Photosynthesis-what’s in a leaf

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What are the reactants for photosynthesis?

CO2 and water

Where do these reactants enter the leaf?

CO2 enter through the underside of the leaf. Water enters through the central vein.

What are the products of photosynthesis?

Water, Oxygen, Glucose

From where do the products leave the leaf?

Oxygen and water vapor exits from the underside of the leaf and glucose exits through the veins.

Categorize all the components involved in photosynthesis as either matter of energy

Energy: Sunlight…Matter: CO2, water, chlorophyll, glucose, oxygen

How does the placement of veins help to carry out their function of transporting materials to and from the leaf?

All cells are near a vein and can obtain water and release glucose quickly

Which kinds of cells have chloroplasts in them?

Palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, guard cells

Remembering the function of chloroplasts, in which parts of the leaf is photosynthesis taking place

Most photosynthesis occurs in the palisade mesophyll, some occurs in the spongy mesophyll and guard cells

Which layer of the inside of a leaf give it its green color?

The palisade mesophyll has the most chloroplast and therefore the most green pigment chlorophyll give leaves their green color

Through which layer does light energy travel to reach the palisade mesophyll

Cuticle and upper epidermis

How would the cylindrical shape of the palisade mesophyll cells increase the amount of photosynthesis that the leaf can carry out?

Cylindrical shape allows more cells to be place into the space which allows for more chloroplasts and therefore more photosynthesis to occur.

What would be the advantages to having no chloroplasts in the cells of the spongy mesophyll?

Fewer chloroplasts in the spongy mesophyll because most of the light energy is absorbed by the chloroplasts of the palisade mesophyll.

Suppose there were many chloroplast in the cells of the upper epidermis. How would that change the amount of sunlight reaching the chloroplasts in the palisade layer?

If the upper epidermis had chloroplasts they would absorb most of the energy from sunlight and less light would reach the palisade mesophyll chloroplasts.

Considering its locations and your previous knowledge of the word, what do you think might be the function of the epidermis?

Epidermis covers and protects the cells and tissues inside the leaf.

What is the purpose of having a water-tight covering?

They waxy cuticle keeps water inside the leaf cells. Tis water is then used for photosynthesis.

What structure is found between guard cells?

The Stoma

How would you describe this structure?

A stoma is an opening in the underside of the leaf (Stoma=many openings)

How would this affect the ability of the leaf to retain water especially in dry conditions?

If the stomata are open in dry conditions then the leaf could lose water vapor and dehydrate/dry out. Less water for photosynthesis and so the rate of photosynthesis and glucose production would decrease.

Suggest a way in which the stoma and guard cells arrangement might work to control the amount of water that is leaving the leaf.

The guard cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata.

What is the relationship between the stoma and an air space?

A stoma opens into the airspace inside the leaf.

What gases might you find in the air space?

Carbon dioxide, oxygen, water vapor.

During the time that stomata are closed, gases cannot enter of leave, explain how this would affect the plant’s ability to do photosynthesis?

If the stomata are closed carbon dioxide cannot enter the leaf and photosynthesis will slow down because there isn’t enough CO2.

How would the cuticle and stomata work together to maintain a leaf’s function?

The waxy cuticle prevents the entire leaf from losing water from it surface and dehydrating: when the stomata close they prevent water loss from inside the leaf. The leaf is now totally sealed off.

Trace the path for reactants for photosynthesis as they enter the leaf.

CO2- Enter though the stomata -air spaces-palisade mesophyll-chloroplasts H2O-Enters roots-xylem in veins-palisade mesophyll-chloroplasts Light Energy-passes through cuticle and upper epidermis chloroplasts

Trace the path for products as the exit the leaf.

O2-Exits through the stomata Glucose-Exits through the phloem in the veins H2O-Exits trough stomata

Where might water be stored for later use in the process of photosynthesis?

IN the large central vacuole

What might plant cells do with the sugars made during photosynthesis?

Send it to the mitochondria to be broken down to produce energy (ATP)

How does having cells with walls help a leaf to absorb as much energy as possible?

Cell walls give the leaves support so the leaf can be in a position to capture as much sunlight as possible.

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