MIS Chapter 2 quiz

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having experience as a collaborator

Which of the following is the least important characteristic of an effective collaborator?

do not meet at the same time

Asynchronous communication occurs when team members ________.

Skype for Business

Which of the following is a comprehensive tool for communication?

they keep the discussion from going off track

Discussion forums are better suited than emails in asynchronous communication because ________.

working together to achieve a common goal

Collaboration is defined as a group of people ________.


________ is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal via a process of feedback and iteration.


Project teams should document project results and information for future teams. Which of the following is the project management phase in which the teams perform this function?

Google tracks document revisions, with brief summaries of changes made

Which of the following statements is true about working with Google Drive?

the allocation and utilization of resources.

Operational decisions are those that support ________.

Managerial decisions concern the allocation of resources, whereas operational decisions concern day-to-day activities.

Identify a key difference between managerial decisions and operational decisions.

setting the ground rules for the project and team

The fundamental purpose of the starting phase of a project is ________.

members of a team who work in different time zones

Who among the following are most likely to use asynchronous communication?

the utilization of resources

Managerial decisions are decisions about ________.

giving and receiving critical feedback

Which of the following is the most important trait that an effective collaborator should have?

members provide feedback on each other’s work

A student group that is working on a project is considered to be a collaboration if the ________.

1. Enthusiastic about the subject
2. Open-minded and curious
3. Speaks their mind, even if unpopular viewpoint
3. Gets back to people in a timely way
5. Willing to enter into difficult conversations
6. Perceptive listener
7. Skillful at giving/receiving negative feedback
8. Willing to put forward unpopular ideas
9. Self-managing, requires low maintenance
10. Follows through on commitments
11. Willing to dig into topic with zeal
12. Thinks differently than others

12 Most Important Characteristics for an Effective Collaborator

1. Well-organized
2. Someone I like
3. Has already earned my trust
4. Experience as a collaborator
5. Skilled and persuasive presenter
6. Gregarious and dynamic
7. Someone I knew beforehand
8. Established reputation in field
9. Experienced businessperson

9 Least Important Characteristics of an Effective Collaborator

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