Music Appreciation- Postmodernism- Twentieth Century and Beyond – Chapter 56 Quiz

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Which term best describes the instrumental accompaniment to Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man?

expanded orchestra

Bob Dylan’s singing voice is best described as:

nasal and raspy

Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man is a song cycle set to the texts of:

Bob Dylan

Historically musicians often have referenced the work of other composers in their own works.


Laws concerning copyright and unauthorized use of music have become more lenient in the last century.


Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man incorporated all of the following EXCEPT:

exact quotations of Dylan’s melodies

Which of the following best describes the form of Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man?

modified verse-chorus

In his early career Dylan made a name for himself as a writer and singer of protest songs.


Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man was originally written for:

solo voice and piano.

How many songs are there in Corigliano’s cycle Mr. Tambourine Man?


Which musician is known for performing political music in the 1950s and ’60s?

Bob Dylan

Which work by Corigliano is described as an "eclectic rock opera"?

The Naked Carmen

Which work did Corigliano write for percussionist Evelyn Glennie?


Bob Dylan’s music is known for being irregular and surprising.


Bob Dylan’s work has not had an effect on musicians outside of folk music.


Corigliano did NOT have Dylan’s permission to set his text.


Corigliano’s Mr. Tambourine Man was commissioned by singer Sylvia McNair.


Dylan’s Mr. Tambourine Man was made famous by the Fisk Jubilee Singers.


John Corigliano does not explore diverse compositional methods such as microtonality in his music.


John Corigliano won an Academy Award for his film score to The Red Violin.


John Corigliano worked as a producer for Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concert Series.


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