change in phenotype over a geographical area is called a


A major criticism that can be leveled against Johann Blumenbach’s racial typology is that

his five types did not take into account thousands of years of human evolution.

A person in a hot environment having a red face is the result of vasoconstriction.

False- cold stress

According to Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules, all of the following are true EXCEPT
the Berbers of Morocco have long limbs to dissipate heat.
the Inuit in Greenland are tall and long-limbed.
the Yupik of Alaska have short, squat bodies to retain heat.
the Igbo of Nigeria have narrow bodies.

The Inuit in Greenland are tall and long-limbed

For humans, hair loss and sweating are both thermoregulatory adaptations to heat.


Frank Livingstone, a noted physical anthropologist, is famous for having said about human diversity in appearance, "There are no _________; there are only ___________."

races; clines

Human adaptation occurs at four levels—genetic, developmental, acclimatization, and cultural.


In general, populations living between 0 and 20°N latitude have the darkest skin color.


In the 1700s, _____________ developed a scientific classification of race.


Malnutrition leads to shortness


The concept of race began

during the renaissance

The disease rickets, which affects bone mineralization, results from a deficiency in

vitamin D

The eruption of the first permanent molar and the completion of brain growth happen during ____________ development.


The growth and development of females is more sensitive to stressors in the environment than is the growth and development of males.


The medullary cavities of bone exist in the


The period of time from about 20 years old to the end of the reproductive years is called


There is an old adage that "a fat baby is a healthy baby." A critique of this statement might be that

overnutrition is linked to an increase in diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Brain completes growth first



org. ability to maintain a constant body temperature despite great variation in environmental temperature


increase in blood vessels diameter due to action of nerve or drug- also occur in response to hot temps.

Bergmanns Rule

principle that an animals size is heat related; smaller bodies adapt to hot environments and larger bodies adapted to cold

allens rule

principle that an animals limb lengths are heat-related; limbs are longer in hot and shorter in cold


decrease in blood vessel diameter- cold


less than usual sea-level amount of oxygen in the air or in the body

basal metabolic requirement

the minimum amount of energy needed to keep an org. alive

total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)

number of calories used by an org. body during 24 hr period

Wolffs Law

principle that bone is placed in the direction of functional demand- bone develops where needed and recedes where it is not needed

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