Mastering biology homework 11

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Which of these is a receptor molecule?


A signal transduction pathway is initiated when a _____ binds to a receptor.

signal molecule

Which of these is a signal molecule?


A signal molecule is also known as a(n) _____.


Which of these is the second of the three stages of cell signaling?


The process by which a signal is converted to a specific cellular response involves three stages:

1) reception of a signaling molecule 2) transduction of the signal 3) response to the signal

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that can pass through the plasma membrane. Complete the flowchart describing the interaction of cortisol with intracellular receptors.

1) cortisol passes through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm 2) cortisol-receptor complex forms in the cytoplasm 3) cortisol-receptor complex enters the nucleus where it binds to genes 4) cortisol-receptor complex acts as a transcription factor 5) the transcribed mRNA is translated into a specific protein

plasma membrane receptors

– G protein-coupled receptors – Receptor tyrosine kinases

G protein-coupled receptors

interact directly with G proteins

Receptor tyrosine kinases

-catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group to the receptor -binding of the signaling molecules forms a dimer

G protein-coupled receptors and Receptor tyrosine kinases

-binding site for signaling molecule is located on the extracellular side of the cell -receptor is located in the plasma membrane

Neither G protein-coupled receptors or Receptor tyrosine kinases

binding of the signaling molecule allows ions to flow through a channel in the receptor

Which statements are true about the binding of histamine to the histamine H1 receptor?

-Histamine binds extracellularly to the H1 receptor. -When histamine binds to the H1 receptor, the receptor undergoes a conformation change and binds the inactive G protein. -Once the G protein is active, it binds to the enzyme phospholipase C, activating it. -Histamine is likely hydrophilic.

Signal Transduction Pathways
Which of these acts as a second messenger?


Which of these is responsible for initiating a signal transduction pathway?

A The attachment of a signal molecule to a plasma membrane receptor initiates a signal transduction pathway.

What role does a transcription factor play in a signal transduction pathway?

By binding to DNA it triggers the transcription of a specific gene.

which of the following, when activated by a signal transduction pathway, moved from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of a cell?

transcription factor

Which of these is a membrane receptor?


A signal transduction pathway is initiated when a _____ binds to a receptor.

single molecule

Which of these acts as a second messenger?

cyclic AMP

Calcium ions that act as second messengers are stored in _____.

endoplasmic reticula

_____ catalyzes the production of _____, which then opens an ion channel that releases _____ into the cell’s cytoplasm.

Phospholipase C … IP3 …. Ca2+

A protein kinase activating many other protein kinases is an example of _____.



-signaling molecule -G protein-coupled receptor -receptor tyrosine kinase


-adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, IP3, phosphorylation cascade, second messenger, Ca2+


protein synthesis

Which of the following could account for the different cellular responses to histamine?

-the type of second messengers involved in the signal transduction pathway – the enzyme that is activated by the G protein associated with the receptor – the types of relay molecules within the cell -the cell type in which the histamine receptor is located

What is apoptosis?

controlled cell suicide

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