Music Appreciation Pt 5 Ch 1-12.

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Berlioz’s use of a lyrical melody from the opening movement of Symphonie fantastique that is then repeated as a grotesque dance in the finale is an example of:

thematic transformation.

The purpose of using chromatic chords in Romantic music was to

add motion & color.

By the end of the romantic era, an orchestra might include ___ musicians.


Instrumental music associated with a story is called:

program music.

What music reflects the concept of exoticism?

Bizet’s opera Carmen.

What is true of the Romantic Period.

Harmony tended to be colorful and more unstable, new forms developed, & there were greater ranges of tone color, dynamics, and pitch.

When music conservatories were founded, women

were at first accepted only as students of performance.

Music criticism was a source of income for both Berlioz and

Robert Schumann.

One of the few composers fortunate enough to be supported by private patrons was

Peter Tchaikovsky.

A composer who earned his living as a violin virtuoso was

Niccolò Paganini.

The composer whose career was a model for many romantic composers was

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Instrumentation in the art song is usually a combination of

voice & piano.

Lied is the German word for


Art song composers include

Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, & Johannes Brahms.

The structure of the art song can be

strophic, through-composed, or modified strophic form.

Songs in strophic form are easy to remember because

the music is the same in every verse.

The form of The Erlking is


The Erlking is a poem by

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The Erlking, in Schubert’s song of that name, is a romantic personification of


Schubert’s songs number more than


The piano’s relentless rhythm in Erlkönig (The Erlking) unifies the song’s episodes and suggests the

galloping horse.


was the first great master of the romantic art song.

During the first ten years of his creative life, Schumann published only

piano pieces.

One of the characteristics of Schumann’s Carnaval is that it

is permeated with autobiographical references in its musical ideas.

Clara Wieck was

Schumann’s wife & virtuoso pianist.

Robert Schumann’s Carnaval is a(n)

cycle of piano pieces.

What are characteristics of Schumann’s works?

they are intensely autobiographical, usually linked with descriptive titles, texts, or programs, & essentially lyrical in nature.

As a composer, Clara Schumann

wrote songs, piano pieces, a piano concerto, and a trio for piano, violin, and cello.

Clara Schumann

stopped composing at the age of thirty-six.

Romanze (romance) in the nineteenth century was often used for a

short, lyrical piece for piano.

Clara Wieck Schumann considered herself to be primarily

a performing artist.

The polonaise is

a dance in triple meter.

Chopin’s Revolutionary Étude in C Minor develops the pianist’s left hand because

the left hand must play rapid passages throughout.

Most of Chopin’s pieces

are exquisite miniatures.

Chopin was

shy & reserved.

Until the age of thirty-six, Liszt toured Europe as a virtuoso


Liszt created the ___, a one-movement orchestral composition based to some extent on a literary or pictorial idea.

symphonic poem.

As a youth, Liszt was influenced by the performances of

Niccolo Paganini.

During his teens and twenties, Liszt lived in


In many of his works, Liszt unified contrasting moods by a process known as

thematic transformation.

What are characteristics of Liszt’s piano works?

arpeggios, rapid octaves and daring leaps, & complexity of sound.

Liszt typified the romantic movement because he

had a charismatic personality and was a stupendous performer.

Among Liszt’s favorite inspirations were the literary works of

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The high point of Mendelssohn’s career was the triumphant premiere of his oratorio ___ in England.


Mendelssohn’s Concerto for Violin in E Minor opens with a

soloist, who presents the main theme.

The three movements of Mendelssohn’s Concerto for Violin

are played without pause.

In the first movement of the Concerto for Violin, the cadenza

appears at the end of the development section as a transition to the recapitulation.

Mendelssohn is known as the man who rekindled an interest in the music of

Johann Sebastian Bach.

The aim of most program music is


A ___ is a one-movement orchestral composition based to some extent on a literary or pictorial idea.

symphonic poem.

The composer who developed the symphonic poem was

Franz Liszt.

Today’s movie scores may be regarded as examples of

incidental music.

Nonprogram music is also known as

absolute music.

In order to support his family, Berlioz turned to

music journalism.

Parisians were startled by Berlioz’s Fantastic Symphony because of its

sensationally autobiographical program, amazingly novel orchestration, & vivid description of the weird and diabolical.

In 1830 the Paris Conservatory awarded Berlioz

the Prix de Rome.

The liturgical melody quoted in the last movement of the Fantastic Symphony is the

Dies irae.

Outside France, Hector Berlioz enjoyed a great career as a


Berlioz’s Fantastic Symphony is unified by the recurrence of a theme known as the

idée fixe.

The Fantastic Symphony reflects Berlioz’s

love for the actress Harriet Smithson.

The fourth movement of the Fantastic Symphony depicts a

march to the scaffold.

What did Berlioz compose?

Romeo & Juliet, The Damnation of Faust, & Requiem.

Even though Smetana was deaf at the time, he composed a musical work depicting Bohemia’s main river as it flows through the countryside. The name of the river, and the musical composition, is the


The first American concert pianist to gain international recognition was

Louis Moreau Gottschalk.

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