P.E. Test 2- Common Sports Injuries and Prevention 3

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Being properly hydrated can help reduce the risk of injury.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Repetitive motion can cause injury.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Game or sport rules help keep participants from getting injured.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Which sport is likely to have the most impact with other players?
A. flag football
B. baseball
C. football
D. golf

C. football

Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent bursitis?
A. taking breaks
B. protecting the body part
C. warming up
D. drinking water

D. drinking water

It is important to wear protective equipment in both practice and games.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Which of the following injuries include instability of the knee with pain and swelling?
A. groin strain
B. hamstring strain
C. ACL tear
D. bone fracture

C. ACL tear

Which of the following about hamstring strains is NOT true?
A. usually accompanied by dull pain
B. includes a tear or rupture of hamstring muscle
C. usually occurs when sprinting or during high-velocity movements
D. includes bruising and swelling

A. usually accompanied by dull pain

Every individual getting a concussion demonstrates the same four symptoms.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of bone fractures?
A. A crack or break occurs in the bone.
B. It is caused by a large force or impact on the bone.
C. It does not always include pain.
D. Bones naturally begin to heal immediately.

C. It does not always include pain.

Groin and hamstring strain both include symptoms of bruising, pain, and swelling.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Incorrect techniques generally lead to ligament and tendon damage.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Protective equipment is important because __________.
A. it ensures that injuries will not occur
B. it is designed to look sleek and fitted
C. it keeps activities safe for the participants by reducing injury risk
D. it doesn’t matter how you wear it as long as you wear it

C. it keeps activities safe for the participants by reducing injury risk

Dangerous conditions influencing sport injuries include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. overuse
B. overexertion
C. incorrect technique
D. practicing and drills

D. practicing and drills

Which statement about warming up before playing sports is NOT true?
A. It is necessary to continue to stretch during the game.
B. Getting the blood moving through your muscles prepares them for physical activity.
C. Joints can be warmed up through stretching.
D. none of the above

D. none of the above

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