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who were the limbourgs

artist Brothers

in neoplatonic thought, the biblical character of Eve was identified with


one of the effects of the Renaissance was to change the status of artists in Europe from

skilled craft workers to intellectuals

the word renaissance means


the technology of painting with oils was developed

by Northern Europeans

the Renaissance artists from Venice, such as Giovanni Bellini, Titan, and you and Giorgione were especially know for the Mastery of

color and Light

the technique of stumato involves the use of

multiple layers of glazes

the theme of the Sistine Chapel ceiling frescoes comes from

none of these answers are correct

__________________ organization, as seen in Masaccio’s Trinity with the Virgin, St John’s the Evangelist, and donors was a popular device among Renaissance artists of Italy


Leonardo da Vinci was a skilled

all of these answers are correct. Inventor, architect, engineer, painter.

Giorgiones painting The Tempest paved the way for future

landscape paintings

Michelangelo, Raphael, and Botticelli were all commissioned to make art for

the Medici family

one of Michelangelo’s major achievements was

redesigning Saint Peters Cathedral

northern European Renaissance artists began using the system of linear perspective

about 75 years after it was first developed

artists working in the early Renaissance period included

Botticelli, Donatello, and Ghiberti

which 15th century invention led to the decrease in the practice of Illumination by hand

the printing press

the Isenhiem Alrarpiece, with its gruesome details of Christ’s Flesh Wounds, originally hung in

a hospital for patients with skin disease

movement that divided all of Europe into Protestant and Catholic camps is called

the Reformation

the painting, the Harvesters, which formed part of a cycle depicting the months of the year, was painted by _____________, a 16th century Netherland painter.

Pieter Brutal the Elder

the sculptor of the panel the story of Jacob and Esau, and Donatello’s teacher, is

Lorenzo ghiberti

The iconography of the Tempest, by ________________, is unknown, but the painting made an important contribution to Renaissance Art in the way it was composed.


because many European monarchs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ruled was near dictator power, period is often referred to as

the age of Kings

Gianlorenzo Bernini was

all these answers are correct. A dramatist, sculptor, composer, architect

paintings depicting scenes of everyday life are known as ____________ paintings.


what nationality was Peter Paul Rubens


and Baroque architecture, wall surfaces often protrude into the viewer’s space. In baroque painting, the same effect is created through the use of

dramatic lighting

The Baroque painting Judith and maidservant with the head of holofernes depicts a story from

the Bible

the following characteristics are all typically of Italian Baroque art except

classic simplicity

the following is true about remembrant except

he achieved and maintained financial success throughout his life

the Palace of Versailles was home to

Louis the 8th of France

___________________ helped shape the neoclassical Style

the excavations ancient Pompeii and Herculaneum

unlike Baroque art from Catholic countries, Dutch baroque art focused upon

all of these. The community, business life, and the family and home.

st. Teresa in ecstasy is an excellent example of

Baroque sculpture

among the following artists, whose Innovation was it to create group portraits in the setting of an activity, rather than posing the subjects formally?


which of the following was court painter to King Philip

Diego Velàzquez

which artist intentionally use their work to shape the Public’s view of prominent figures?

Vigée Lebrun and David

from some 200 years, many of the works of Judith Lester were

mistakenly identified as the work of Franz Halls

typical of Dutch landscape painting was the work of

Jacob van ruisdael

one of the most influential buildings of the architect Francisco borromini was

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

foremost among French painters of the 17th century was _______________ who painted _____________

Nicolas Poussin; the ashes of Phokion

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