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Functions of muscles are
A. The heartbeat
B. Muscle tone
C. Distribution of Heat
D. Moving bones
E. All of the above

E. All of the bove

The outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeleton muscle is the
A. Eponymous
B. Perimysium
C. Endomysium
D. Sarcomas out
E. Mummy’s in

A. Epimysium

Myofibrils are composed primarily of
A. Actin and myosin
B. ATP and ADP
C. Troponin and tropomysin
D. Fascia and tendons
E. Permission and endomysium

A. Actin and myosin

The striated appearance of skeletal muscle results from the
A. Transverse tubule pattern
B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum network
C. Sarcomere organization
D. Cisternae placement
E. Distribution of mitochondria

C. Sarcomere organization

Transverse tubules
A. Store sodium ions for the action potential at the cell surface
B. Transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior
C. Store calcium ions
D. Connect actin and Myosin
E. Transmit nerve impulses out of the muscle

B. Transmit muscle impulses into the cell interior

The severe pain of compartment syndrome is caused by
A. Tears in the compartment wall
B. Too much fluid in the compartment
C. Damaged muscle tissue
D. Stretched tendons
E. Lack of fluid in the compartment

B. Too much fluid in the compartment

The discoloration and swelling of a muscle strain is due to
A. Excess myofibrils
B. Separated tendons
C. Severed nerves
D. Ruptured blood vessels
E. Torn ligaments

D. Ruptured blood vessels

A tendon is _____, whereas an aponeurosis is _____
A. Cordlike and connects bones to bones; a broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to muscles
B. A broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to muscles; cordlike and connects bones to bones
C. Cordlike and connects muscles to vine; a broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to muscles
D. Found in humans; found in apes
E. None of the above

C. Cordlike and connects muscles to vine; a broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to muscles

Muscles fibers are basically a collection of
A. Muscles
B. Sarcomeres
C. Connective tissue fibers
D. Alpha and beta subunits
E. Synapses

B. Sarcomeres

Transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum are well developed in
A. Smooth muscle fibers
B. Skeletal muscle fibers
C. Cardiac muscle fibers
D. Motor neurons
E. Nervous muscle fibers

B. Skeletal muscle fibers

The functional unit of muscle contraction is
A. The muscle
B. The muscle fiber
C. The myosin cross-bridge
D. The sarcomere
E. The myomere

D. The sarcomere

The enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine to
A. Bond to actin
B. Be secreted from the motor end plate
C. Decompose
D. Form cross-bridges
E. None of the above

C. Decompose

Creatine phosphate
A. Decomposes ATP
B. Decomposes ADP
C. Supplies energy for the synthesis of ATP
D. Supplies energy for the breakdown of ATP to ADP
E. Binds to Ach receptors

C. Supplies energy for the synthesis of ATP

The amount of oxygen liver cells require to react lactic acid to produce glucose or the glycogen is
A. Refractory quantity
B. Anaerobic concentration
C. Aerobic conversion
D. Aerobic conversion
E. Lactate debt

B. Oxygen debt

Tawanda finishes a spring and suffers great pain in her calf muscles. Her muscle cramps are most likely due to a temporary deficit of
A. Actin
B. Myosin
E. Endorphins


Athletes usually experience muscle fatigue less quickly than non athletes because they
A. Convert glucose to lactic acid
B. Tolerate high concentrations of carbon dioxide
C. Make more efficient use of ATP
D. Produce less lactic acid
E. Do not care about fatigue or pain

D produce less lactic acid

At a neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane folds, forming a
A. Motor neuron
B. Neurotransmitter
C. Motor unit
D. Motor end cup
E. Motor end plate

E. Motor end plate

The toxin that causes botulism
A. Prevents release of acetylcholine
B. Promotes release of acetylcholine
C. Decomposes acetylcholine
D. Prevents decomposition of acetylcholine
E. Binds to acetylcholine

A. Prevents release of acetylcholine

Rigor mortis affects skeletal muscles a few hours after death, due to
A. Increased ATP and decreased permeability to calcium
B. Decreased ATP and increased permeability to calcium
C. Increased ATP
D. Nerve impulses that contract the muscles excessively
E. None of the above

B decreased ATP and increased permeability to calcium

At a neuromuscular junction

C. Neurotransmitters are released

The first event in muscle fiber contraction is that

C. Acetylcholine is released from the end of the motor neuron

Which of the following statements is correct

B. Actin filaments slide along myosin filaments

The functional connection between a neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber is a

E. Synapse

____ degrades acetylcholine, keeping it from accumulating in the synapse

D. Acetylcholinesterase

Arrange the following steps for contraction in the correct sequence
1. The muscle impulse reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium is released
2. Thin filaments are pulled over thick filaments
3. Calcium floods the sarcoplasm and binds troponin molecules leaving active sites
4. The impulse arrives at the synapse and travels trough the transverse tubules
5. The muscle fiber shortens and contracts
6. Tropomysin molecules bind to exposed active sites, linking actin and myosin


A shift in metabolism that breaks down pyruvic acid to lactic acid is called

B. Anaerobic threshold

Oxygen debt in muscles may develop because of

A. The inability of respiratory and circulatory systems to supply enough oxygen to skeletal muscles when used strenuously for a minute or two

The relationship between ATP and creatine phosphate is that

A. Creatine phosphate supplies energy to regenerate ATP from ADO and phosphate

A motor unit is

C. A motor neuron and the muscle fibers connected to it

In muscle contraction ATP supplies energy for

E. Myofilament movement

Skeletal muscles help maintain body temperature in that

B. The more active they are, the more heat is released

Threshold stimulus is the

D. Minimal amount of energy required to contract a muscle fiber

A Myogram is

B. A recording of the events of a twitch

A plank position is part of a yoga/ Pilates workout. The person supports the body on the floor in a prime position with the arms and feet supporting the body. It is a little like the "up" position of a push-up, held for 30 to 60 seconds. Contraction of the abdominal muscles in a plank position is most likely

C. Isometric

An example of a partial but sustained contraction is

E. Muscle tone

Which of the following is not true

C. Red fibers have fewer mitochondria than white

In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the

C. Latent period

The very brief moment following stimulation when a muscle remains unresponsive to additional stimulation is called the

A. Refractory period

Smooth muscle lacks

B. Transverse tubules and striations

Smooth muscle had ___ and not troponin

A. Calmodulin

Compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle

A. Contracts more slowly and relaxes more slowly

The type of muscle cell that lacks transverse tubules, has a single nucleus, and is under involuntary control is

B. Smooth misvle

Short muscle cells with centrally located nuclei are

A. Smooth muscle fibers

Both acetylcholine and norepinephrine can affect

A. Smooth muscle contraction

The structures that connect cardiac risk muscle cells are

C. Intercalated discs

Cardiac muscle

E. All of the above

Bones and muscles function as mechanical devices called

B. Levers

The movable end of a muscle is its

C. Insertion

The muscle primarily responsible for an action is the

C. Prime mover

A muscle that assists a prime mover is a

D. Synergist

The buccinator muscle is the

D. Check

The muscle that adducts and flexes the arm is the

A. Coracobrachialis

The linea alba is

D. A band of tough connective tissue to which abdominal wall muscles attach

The soleus is a muscle that forms part of the

A. Calg

Which of the following is not a muscle of mastificatiom

D. Mandibular

Which of the following is unique in that it’s insertion is to fascia and not bone

A. Palmaris longus

The triangle of auscultation, commonly used to hear sounds of respiratory organs, is located near the border of the

B. Trapezius and latissmus dorsi

A gluteal gait, in which a person walks with a waddling limo, is usually caused by a disorder of the

C. Gluteus media and gluteus minimus

A sign of agin of the muscular system is

B. Decreased supplies of myoglobin to muscles

Regina began an exercise program six months ago, and the muscles of her upper limbs and lower limbs are more prominent. Excessive can lead to formation of new muscle by

B. Stimulating skeletal muscle cells to release il-6, which stimulates satellite cells to divide, producing more muscle cells

Muscle atrophy that progresses with aging is caused by reduction in

E. All of the above

People with myasthenia gravis lack

C. About two-thirds of the normal number of avetylcholine receptors

Myasthenia gravis is

A. An autoimmune disorder

Weightlifting, in which a muscle exerts more than 75% of its maximum tension stimulate

B. Muscle fibers developing new filaments of actin and myosin

Fibers of muscles whose motor neurons are severed

B. May be replaced by fat and fibrous connective tissue

Temporimandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome causes

E. All of the above

Endomysium separates individual muscle fibers.


Layers of sense connective tissue that separate skeletal muscles from each other are called fascia.


A motor neuron and the muscle fibers that it controls constitute a motor unit.


During muscle contraction, calcium ions combine with tropomysin, and this exposes active sites for cross-bridge fiematuon.


ATPase is located in myosin cross-bridges.


Anaerobic respiration occurs primarily in mitochondria.


Liver cells concert lactic acid to ATP


The minimal strength of stimulation needed to elicit a muscle contraction is called the threshold stimulus.


If a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten, the contraction is isometric.


The latent period is the time when the muscle is relaxed.


White muscles have an increased capacity to carry on aerobic respiration.


Metabolic processes can use only about 25% of the energy released by cellular respiration.


Motor unit recruitment refers to the fact that some motor neurons can recruit new skeletal muscle fibers with which they connect.


The two major types of smooth muscles are intercalated muscles and cardiac muscle.


Cardiac muscle is voluntary.


Muscles and bones functions as levers.


The masseter muscle functions in mastification.


Exercise can lead to new muscle filament formation, even in an older person.


A broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that attaches the coverings of adjacent muscles is called an _____


The pigment responsible for the reddish brown color of skeletal muscle is ____


In Oder to stimulate skeletal muscle fibers, motor neurons release the neurotransmitter____


During anaerobic respiration, glucose molecules are converted into molecules of ______

Pyruvic acud

A forceful, sustained muscle contraction is called a ____

Tetanic contraction

Muscle fatigue is most likely due to an accumulation of ______

Lactic acid

The combining of a series of twitches to produce sustained contraction is called_____


The rhythmic, wavelike motion produced by smooth muscles in tubular visceral organs is called, ____


The ____ at the ends of cardiac muscle cells help to join cells

Intercalated discs

Muscles that assist a prime mover are called ______


The muscle that covers the upper part of the cranium is the ____


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