Music Appreciation 6

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Which of the following American composers was NOT greatly influenced by the philosophy of the Far East?

Aaron Copland

Which innovative composer first explored tone clusters at the piano?

Henry Cowell

Which innovative composer constructed a scale of forty-three microtones to the octave and built instruments with this tuning?

Harry Partch

Which of the following composers invented the prepared piano?

John Cage

John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes is a work for

prepared piano

Sonata V, from John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes,is in ________ form


Crumb’s Caballito negrois included in a book of


Composers influenced by gamelan music include

all of the above

Which of the following composers did NOT write operettas?

Richard Wagner

Which of the following American composers did NOT write musicals?

Aaron Copland

Which of the following is a musical by the British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber?

The Phantom of the Opera

Which of the following is an example of a rock musical?


Bernstein’s West Side Story updates the feud of the Capulets and the Montagues to a feud between

the Jets and the Sharks

Which of the following is NOT true of Bernstein’s West Side Story?

it has a happy ending

Steve Reich was influenced by polyrhythms of

West Africa

Electric Counterpoint features the

electric guitar

Which of the following does NOT characterize Electric Counterpoint?

goal-oriented harmony

Which of the following composers is considered one of America’s greatest poets as well?

Bob Dylan

Which of the following does NOT characterize neo-Romanticism?

it maintains Schoenberg’s concept of atonality

Higdon chose the title blue cathedralas a tribute to

her brother

Music that is performed on screen and is part of the drama itself is called

source music

Which of the following does NOT characterize the Imperial March?

it uses simple march harmonies

Tan Dun’s score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonfeatures which Western solo instrument?


Video games have

long used source music

Which of the following composers is NOT associated with spiritual minimalism?

Paul Lansky

Which of the following was NOT composed by John Tavener?

Berlin Mass

Tavener’s Hymn to the Mother of Godis sung several times a year, most notably

during Lent

Which of the following does NOT characterize Tavener’s Hymn to the Mother of God?

major and minor harmonic progressions

Which of the following describes the accompaniment for Tavener’s Hymn to the Mother of God?

there is no instrumental accompaniment

What is the form of Tavener’s Hymn to the Mother of God?


In his post-minimalist style, John Adams combines minimalism with


John Adams’s opera Doctor Atomicis based on the life of

J. Robert Oppenheimer

Which of the following does NOT describe "At the sight of this" from Adams’s Doctor Atomic?

it avoids dissonance

Which mass-media forum was launched in 1981?


Electronic music that relies on natural sounds is called

musique concrete

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