Music appreciation- 20th century.

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revolt and change

in music, the early century was a time of

twentieth-denture music follows the same general principles of musical structures easier periods.

which of the following statements is NOT true?

igor stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring

The most famous riot in music history occurred in paris in 1913 t the performance of

hector berloiz

All of the following composers working in the early years of the twentieth century except

All answers are correct

Composers in the twentieth century drew inspiration from

they were attracted to the unconventional rhythms, sounds, and melodic patterns

Twentieth-century composers incorporated elements of folk and popular music within their personal styles because

bela bartok

a great twentieth-century composer who was also a leading scholar of the folk music of his native land was

anton webern

which of the following composers was not stimulated by the folklore of his native land?

composers in the early twentieth century drew inspiration only from serious art music and their own intellect, ignoring popular and folk music.

Which of the following statements is not true

all answers are correct

in twentieth century music

a rapid slide up or down a scale

the glissando, a technique widely used in the twentieth century, is`


among the unusual playing techniques that are widely used during the twentieth century is the _____, the rapid slide up or down a scale.

all answers are correct.

in modern music

add a percussive edge

A piano is often used in twentieth-century orchestral music to

tonic-dominant harmonies

Which of the following is not an alternative to the traditional organization of pitch used by twentieth-century composers?

a polychord.

The combination os two traditional chords sounding together is known as

a chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third

a fourth chord is

a tone cluster

A chord made of tones only a half step apart is known as

all answers are correct

To create fresh sounds, twentieth-century composers used


The technique of using two or more tonal centers at the same time is called


the absence of key or tonality in a musical composition is known as


using all twelve tones without regard to their traditional relationship to major or minor scales, avoiding traditional chord progressions, is known as

arnold schoenberg

the first significant atonal pieces were composed around 1908 by


the use of two or more contrasting and independent rhythms at the same time is known

motive of phrase that s repeated persistently at the same pitch throughout a section.

ostinato refers to a


a motive or phrase that is repeated persistently at the same pitch throughout a section is


radio broadcast of live and recorded music began to reach large audiences during the

amahl and night vistors

the first opera created for television was the gian-carlo menotti’s


When did the first pairing o music and film take place?

nadia boulanger

one of the most important teachers of musical composition in the twentieth-century was


impressionist painting an symbolist poetry as artistic movements originated

claude debussy

the most important impressionist composer was

claude monet

the term impressionist served from a critic’s derogatory reaction to impression: sunrise, a painting by

tiny colored patches

when viewed closely, impressionist paintings are made up of


the impressionist painters were primarily concerned with the effect of light, color, and


the impressionist painters were particularly obsessed with portraying

auguste renior

which of the following is not considered a symbolist poet?

the impressionist painters were particularly obsessed with portraying scenes of ancient french glories

Which of the following statements is not true?

paul verlaine

many of debussy’s songs are set to poems by the symbolist poet

his opera pellets at melisande was premiered

a dramatic turning point in debussy’s career came in 1902 when

clearly delineated forms

which of the following characteristics is not usually associated with impressionism?

sound free and almost improvisational

debussy’s music tends

a stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity

impressionism in musi is characterized by

all answers are correct,

in order to "drown the sense of tonality," debussy


a scale made up of six different notes each a whole step away from the next is called a _____ scale

maurice maeterlinck

debussy’s opera pellets at melisande is an almost word-for-word setting of the symbolist play by


in which of the following areas did debussy not create masterpieces?

stephanie mallarme

the poem that inspired the prelude to "The afternoon of a faun" was written by

creature who was half man, half goat

the faun evolved in debussy’ famous composition is a


the neoclassical movement in music roughly encompassed the years

neoclassical composers reacted against twentieth-century harmonies and rhythms, and preferred to revive old forms and styles exactly as they were.

which of the following statements concerning neoclassicism is not true?

misty atmosphere

which of the following is not characteristic of neoclassicism?

clear polyphonic texture

neoclassicism composers favored

forms and stylistic features of earlier periods

neoclassicism compositions are characterized by

johann sebastian bach

neoclassicism composers modeled many of their works after the compositions of

romanticism and impressionism

neoclassicism was a reaction against

pablo picasso

the painter who designed the sets for stravinsky’s pulcinelle, and who went through a phase that showed the influence of ancient greek art, was

mikolo rimsky-korsakov

igor stravinsky studied composition with

sergei diaghilev

stravinsky’s life took a sudden turn in 1909, when he met the director of the russian ballet

ballet impresario

sergei diaghilev was a famous

the firebird

the immense success of stravinsky’s 1910 ballet ______ established him as a leading young composer

the rite of spring

the famous riot in 1913 was caused by the first performance on stravinsky’s ballet

all answers are correct,.

stravinsky’s enormous influence on twentieth-century music is due to his innovations in


which of the following ballets is not from stravinksy’s russian period?


strakinsky’s second phase is generally know as

eighteenth-century music

during the period from about 1920-1951, stravinksy drew inspiration largely from

anton webern

in the 1950s, stravinsky dramatically changed his style, drawing inspiration from


the deliberate evocation of primitive power through insistent rhythms and percussive sounds is known as


le sacre du printemps ( the rite of spring) is an example of

an enormous orchestra

igor stravinsky’s the rite of spring is an example of


the expressionist movement in music and art flourished in the years


the twentieth-century artistic movement that stressed intense, subjective emotion was called

germany and austria

expressionism as an artistic movement was largely centered in

hysteria and the unconscious.

expressionism grew out of the same intellectual climate as the freud’s studies of

all choices are correct

twentieth-century musical expressionism grew out of the emotional turbulence in the works of late romantics such as

richard strauss

one of the immediate predecessors of expressionism was the composer

chromatic and dissonate music

richard strauss’s operas Salome and Elektra were known for their

perversion and murder

the operas of richard strauss use chromaticism and dissonance to depict

deliberate distortions

expressionist painters, writer, and composers used_____ to assault and shock their audience.

expressionist painters reacted against french impressionism; they often used jarring colors and grotesquely distorted shapes to explore the subconscious

which of the following statements is not true?

social protest

Expressionism is an art concerned with

claude monet

all of the following painters may be considered part of the expressionist movement except

conventional prettiness

the expressionist rejected

avoided tonality and traditional chord progressions

expressionist composer


schoenberg’s teacher was

all answers are correct

schoenberg acquired his profound knowledge of music by


alban berg d anton webern were arnold schoenberg’s


when schoenberg arrived in the united states after the nazis seized power in germany, he obtained a teaching position at


schoenberg’s tuur periode in which he developed the twelve-tone system, began around


An eerily expressive kind of declamation midway between song and speech, introduced during the expressionist period, is


schoenberg developed an unusual style of vocal performance, halfway between speaking and singing, called

all answers are correct

the ordering of the twelve chromatic tones in a twelve-tone composition is called


which of the following terms ins not used to describe the special ordering of the twelve chromatic tones in twelve-tone compositions?

all answers are correct

the text of A Survivor from Warsaw


A survivor from warsawuse three languages: english, german, and

typical of expressionist composers, berg scored his opera Wozzeck for a small chamber orchestra.

Which of the following statements is not true?


Georg buchners play woyzeck was written in

all answers are correct

the vocal lines of wozzeck include

earned a doctorate in music history from the university of veienne

Anton webern

"atomized" into two_ or Three_ noted fragements

Webern’s melodic lines are

strict polyphonic imitation

Anton weberns twelve-tone works contain many examples of

a chamber orchestra of eighteen soloists

weberns five pieces for orchestra are scored for

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