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Who first sailed down the Delaware River to claim the area?

Henry Hudson

How did New Sweden come to an end?

The Dutch took it over.,

The Dutch were the first to explore the area that is now Pennsylvania


Which is "the city of brotherly love?"


How did William Penn’s children make money?

Fur trade in Pennsylvania

Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be a haven for Quakers and other dissident religions.


Who founded the Society of Friends?

George fox in England.

When silence in a room was broken by a Friend being moved to speak by God, it is called

inner light

The Scots-Irish who traveled to PA from Ireland were mostly


This law permitted colonists to establish local councils

Frame of Government Law

Catholics and Jews were not allowed to vote in Pennsylvania


What were the main reasons why the British and French colonists fought one another?

Trade and Shipping Furs and Indian Relations Religion and Expansion

The Walking Purchase expanded colonial settlements into

The Lehigh Valley.

This city is the largest in pa


In population, Pennsylvania ranks where nationwide?


The Allegheny National Forest is part of the Piedmont region.


Central Pennsylvania is located on a(n)

elevated plain

The Northwest receives an average snowfall of

50 inches

Bituminous coal is more valuable than Anthracite


Marshes, bogs, and swamps are examples of


The Honey Hollow Watershed helped protect farmland against

soil erosion

Lake Wallenpaupack is the largest natural lake in the state.


The first people/person to settle Pennsylvania were/was


Which of the following was found at Meadowcroft?

fire pits

The Meadowcroft Rockshelter is located in York County


The founding fathers liked the Iroquois government because

it was a representative democracy.

This group was a member of the Iroquois Confederacy


The Kautantowwit Spirit showed itself in animals and through nature.


Over 60% of the space in PA is used for

forest land

The largest segment of the population in Pennsylvania is between which ages?

35 to 54

How many miles of streams does Pennsylvania have?


What did the Eastern Woodland tribes use to make clothing?


Sagamores were

medicine men

Pennsylvania’s top two non-renewable energy resources are coal and natural gas.


Most of Pennsylvania’s counties are classified as "urban" in population


Pennzoil was originally a company from Texas


Studies have found that the DNA among East Asians and North American Native Americans are similar


A country inhabited by people who feel a common nationality is called


Tamanend was the chief for which tribe?


Which of the following do Quakers refuse to do?

Refuse to bear arms

After William Penn died, who took over the PA colony?

His son

A path was cleared ahead of time for colonists in

the walking purchase

Which river converges with the Mississippi River?


Which of the following is an example of conservation?

Terracing a hill

Historians believe Paleo-Indians traveled to North America from


These people constantly migrate in search of food.


Around what date did the last Ice Age end?

8,000 B. C.

What land did Penn and Baltimore dispute?


Why did Penn want the Duke of York’s three counties?

access to the sea

This religious group used community money to go towards local missionary work


Which became and still is the largest ethnic group in PA?


Which battle did the British win during Queen Anne’s War?

Nova Scotia

Latitude lines run horizontally on a map.


Steel is made from iron-ore.


The Archaic Indians traveled across the Bering Strait.


Paleo-Indians used fire to cook their food.


Pennsylvania used to be covered by glaciers.


Big game hunters need large spaces to hunt.


A medicine man was called a sachem.


The Founding Fathers based the U.S. system of government on the Algonquian tribe.


Clan mothers chose the chiefs in both the Iroquois Confederacy and the Algonquian nation.


The Iroquois were the largest tribe in North America.


The Swedish became the first colonizers of Pennsylvania.


England, France, Holland, and Sweden did not want to compete with Spain in North America.


King Charles II was a Puritan.


The judge fining William Penn for wearing his hat in court is an example of persecution.


The 95 Theses were discussed at the Forth Council of Latern.


Germantown was the first Quaker settlement


The Declaration of Rights stated that people have a natural right to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience.


Quakers in the General Assembly were able to agree with other religious minorities on issues within the colony.


Civil War in England kept Penn from travelling back to PA.


The Walking Purchase resulted in warmer relations between the Penn family and the Delaware Indians.


The least amount of fighting in the colonies occurred during King George’s War.


This war determined who would control the interior of North America.

The French and Indian War

Which Native American tribes were pushed out of their homelands and settled in the Susquehanna Valley in the early 1700s?

Delaware and Susquehannock

The Proprietary Party consisted of the Penn’s family and agents.


Wanted to replace the Penn family by gaining favor with the King.

Quaker Party

The harsh reprimands by the British after the Boston Tea Party prompted which body to form?

First Continental Congress

PA’s 1776 state constitution created a bicameral legislature.


Who suggested the Massachusetts militia become a Continental Army?

John Adams

The Conestoga wagons were built in


Jay and Adams felt Franklin spent too much time at the French court and not enough time in discussions with England


The British surprise attacked the Americans and killed over 50 soldiers and injured over 100.

Paoli Massacre

Washington gave von Steuben the rank of


Friedrich von Steuben was a German General who aided the Americans


Dickinson College was founded by

John Dickinson and Benjamin Rush

Who proposed the creation of the Bank of North America, modeled on the Bank of England?

Robert Morris

York was the center for PA’s and the national government until 1801.


The Proclamation Line created a border that separated

Colonial and Indian territory

No property qualifications for holding office were one part of which document?

1776 PA Constitution

Where did fighting first occur between the British and American colonists?

Lexington and Concord

He was injured during the Paoli Massacre.

General Anthony Wayne

One of Rush’s causes which he promoted was


What was the weakest factor about the Articles of Confederation?

The states were given too much power.

The colonists were successful in repealing the Stamp Act.


Ben Franklin made his home in Philadelphia.


The British lost against the Americans at Valley Forge.


Benjamin Rush opposed the death penalty.


Which state did not send a delegate to the Constitutional Convention?

Rhode Island

The Bill of Rights were based off of

the Virginia Declaration of Independence

Confederationalists were also known as Anti-Federalists.


Which politician was so popular, Pennsylvanians elected him three times?

Governor Thomas Mifflin

Why were the Federalists accused of working for the British?

Federalists approved the Jay Treaty, Federalists supported the U.S. Bank and Federalists maintained a neutral position during the French Revolution.

The name of PA’s upper house is the Senate.


He created the idea to have an excise tax provide funds for the military.

Alexander Hamilton

What state representative helped negotiate with the Whiskey rebels?

Albert Gallatin

President Washington pardoned the two Whiskey Rebellion rebels who were sentenced to hang.


Where was America’s first women’s rights convention held?

Seneca Falls, NY

The Irish made up what percentage of foreign born in the 1840s?

43 percent

Catholics did not want any Bibles present in public schools.


Why did Pennsylvania want to build a canal system across the state?

To keep New York from taking over western markets.

What position did Pennsylvanian J. Edgar Thomson hold?

President of the Pennsylvania Railroad

The Main Line started in Harrisburg and was built eastward and westward from its city center.


The Federalists’ main goal in Pennsylvania was

commercial development.

From which city was the Lewis and Clark Expedition launched?


John Adams was very popular in the French court.


Railroads made the canals obsolete.


A moderate, bipartisan group in PA.

Whig Party

This body decided to officially separate the Thirteen Colonies from the British Empire.

Second Continental Congress

He served on a committee to write the state constitution.

Thomas Mifflin

This group within the Continental Army was paid $80 if they fought until the end of the war.


Ben Franklin signed which document(s)?

Declaration of Independence

Which city did the Continental Congress set up government after Philadelphia fell to the British?


Where did the armies meet for the first battle of the Philadelphia Campaign?

Brandywine Creek

Where the Americans lodged before the Philadelphia Campaign.

Trenton Tavern

Why did the delegates want to keep the topics of the Constitutional Convention a secret from the public?

Delegates did not want the public to know how divided they were.

Which proposal called for equal representation among the states for Congress?

The New Jersey Plan

Who was given the nickname "the Great Pacifier"?

Benjamin Franklin

What role did journalists play in national politics?

Lead in the formation of political parties

The Lewis and Clark Expedition’s goal was to

explore new natural resources and plant life, discover a Northwest Passage, explore the Missouri River

Why did so many people join the Whiskey Rebellion?

Many westerners viewed it as a struggle against the eastern political powerbrokers.

Why was PA a good refuge for slaves?

PA outlawed slavery in 1780, PA borders Maryland, PA had a large African American population.

In its early stages, the women’s rights movement was attached to

abolition movement

What is the name for the PRR track loops that climbed over the Allegheny Mountains?

Horseshoe Curve

Pennsylvania’s 1776 Constitution was the most radical out of the former Thirteen Colonies.


When the Continental Army was formed, half of the infantry did not have bayonets.


Friedrich von Steuben was a German General who aided the Americans.


The Battle at Germantown was intended to be revenge for the Paoli Massacre.


Robert Morris ended up in debtors’ prison near the end of his life.


The PA Line mutinied because they did not like the constitution.


The Virginia Plan was based on equal representation among all states.


The Democratic-Republican Party supported the First U.S. Bank.


PA’s state capital moved directly from Philadelphia to Harrisburg.


The Lewis and Clark Expedition proved that the continent was wider than what was popularly believed.


Nativists burned down two Catholic churches and a schoolhouse during the Anti-Irish Riots.


The canal era’s high point ended by the 1870s.


The largest concentration of railroad shops was located in Altoona, PA


People could cross the state in a little over 24 hours by rail.


Which Pennsylvanian was a driving force in the formation of the Republican Party?

David Wilmot

What did the Southern states threaten they would do if Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election?

Secede from the Union

Pennsylvania was not a good state for the Underground Railroad to run through because it was a racist state.


How was Governor Curtin helpful to the Union’s war effort?

He mobilized troops.

What were the most futile orders given at Gettysburg?

Pickett’s Charge

Confederate troops never made it north of Maryland.


How did the phrase "Scott free" originate?

It was a piece of state legislation that was passed without any objection from the PRR.

The waste that forms the top layer on molten iron is called


Robber Baron is the term given to the 19th century industrialists.


This term refers to a group of companies that joined their stocks together and a central board determined prices, production costs, and could eliminate competition.


This person opened the first five-and-dime store in Pennsylvania.

Frank Woolworth

The railroad industry’s glory days ended by the 1930s.


This engineer invented the iron wire to replace hemp rope.

John Roebling

Which was the first iron bridge in the U.S.?

Dunlap’s Creek Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge was the first suspension bridge in the world to be made of steel wire.


Which Pennsylvanian town was raided by Confederate troops more than once?


How did the phrase "Scott free" originate?

It was a piece of state legislation that was passed without any objection from the PRR.

Reconstruction was meant to

rebuild the South and provide civil liberties for freed slaves.

Awarding jobs for political purposes was called

spoil system

This term refers to a group of companies that joined their stocks together and a central board determined prices, production costs, and could eliminate competition.


Which type of bridge is a flat structure that rests on two piers?

Beam Bridge

The Battle of Gettysburg caused the least amount of casualties during the Civil War.


After Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, he thought it was a wet blanket.


Early blast furnaces used a water wheel to power the bellows.


Pennsylvanians wanted tariffs to protect their industries.


Tenement buildings were cramped apartments that were not sanitary.


John Roebling died during the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge because of tetanus infecting his foot.


Who built the first oil derrick?

Edwin Drake

How did Rockefeller stabilize the oil industry’s boom-bust cycle?

He gained control of the railroads and crude oil supply.

Seneca Oil was what people called petroleum from the Titusville area.


This made the production of steel on a mass level possible.

Bessemer Converter

Who invented aluminum, which replaced everyday iron products?

Charles Hall

Andrew Carnegie’s company was called United States Steel Corporation.


Which labor group tried to organize miners in anthracite regions in PA but was arrested by Franklin Gowen?

Molly Maguires

This negotiating tool helped employers listen to their employees by having a union representative meet the employer.

Collective bargaining

Union membership for industrial workers increased during the 1970s.


The process of putting molten glass into a mold was called

pressed glass

What was Milton Hershey’s first successful business venture?

Lancaster Caramel Company

The Hershey Company was the first large chocolate business in the U.S.


How many people perished in the Johnstown Flood?


Which of the following was not a Pittsburgh first?

First modern World’s Fair

Pittsburgh’s professional football and baseball teams were both called the Steelers for a short period in the 1930s.


Clara Barton founded which organization?

American Red Cross

Buchanan’s actions while in office helped hold the Democratic Party together.


Henry Ford’s company used new innovations from PA like the Holley Brothers’ carburetor.


Detroit produced new innovations such as the electrical starter.


Which type of slaves were more likely to escape from the South?

Skilled workers

Who was the only president from Pennsylvania?

James Buchanan

How many Pennsylvanians served in the Union Forces during the Civil War?


Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

Freeing slaves struck at the core of Southern interests

Why was political corruption so widespread during the Gilded Age in Pennsylvania?

all of the above

Which was one of the first furnaces to use bituminous coal to make iron?

Karthaus Furnace

Which Pennsylvanian invented the air brakes?

George Westinghouse

This industrialist was president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and gave donations to Lehigh University.

Asa Packer

Which was the first suspension bridge built by Roebling?

Allegheny Aqueduct Bridge

What job did bridgemen complete?

Welding steel

Who led the formation of the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company and wanted to produce petroleum on a commercial scale?

George Bissell

Standard Oil Company

was an oil refinement company.

Which organization formed in 1866 to improve working conditions through legislation reform instead of collective bargaining?

National Labor Union

Which two industries in PA had low labor activism?

Steel and mining

Which strike was prompted by repeated wage cuts and large layoffs?

Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Who invented pressed glass?

John Bakewell

Who tried to build affordable automobiles in Reading?

Charles Duryea

Which entrepreneur created a benevolent company town for his employees?

Milton Hershey

What was George Ferris’s invention first called?

Ezekiel’s Wheel

The South Fork Dam belonged to

a private fishing and hunting club.

Who invented the banana split?

David Strickler

Non-skilled workers used their numbers as a bargaining tool.


The radio was invented by

Frank Conrad.

Which were reasons for the Great Migration?

Racial violence in the South, Labor surplus in the South and shortage in the North, Cotton production was hurt by natural disasters

Black Friday occurred on October 29, 1939.


A system of cranks and motors to create movement in a mobile was called

kinetic sculpture

Who was the first African American opera singer to perform as a permanent member of the Metropolitan Opera in New York?

Marian Anderson

Mary Cassatt’s work focused on mobiles.


Which was Pennsylvania’s National Guard that saw action in Europe?

28th Infantry Division

This helped fund military expansion during WWII.

War bonds

Bethlehem Steel produced less steel than the Axis Powers.


The Readjustment Act in 1944 was also known as the

GI Bill

Dr. Jonas Sulk’s vaccine helped decrease the number cases in which disease?


People born between the years 1960 and 1970 were referred to as Baby Boomers.


Which program provided jobs to the unemployed by building roadways?

Work Progress Administration

Which group tried to boycott the Turnpike when it first opened because of the high toll rates?

Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association

Which location did the Daughters of Liberty own and not allow Marian Anderson perform due to her race?

Constitution Hall

The effort needed by all sectors of a society during a conflict is called

total war.

Which Pennsylvanian created a Europe Economic Recovery Plan after the end of WWII?

Gen. George Marshall

Where was the first Levittown built?

Hempstead, NY

What was a negative effect of the Federal Highway Act?

Decreased population in city centers

Bethlehem Steel produced a minimal amount of steel for shells.


Fallingwater was built on the sight of a waterfall over a creek.


Women working in industrial plants during the war were called WACs.


Fewer women worked in the 1950s than during WWII.


How many career hits did Clemente make at bat?


How many constitutions have Pennsylvanians had?


The fire in Centralia could have been extinguished back in the 1960s if the state’s work crew had worked triple shifts and not taken Memorial Day off.


Which energy source did Pennsylvania leaders want to invest in the 1970s because it is a cleaner, more efficient option than coal or oil?

Nuclear power

Mayor Lawrence’s efforts to shift Pittsburgh towards a service economy has been called

second Pittsburgh Renaissance

On average, the new top three industries in Pennsylvania are education, hospitals, and construction.


In the movie Rocky, Sylvester Stallone ran up a large stairway which led to which place?

Philadelphia’s Museum of Art

What industry uses natural resources to draw people to a place and does not harm the region?


The Appalachian Trail is the longest continuous footpath in the world.


Conservationists work to

protect the environment from pollution and rebuild polluted areas.

Power plants emit this dangerous substance into water sources, which is absorbed by fish.


Until the 1970s, economic costs were more important than environmental costs.


What is the minimum age requirement to be a state House Representative?

under 20

Which level of government has the authority to tax residents?

State and local

The General Assembly does not have the authority to override a governor’s veto.


The Great War caused less Europeans to immigrate to the U.S., which caused a labor shortage in the North.


The Turnpike was called "America’s First Superhighway" and was based off of the Autobahn


Before WWII, the U.S. military was ranked second in the world.


Once a town has a population over 20,000 it is considered a city.


The state House of Representatives and Senate are collectively called

General Assembly

Which factors contributed to the Great War?

Arms race, Empire building, Treaty system

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by

a Serbian nationalist.

The Congregation Mikveh Israel is one of the oldest

Jewish temples

The uneven distribution of wealth, inflated stock prices, and banking practices all contributed to

the Great Depression

December 7, 1941 marks the day when

the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

The GI Bill did not help returning war veterans

buy washing machines

What caused many residents in Centralia decide to relocate?

A 150-feet deep whole opened up beneath a boy

When did Centralia catch fire?


According to the current state constitution, what is the last step in approving a constitutional amendment?

Approval from a majority of voters in the next general election

What is the term for the sections of the Northeast and Midwest that used to be centers of heavy industry but have experienced severe decline?

Rust belt

Which town celebrates Groundhog Day by displaying Phil the Groundhog?


Which amusement park did the Ligonier Valley Railroad help support?

Idlewild Park

Air pollution triggers

heart attacks and strokes

This type of pollution develops from vehicle exhaust and smokestacks


This type of water pollution put high levels of acid into waterways.

Abandoned mine drainage

Which position in the executive branch acts as guardian of the treasury?

Auditor general

Cambria City’s immigrant population supported seven different Catholic churches and three different Orthodox churches.


The first commercial radio station was 8XK.


One of the side effects of the GI Bill was a construction boom across the U.S.


Roberto Clemente was an exceptional left fielder.


Which court has jurisdiction over all issues involving wiretapping and electronic surveillance?

The Superior Court

Pregnant women and preschool-age children were mandated to evacuate the Three Mile Island area after the reactor leaked radiation


The American steel industry became complacent and too secure, which is partly why the steel industry collapsed in the U.S.


By the end of the 20th century, Pennsylvania had the best record in the country for toxic discharges into surface water.


District Justices interpret law at the local level.


Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Erie are first-class cities.


Mayors have more power in boroughs


The Monongahela and Allegheny rivers flow into which river?

Ohio River

Which of the following is not a tributary of the Ohio River?


The Great Law inspired the

Declaration of Independence

Which president established precedents for the office that are still followed today?

George Washington

Who was Pennsylvania’s first party boss?

Simon Cameron

Which term means the distance between two bridge supports?


The draft of millions of men caused what to happen in Pennsylvania?

Housing shortages in Philadelphia, Increase in number of female workers, Increase in racial tensions

What happened at Three Mile Island in 1979?

A nuclear reactor partially melted

What was unique about the Eastern State Penitentiary?

The prison had a code of silence

Over the past two hundred years, wetlands have become endangered in Pennsylvania.


William let the colonies remain neutral during his war.


In PA state politics, the Republicans opposed the 1776 constitution.


President Washington stayed at the Bower Hill when he led federal troops to Bedford County.


The Civil War was fought over the issue of states’ rights.


Within 20 years, Pithole City grew from nothing to a population of 10,000, and then back down to zero.


Bodies from the Johnstown Flood were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio.


Jazz is the use of a whole range of rhythm without improvisation.


Philadelphia has made "the most livable city" rank for two years in a row.


The Youghiogheny River cuts through Laurel Ridge in Ohiopyle.


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