Muscular Strength and Endurance- Practice

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If you increased the amount of muscle mass in your body, what other changes would occur?

More muscle mass would speed up metabolism, reduce the amount of body fat, and help protect an individual from injury.

Which statement BEST describes describes the factors that affect muscular endurance?

A) Size of the muscle cells, ability to store fuel, and blood supply to muscle.

When comparing an individual with low muscular fitness to an individual with high muscular fitness, we would very likely find that____________.

C) The individual with high muscular fitness would also have a lower chance of becoming injured.

Describe six ways in which improving your muscular fitness would have a positive affect on your life.

1. Athletic performance 2. Injury prevention 3. Body composition 4. Self-image 5. Lifetime muscle and bone health 6. Chronic disease prevention

An individual picks up a cup and drinks from it. This is an example from____________.

A) A concentric contraction because muscles cause the elbow joint and arm to move.

Strength training lessens bone loss.


Strength training makes ligaments, tendons, and cartilage stronger.


Describes the components of health-related fitness.

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the fitness level of heart and lungs. Body composition is the ratio in the body of muscle to fat. Muscular strength is the force muscles can produce in a single maximum effort. Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly over a period of time. Flexibility is the range of motion a body has.

Type 2 B fast-twitch muscle fibers are those used in a short sprint.


A mother sprints across the yard to grab her small child before he enters the street. The mother is using her ___________.

B) Type 2 B fast-twitch muscle fibers that responds quickly and provide her with speed and strength.

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