Music Appreciation Quiz Five- Update

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started to lose his hearing.

In his late 20s, Beethoven _________________.

piano and orchestra

Most of Chopin’s music is for ______________.

start at the same time as the voice

In his songs, Schumann frequently has the piano _____________.


Schubert composed "Erlkonig" when he was ______________.

director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York

While he was composing this work, Dvorak was taking a vacation from his job as _____________.

30 variations

The final movement of Brahm’s Symphony no. 4 has one theme and ________________.

the premiere of Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro

What late eighteenth-century event opened up new ways of connecting music and politics?

He creates contrast in the middle variations by using a major key and a slower tempo.

How does Brahms superimpose a ternary (ABA) form on a set of variations?

financial support from a wealthy widow

Tchalkovsky’s career as a composer was made possible by _____________.


Robert Schumann was influential as a composer and a ______________.

the fairies

Which character(s) is/are represented by a high-pitched, scurrying theme?


During his lifetime, Brahms was compared to ____________.

brass and percussion

The fourth movement of the Symphonie fantastique makes particularly creative use of which sections of the orchestra?


Although he opposed slavery, Gottschalk did perform in some slave states during the Civil War, including ___________.

declamatory style of singing

In recitative, singers use a ____________.

passionate speech

Chopin used "tempo rubato" to make his music sound more like ___________.

imperial Indian courts in the nineteenth century

Ravi Shankar’s fame was greatest in ______________.

Italian unification

Verdi’s Nabucco was a thinly veiled support for _______________.

Brahms takes a complex theme and makes it simple for listeners to understand.

Why can the finale of Brahm’s Fourth Symphony be considered an example of compositional virtuosity?


During his lifetime, Brahms was compared to _______________.

the conductor

Who is responsible for interpreting a ballet’s scenario?

basic outline of the story to be told through music and dance

What is a scenario?

the new instruments that were inverted at the end of the nineteenth century

The large orchestra required for Brahm’s Symphony no. 4 reflects ____________.

Titles rarely point the way toward the extramusical meaning

Which of the following is true of program music?

opera combined with dance

A bellte is essentially a(n) ______________.

It gives a melody of festive character.

How does the use of the oboe influence the character of the "Swan Theme"?

The strophes containing "Forward!" are louder.

Schumann indicates that the strophes containing the word "Forward!" should be sung differently from the two others. How are they different?

declamatory, so his audience can understand the text

Wagner’s vocal lines are _____________.

Siegfried kills Rothbart.

At the end of the ballet, how is Rothbart’s spell broken?

music he had written himself, to highlight his virtuosity

What kind of music did Gottschalk play, almost exclusively, at his concerts?


When the individual movements of a large work are related in a tangible and distinct way, the piece is said to be _____________.


A noisy kitchen is roughly equivalent to the dynamic level ___________.

spectacular orchestral effects

Even Belioz’s detraction praised his _____________.

placing the word Himmel ("heaven") in a high register

An example of word painting in "Forward!" would be _____________.

The laws strictly regulated social gathering, but allowed for charcoal groups.

Why was choral music popular during the 1840s?

W.A. Mozart

As a child prodigy who toured much of Europe at a young age, Medelssohn was similar to _____________.

It is longer and more musically varied.

How does Schubert’s setting of Goethe’s poem compare to other previous settings?

a piece from the Baroque Era

Brahms based the theme of the finale of Symphony no. 4 on ____________.

brass and winds

In the fourth movement of the Symphonie Fantastique, whenever the B section sounds, which instruments predominate?

pride in his Polish heritage

Chopin’s choice to compose mazurkas reflects his ___________.

sell tickets

Which of these is NOT normally the responsibility of a conductor?

it consists of instruments that all play in a high range

The piano trio is an appealing ensemble because ________________.

the melody and form imitates a song even though there is no text

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel called the third movement of her Piano Trio in D Minor a "song" because _____________.

put new, pro-Confederate words to "Yankee Doodle"

During the Civil War, the South _____________.

don’t have a conductor

String quartets differ from orchestras in that quartets _____________.

the virtuosity of the singing got in the way of the words and the drama

Wagner’s view of nineteenth-century opera was that ______________.

Wagner himself to make sure the audience understood the drama

The names of the various Leitmotifs come from _______________.

drew on the same Norse myths

Both Wagner and J.R.R. Tolkien (author of the Lord of the Rings series) ____________.

a particular rhythmic pattern

What feature enables listeners to identity a mazurka?

evoke a particular mood

A character piece is intended to _____________.

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