Music Appreciation 2

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The final section of a sonata-allegro movement, which rounds it off with a vigorous closing cadence, is:

the coda

Which of the following best describes the opening of the first movement of Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik?

It has a march like character

The minuet was originally a Baroque court dance.


The overall form of a minuet and trio is best described as:


The Trumpet Concerto in E-flat is Haydn’s only concerto


Mozart was able to complete so many masterworks due to his ling career


In his third compositional period, Beethoven:

used more chromatic harmonies

Beethoven gave his Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2 the designation:

quasi una fantasia

Beethoven was unable to compose music after he became deaf


Beethoven achieved much acclaim during his lifetime and died a famous and revered composer.


The three main sections of sonata-allegro form are the exposition, the development, and the:


Mozart is remembered today as:

the most gifted child prodigy in the history of music.

Mozart dies while writing his:


In the first movement of a classical concerto, there is usually a double exposition.


The typical first movement of a Classical concerto begins with:

the orchestra

Beethoven’s Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2 was subtitled Moonlight by:

the poet Rellstab shortly after the composer’s death

The trumpet Concerto in E-flat major, composed in 1796, was Haydn’s last orchestral work.


The first movement of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2:

is in a modified song form

The dreamy first movement of the Moonlight Sonata features:

all of the above

Mozart’s personal feelings are often evident in the works he composed


Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is probably the best known of Mozart’s serenades.


W.A. Mozart was born and lived in the early part of his life in


Mozart wrote his piano concertos primarily for his own public performances.


Mozart’s financial circumstances depended largely on the popularity of his


Mozart was highly successful in composing

All of these choices

eine kleine Nachtmusik:

is German for "A Little Night Music."

Mozart was consistently supported by Vienna’s most important patrons.


Mozart’s melodies are simple, elegant, and songful.


Leopold Mozart was W.A. Mozart’s


Mozart was a child prodigy, already composing music by the age of five.


When he was 8 years old, Mozart traveled to London to study with

J.C. Bach

W.A. Mozart lived and worked most of his adult life in


All of Mozart’s operas were in Italian.


Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik is an example of:

a serenade

The instrument which Mozart played and for which he wrote many concertos was:

the piano

Which statement is NOT true about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

He dies at the age of 65

At the time of his death, Mozart was working on this piece which was completed by one of his students.

a Requiem mass

How many movements does Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 have?


With which symphony did Beethoven begin to expand the possibilities of the genre?

No. 3

The rigid conventions of opera seria were shaped largely by:


During the classical era, the prevalent form of the opera, which contained many recitatives and arias designed to display virtuosity, was called:

opera seria

Comic opera generally was sung un the language of the audience, or the vernacular


The tone of the Catalogue Aria from Mozart’s Don Giovanni is:


Mozart’s Requiem was:

his last work, incomplete at his death

Oratorios primarily drew their stories from:

the Bible

The Dies irae is a poem in three-line rhymed verses


The Dies irae from Mozart’s Requiem includes solo voices


Beethoven was born in

Bonn, Germany

Although Beethoven received support from music-loving aristocrats and other admirers, he functioned primarily as a freelance, composer


Beethoven’s music often features dramatic contrasts


W.A. Mozart was born and lived the early part of his life in


Beethoven was best known during his life as a virtuoso violinist


Along with J.S. Bach’s Mass in b minor, this piece is considered the most significant Mass setting of the common practice era

Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis

Fidelio deals with the topics of

All of the above

Which of the following best describes the role of women in nineteenth-century music?

The piano provided women with a socially acceptable performance outlet

The most importnant keyboard instrument of the Romantic period was the:


The poem Elfking was written by Heinrich Heine


A song in which the same melody is repeated with every stanza of the text is in strophic form


Which of the following was a noted woman composer of the Romantic era?

Clara Schumann

Nineteenth-century society saw a few women make careers as professional musicians


A song form in which the same melody is repeated with every stanza of text is called:


Chopin composed works in all of the following genres EXCEPT the:


Schubert’s Lied Elfking is through composed


The favorite subjects of the Romantic poets were:

love, longing, and nature

Which of the following composed the piano cycle The Year?

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

What is vernacular music?

popular songs sung in a country’s native language

Schubert’s song Elfking is a setting of a ballad written by:


Chopin’s Mazurka in B-flat minor, Op. 24, No. 4 is in duple meter


Which of the following does NOT describe American popular music of the nineteenth century?

The composers were always well known

Chopin spent his early years in:


Nineteenth-century composers of the short, lyrics piano piece included:

all of the above

Chopin spent most of his productive life in:


A group of Lieder unified by a narrative thread or by a descriptive or expressive theme is called:

a song cycle

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel’s cycle The year is her only symphonic poem


Approximately how many songs did Schubert compose?

more than 600

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel is known for her large-scale orchestral compositions


Schubert composed over 600 Lieder


Despite her gender, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel was encouraged by her family to pursure a career in music


___ was NOT an important composer of the nineteenth-century Lieder

Heinrich heine

Many Romantic piano works are in short, free forms.


Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel wrote her cycle The year for:


Schubert composed Elfking just before he died


Stephen Foster composed all of the following sings EXCEPT:

When Johnny Comes Marching Home

The pianist/composer Fanny Mendelssohn was Felix Mendelssohn’s:


Founded during the nineteenth century, the Leipzig Conservatory became a model for music schools all over Europe and America. Its founder and director was:

Felix Menddelssohn

Nineteenth century composers of the short, lyrics piano piece included"

all of the above

Chopin is credited with creating:

the modern piano style

titles such as Prelude, Impromptu, and Intermezzo are used for:

short, lyric piano pieces

Nineteenth century musicians continued to be viewed by society as glorified servants


One of the prime traits of Romantic artists was their emphasis on intense emotional expression


This Romantic composer founded "The New Journal of Music" in the nineteenth century

Robert Schumann

This noted Romantic Era musician conducted the premier of Schubert’s Great C Major Symphony a decade after the composer’s death

Felix Mendelssohn

the Dies Irae is:

a chant from the Mass for the Dead

Which of the following compositions is LEAST likely to be an example of program music?

String Quartet in B-flat Major

Which of the following composers was the first to use the term symphonic poem?


Music written for plays, generally consisting of an overture and a series of pieces to be performed between acts, is called:

incidental music

The "Mighty Five" were composers from:


What scene is depicted in Smetana’s symphonic poem the Moldau?

all of the above

How many movements does a typical Romantic symphony contain?


By the Romantic era, concerts had moved from:

the aristocratic palace to the public concert hall

Brahms maintained a lifelong, close relationship with:

Clara Schumann

Which of the following does NOT characterize Brahms’s Symphony No. 3?

programmatic images

Brahms eventually settled in what city?


Brahms was the leading master of German opera in the nineteenth century


Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique is an example of:

a program symphony

Hector Berlioz was born and spent most of his career in:


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the music of Berlioz?

Typical of French music, the emotions are restrained

Berlioz was one of the boldest musical innovators of the nineteenth century


A one-movement piece of program music for orchestra that, though several contrasting sections, develops a poetic idea or suggests a scene or mood is called:

a symphonic poem

Smetana was a leading figure of the "Mighty Five" in Russia


Nationalism found natural expression in music, among other arts


The standard four-movement structure of a Romantic symphony is:


Which young composer did Robert and Clara Schumann take into their home


Brahms wrote ___ symphonies


Brahms’s symphonies use a Romantic harmonic idiom but are Classical in form


The librettist for Verdi’s Rigoletto was:


Women achieved prominence during the Romantic era as opera singers


In his Ring of the Nibelung, which characteristic of traditional opera did Wagner eliminate

separate arias

Like Berlioz, Debussy won the coveted Prix de Rome during his compositional studies at the Paris Conservatory


Which of the following choral genres was NOT originally intended for performance in church

part song

Wagner did not wish to change the prevaling form of opera in the nineteenth century


The Dies irae from Verdi’s Requiem is performed a capella


Choral music offered the public an outlet for its creative energies


Impressionist composers avoided ninth chords because they were prohibited in the Classical system of harmony


The French movement in poetry that revolted against traditional modes of expression is called:


Who dies at the end of Rigoletto

Gilda, Rogoletto’s daughter

The ensemble that follows "La Donna e mobile" in Act III of Rigoletto is a(n)


Which of the following does NOT characterize Singspiel

It featured elaborate recitatives and arias

In Rigoletto, Verdi turns away from tuneful melodies to heighten the dramatic action


Wagner’s operas employ the supernatural as an element of drama and glorify the German land and people


The focal point of Wagnerian music drama is the voice


Which of the following statements best characterizes Verdi’s Requiem?

The Requiem was dedicated to the memory of the poet Manzoni.

Verdi’s Requiem was intended for performance in church.


The Symbolist movement began in England.


Impressionist artists abandoned the grandiose subjects of Romanticism.


The goal of impressionistic music is sensuousness.


Verdi’s most popular non-operatic composition is

The Manzoni Requiem

Verdi is arguably the most popular opera composer of all time.


Wagner’s only comic opera was

Die Meistersingers von Nuremburg

Oratorios and settings of the Mass made their way into the concert hall by the nineteenth century.


Wagner railed against

all of the above

The leading composer in the Impressionist school was Claude Debussy.


Although born to a Jewish family, this composer produced several remarkable oratorios.

Felix Mendelssohn

Wagner’s crowning achievement was a set of 4 operas know collectively as

The Ring of the Nibelung

Wagner eventually married the daughter of

Franz Liszt

Wagner’s operas evolved into what he referred to as

music dramas

Oratorios and settings of the Mass made their way into the concert hall by the nineteenth century.


Impressionistic music has no equivalent in the visual arts.


Verdi’s Ave Maria from his "Four Sacred Pieces" is based on the

enigmatic scale

Wagner’s operas have elements of

all of the above

The opera that first brought fame and recognition to Verdi was


Wagner’s most ardent supporter and patron was

King Ludwig II of Bavaria

Wagner called the art form that he developed

music dramas

Which of the following was the Paris-based Russian ballet impresario who commissioned Stravinsky to write several ballets?


Which of the following best describes the form of a blues text?


William Grant Still moved to Los Angeles and composed music for television.


Stravinsky enlarged the orchestra for The Rite of Spring by increasing the number of wind and percussion instruments.


The Russian composer Igor Stravinsky lived for many years in France and eventually became a U.S. citizen.


Louis Armstrong was also known as:


What is a bent, or "blue," note?

a note whose pitch drops slightly

Which instrument did Louis Armstrong play?


Stravinsky’s ballets all achieved immediate popularity with their audiences.


Stravinsky’s greatest contribution to the art music of the twentieth century is thought to be his development of the twelve-tone method.


The Rite of Spring is subtitled

"Scenes of Pagan Russia"

Stravinsky lived and worked for nearly 20 years in France.


A young man of European heritage who spent his early years in New Orleans and later wrote music that reflected his observations of the rhythmic traditional African-American music practiced there was

Louis M. Gottschalk

The instrumentation of William Grant Still’s Afro-American Symphony calls for tenor banjo.


What American city could be considered the birthplace of jazz?

new orleans

Stravinsky eventually settled in Canada and become a Canadian citizen


The leading female vocalist of the Swing Era was

billie holliday

Duke Ellington was noted as a

all of these

_____________ was an important city in the development of jazz.

all of these

The following is regarded as the MOST influential pioneer by today’s jazz trumpeters.

louis armstrong

Which American jazz composer was also a pianist and a master of orchestration for big bands?

Duke Ellington

William Grant Still was the most important musical voice to emerge from the Harlem Renaissance.


William Grant Still’s Afro-American Symphony uses only traditional harmonic practice.


Each movement of William Grant Still’s Afro-American Symphony has an epigraph, suggesting the emotions expressed in that movement.


This form of jazz was the popular music in America during the 1930’s & 1940’s.


What kind of jazz is Duke Ellington known for?


Stravinsky’ early ballet scores, The Firebird, Petrushka, and The Rite of Spring were strongly nationalistic.


Because most musicals now seem dated, revivals have been largely unsuccessful.


Summertime is a lively song that suggests the excitement of summer.


Which of the following composers invented the prepared piano?

John Cage

George Gershwin’s folk opera ___________ was far ahead of its time.

Porgy and Bess

Irving Berlin’s first hit song was:

Alexander’s Ragtime Band

Which of the following works by John Cage has no musical content and can be performed by anyone on any instrument?


John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes evoke the sounds of:

the Javanese gamelan

George Gershwin is recognized as one of the first American composers to:

incorporate African American blues and jazz styles into his compositions.

Prior to each performance for John Cage’s prepared piano, materials are inserted between the strings entirely at random.


Revueltas’s mature compositional style features:

complex rhythms, including polyrhythms and ostinatos.

Aaron Copland studied with Nadia Boulanger in Paris


Porgy & Bess was set in

Charleston, South Carolina

In his piece, Black Angels, Crumb calls for a number of percussion instruments in addition to the string quartet.


Copland is generally recognized as America’s nationalistic composer.


Ira Gershwin was George Gershwin’s

C & D

Recordings of commonplace sounds that are modified electronically and organized into an electronic composition are referred to as

musique concrete

In his music, George Crumb explores alternative forms of notation.


An early pioneer in the field of Experimental Music was

Edgard Varese

The dates for the post-modernist period are

none of the above

Copland’s "Fanfare for the Common man" was written in response to

the entry of the United States into WWII.

The librettist for Doctor Atomic is:

Peter Sellars

Williams’ Raiders March is in standard march form.


Most Hollywood films use music to establish an overall mood, not to reflect the emotional content of a given scene.


Jennifer Higdon’s performance background is as a flutist.


The term tintinnabulation refers to:

the ringing of bells

Pärt’s Cantate Domino canticum novum uses a psalm for its text.


In film, music that can be heard by a character on the screen is called underscoring.


Bob Dylan has performed his songs with guitar accompaniment throughout his career to pay homage to the tradition of folk music.


Which of the following characterizes the career of John Williams?

all of the above

Higdon chose the title blue cathedral as a tribute to:

her brother

Which nineteenth-century composer was the inspiration for unity in film music through the use of leitmotifs ?


John Adams won a Pulitzer Prize for On the Transmigration of Souls.


Which of the following compositions by Corigliano received an Academy Award?

the red violin

After Arvo Pärt emigrated to the West, he devoted his compositional output to:

religious choral music

Music that is performed on screen and is part of the drama itself is called:

source music

Who wrote the opera Nixon in China?

John Adams

Minimalism has been assimilated by some "nonclassical" musicians.


Tintinnabulation is associated with the music of John Corigliano.


Arvo Pärt is a member of what religion?

russian orthodox

Which of the following characterizes the career of John Williams?

all of the above

The term tintinnabulation refers to:

the ringing of bells

Jennifer Higdon currently teaches at her Alma Mater, the Curtis Institute.


Unlike many contemporary works, melody is an important element in a Jennifer Higdon composition.


"Fur Alina" was one of Arvo Pärt’s earliest compositions in his later minimalist style.


"Short Ride in a Fast Machine" by Adams is an example of what compositional style?


Arvo Pärt was born in:


Repetition is an important element of minimalism.


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