Music appreciation 15

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At which point in the text of Fair Phyllis does the work change to imitative texture

Up and down he wandered

Both Italian and English Madrigal feature word painting


Farmer "paints" the first line of the text, Fair phyllis I saw sitting alone," through the musical use of


Farmer Phyllis is written for how many voices


In addition to Italian Madrigal l, what other genre arose from union of poetry and music

French chanson

The English Madrigal preceded the development of the italian Madrigal by some 20 years


The performing forces for farmers madrigals consist of 4-voice SATB ensemble


The text of John farmers Fair Phyllis refers to real historical figures


Which of the following composers was influential during the later Italian Madrigal tradition

Claudio Monteverdi

Which of the following instruments was likely found in prosperous homes during the Renaissance


Sometimes humorous madrigals would have a refrain of syllables such as fa la la


The mood of Farmers Madrigal Fair Phyllis is

Light and pastoral

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