Music Appreciation 101 Mid-term

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The musical element that makes the widest and most direct appeal is the


The distance between the highest and lowest tones of a melody is called the


Music is propelled forward in time by


The first accented beat of a measure is called a


A combination of three or more tones that constitutes a single block of harmony is called a


Am interval of eight notes is called an


The first note of the scale is called the

subdued or sad

Music in minor tonality is often perceived as sounding


When two or more independent melodic lines are combined, the resulting texture is called


A simple and more familiar type of canon is called a


The smallest fragment of a theme that forms a melodic-rhythmic unit is called a

strophic form

A vocal work in which each poetic stanza is sung t the same melody is in


Ternary form is represented by the pattern


The rate at which a piece of music is played is its


The degree of loudness or softness, or volume, at which music is called

the color of a tone

The term timbre refers to

bass voice

The _____________ has the lowest vocal range.


______________ produce sound by shaking, scraping, or striking the instrument itself.


Drum-type instruments fall into the category of

violin, viola, cello, double bass.

The correct order of bowed string instruments from highest to lowest in range is


The soprano brass instrument sometime described as possessing a brilliant timbre is the


Timpani are members of the _______________ family of instruments.


A fairly large body of singers who perform together is called a


Approximately two-thirds of a symphony orchestra consists of


John Philip Sousa was famous as a composer of

woodwind, percussion, and brass

A jazz band is normally made up of ___________, ___________,and ______________ instruments.

oral transmission.

The preservation of music without the help of written notation is called

Spirituals sung at revivals

________________ would NOT be considered entertainment.

Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century.

The following is the proper chronological order of musical periods:

the characteristic manner of presentation of the work.

Musical style is best described as


The approximate dates of the Baroque Period are

as servants to royalty / nobility, as members of the church, and as employees of a free city.

Baroque musicians made a living


The Baroque Period witnessed a new style of music, which featured a single vocal melody with accompaniment. This was known as


The primary tonality used during the Baroque period was

play the basso continuo in the Baroque Era.

The cello and harpsichord were two instruments that most likely would have been used to


A drama that is sung is called an

Greek mythology.

The earliest operas took their plots from

Henry Purcell.

The greatest native English composer of the Baroque was

the Lutheran church.

The sacred cantata was an integral part of

performer on the organ.

Johann Sebastian Bach was most famous in his day as a

"The Well-Tempered Clavier."

In the field of keyboard music, Bach’s most important collection was

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"

The chorale tune _____________________ was written by Martin Luther.

a master of the oratorio.

George Fredric Handel was considered

Julius Caesar

_______________ is NOT an oratorio by Handel.


The keyboard instrument in which the strings are plucked by quills is the


Of the following wind instruments (recorder, trumpet, oboe, flute), the ____________ was NOT made of wood.

"Brandenburg Concerto?"

Johann Sebastian Bach composed the work entitled

"Brandenburg Concerto"

Bach’s __________________ comprise six separate concertos.


The solo instrument in "Spring," from "The Four Seasons" is the

48 preludes and fugues

There are ____ __________ and __________ contained in the two "Well-Tempered Clavier."

The Russian Revolution

_____________________ did NOT have an impact on the Classical ear.

French Chopin

The Classical composer _______________ was NOT a master of the Viennese School.


The system in which the aristocracy sponsored musicians is called

chamber music.

Music for a small ensemble of two to about ten players with one player to a part is called


In the Baroque period, a vocal work for solo singers and instrumental accompaniment was called a

Antonio Vivaldi

_______________ was known as "the red priest" for the color of his hair.

two violins, viola, and cello.

The string quartet consists of


A theme may be fragmented by dividing it into smaller units called

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The great composer ___________________ rebelled against the patronage system and struggled to achieve financial independence.

Requiem Mass.

Mozart died while writing his

"A Little Night Music."

"Eine kleine Nachtmusik" is German for


The most important instrumental genre of the Classical period was the


In the Classical orchestra, the string section served as the ensemble’s

sonata-allegro form.

The first movement of a symphony is usually in

"Father of the Symphony"

The nickname ____________________ was earned by Joseph Haydn.

explosive and independent.

Ludwig van Beethoven’s temperament could best be described as


Beethoven’s own instrument, for which he wrote numerous concertos and sonatas, was the

Theresa won Paradis

____________________ was a blind woman virtuoso pianist, who was a student of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

"Moonlight Sonata"

Beethoven’s famous _____________________ has three movements.


A musical setting of the Mass for the Dead is called a

Franz Joseph Haydn

The music of George Handel inspired ___________________ to write an oratorio.

three movements

There are _______________ within the Classical concerto.


The most popular instrument in the Classical concerto was the

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