Music Appreciation 5

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Which of the following describes dissonance?

it played a large role in twentieth-century music

Which of the following does NOT characterize the musical language of Expressionism?

extended passages of consonance

Music that rejects the framework of key is described as


Which of the following early-twentieth-century composers moved to the United States and taught composition at the University of California, Los Angeles?


Alban Berg and Anton Webern were students of

Arnold Schoenberg

With which period in Schoenberg’s career is Pierrot lunaire associated?

the atonal-expressionist phase

Schoenberg created a new style in which vocal melodies were spoken rather than sung with exact pitches and rhythms. This was known as


Pierrot lunaire is based on a cycle of poems written by


How many songs are in Pierrot lunaire?


What accompanies the voice in Pierrot lunaire?

a chamber group

Which of the following does NOT characterize The Moonfleckfrom Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire?

a smooth, lyric melody

Stravinsky immigrated to ________ at the onset of World War II

the United States

Which of the following musical elements in The Rite of Springcould be considered the most innovative?

unpredictable rhythms and meters

In her compositions, Lili Boulanger focused on

choral and chamber music

What mood opens and closes Boulanger’s Psalm 24?


Nadia Boulanger was an extraordinarily gifted


Which of the following was NOT a member of the so-called Second Viennese School of composition?

Eric Satie

Which composer was a disciple of Schoenberg and is best known for his operas Wozzeck and Lulu?


Berg’s opera Wozzeck is based on a play by


Berg’s opera Wozzeck centers on

a soldier’s obsession with unhappy love

The final, heartbreaking scene of Berg’s Wozzeck concludes with

the son of Marie and Wozzeck, alone

Which of the following is NOT a musical trait of African origin?

major-minor tonality

Which region of the United States was the birthplace of a unique style of blues primarily sung by males?

Mississippi Delta

Which American city is considered the birthplace of jazz?

New Orleans

Which of the following is NOT true of New Orleans jazz?

It had no set forms or harmonic progressions

Louis Armstrong was also known as


Louis Armstrong’s instrument-like approach to singing is called


Billie Holiday was one of the first African American singers to

break the color barrier by recording and performing with white musicians

Billie Holiday’s song Billie’s Blues is in ________ form

twelve-bar blues

Which American jazz composer was also a pianist and a master of big-band orchestration?

Duke Ellington

What kind of jazz is Duke Ellington known for?

big band

Duke Ellington’s great musical collaborator in the 1940s was

Billy Strayhorn

Take the A Train is a song that refers to

a New York City subway line

What was the trademark of bebop?

a two-note phrase

William Grant Still composed music in all of the following genres EXCEPT

avant-garde electronic music

Which of the following did NOT characterize the career of George Gershwin?

He lived a long life and was a mentor to other young composers

Gershwin’s Summertimeis in ________ form


For which work was Ives awarded the Pulitzer Prize?

Symphony No 3

Which of the following best describes the mood at the beginning of Copland’s Appalachian Spring?


Section 7 of Copland’s Appalachian Springis in ________ form


When was Yankee Doodle composed?

before the Revolutionary War

The music scene in early twentieth-century Mexico was strongly influenced by

all of the above

During the "Aztec Renaissance," composers sought to

suggest the character of native music

During his career, Silvestre Revueltas was active in all of the following countries EXCEPT


Revueltas’s mature compositional style features

complex rhythms

Son is a Spanish-language term that refers to

a traditional song/dance of Mexico

Revueltas’s orchestration for Sonis similar to that of

a mariachi ensemble

Carlos Chávez’s music attracted the attention of the American composer

Aaron Copland

The early twentieth-century style that sought to revive certain principles and forms of earlier music was


The comparative study of musics of the world is called


Which Hungarian composer combined native folk music characteristics with main currents of European music?


Béla Bartók traveled around Hungary collecting peasant songs with the composer

Zoltan Kodaly

The model for Bartók’s melodies can be found in

Hungarian folk songs

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Bartók’s music?

major-minor tonality

The "interruption" section in Bartók’s Interrupted Intermezzo represents

the Nazis

Which of the following is NOT a musical trait of African origin?

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