Music Appreciation 101- Irving

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In musical compositions, a theme is:

a musical idea that is used as a building block.

A composer can fragment a theme by dividing it into smaller units called:


Which of the following is NOT a type of thematic development?

literally repeating a melody at the same pitch level

The repetition of a motive at a higher or lower pitch level is called a:


Which of the following descriptions is most characteristic of a jazz performance?

improvisations on preestablished harmonic patterns

Which of the following best describes absolute music?

music without a story or text

In absolute music, the lack of a prescribed story or text to hold the music together makes the element of ________ especially important.


Which of the following genres does NOT usually follow the general structure of a multimovement cycle?


Which movement is the most highly organized and most characteristic of the multimovement cycle?


Which of the following is a common characteristic of the second movement of a multimovement cycle?

lyrical, songful melodies

In the Classical multimovement cycle, the third movement is usually in ________ form.

minuet and trio

A rondo is most typically found in the ________ movement of a Classical multimovement cycle.


Which of the following compositional techniques does theme and variation form often utilize?

all of the above

A string quartet consists of

two violins, viola, and cello.

Which of the following was NOT a major composer of string quartets?


Haydn’s String Quartet, Op. 76, No. 3 was nicknamed the Emperor because:

The slow movement is based on a hymn written for Emperor Franz II

The form of the slow movement of Haydn’s String Quartet, Op. 76, No. 3 is

theme and variations.

The melody of the slow movement of Haydn’s String Quartet, Op. 76, No. 3 became the national anthem of:


Haydn served as a choirboy in:


Who was Haydn’s principal patron?

Prince Esterházy

Haydn enjoyed phenomenal musical success with two trips to ________.


The Classical symphony had its roots in the:

opera overture.

How many movements are typical of pre-Classical symphonies?


Quick crescendos and the four-movement cycle for symphonies were developed in:


The early Classical symphony is characterized by quickly ascending themes with a strong rhythmic drive. These are known as ________ themes.


Which group of instruments was the nucleus of the Classical orchestra?


The typical Classical orchestra consisted of ________ players.

thirty to forty

How many symphonies did Haydn compose?

over 100

How many movements make up a typical Haydn symphony?


The nickname "father of the symphony" was earned by:


Haydn composed ________ symphonies for his visits to London.


Haydn composed the Military Symphony for his second visit to ________.


How did Haydn’s Military Symphony earn its nickname?

It includes percussion instruments associated with Turkish military music

Janissary bands were associated with


What is the form of the second movement of Haydn’s Military Symphony?


Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik is an example of a:


Eine kleine Nachtmusik is:

German for A Little Night Music.

We can best regard sonata-allegro form as a drama between:

two key areas.

The three main sections of sonata-allegro form are the exposition, the development, and the:


In sonata-allegro form, a modulatory section that leads from one theme to the next is called the:

In sonata-allegro form, the contrasting key is established by the statement of the:

second theme

In sonata-allegro form, the section that features the most tension and drama through modulation and motivic interplay is the:


The psychological climax of sonata-allegro form appears when the tonic returns at the:

The final section of a sonata-allegro movement, which rounds it off with a vigorous closing cadence, is the:

Mozart is remembered today as:

The overall form of a minuet and trio is best outlined as:

The Italian words da capo are commonly found in ________ form.

What is a raga in North Indian classical music?

The long-necked, plucked string instrument common in North Indian classical music is called the:

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