Mastering Biology Chapter 8

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What must happen before a cell can begin mitosis?

A).A mitotic spindle must form.
B).The nucleus must divide in two.
C).The sister chromatids must be separated.
D).The nuclear envelope must break up.
E).The chromosomes must be duplicated.

E). The chromosomes must be duplicated

The centrosomes move away from each other and the nuclear envelope breaks up during which phase of mitosis?

A). Telophase
B). Interphase
C). Metaphase
D). Prophase
E). Anaphase

D). Prophase

The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell during which phase of mitosis?

A). Interphase
B). Metaphase
C). Anaphase
D). Prophase
E). Telophase

B). Metaphase

The sister chromatids separate and begin moving toward opposite poles of the cell during which phase of mitosis?

A). Interphase
B). Metaphase
C). Prophase
D). Anaphase
E). Telophase

D). Anaphase

The chromosomes arrive at the poles and nuclear envelopes form during which phase of mitosis?

A). Prophase
B). Interphase
C). Telophase
D). Anaphase
E). Metaphase

C). Telophase

At the end of the mitotic (M) phase, the cytoplasm divides in a process called _________________.

A). telophase
B). cytokinesis
C). condensation
D). meiosis
E). replication

B). Cytokinesis

Most of an organism’s DNA is carried by its _____.

A). endoplasmic reticulum
B). chromosomes
C). ribosomes
D). nucleoli
E). mitochondria

B). Chromosomes

Replication of chromosomal DNA occurs __________.

A). whenever a cell needs RNA
B). to repair gene damage caused by mutation
C). in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell
D). whenever a cell makes protein
E). before a cell divides

E). Before a cell divides

With the exception of gametes, a human cell contains _____ chromosomes.

A). 47
B). 46
C). 2n
D). 23
E). n

B). 46

The cell cycle is a series of events that occur in which order?

A). G1, S, G2, mitosis, cytokinesis
B). G1, G2, S, cytokinesis, mitosis
C). G1, S, mitosis, cytokinesis, G2
D). G1, S, G2, cytokinesis, mitosis
E). G1, S, cytokinesis, mitosis, G2

A). G1, S, G2, mitosis, cytokinesis

Which of the following is a function of the cell cycle that involves mitosis in eukaryotes?

A). sexual reproduction
B). cell replacement
C). speeding up evolution
D). production of gametes
E). removing cellular debris

B). Cell replacement

Which of the following is the correct order for the four main stages of mitosis?

A). prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
B). telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase
C). anaphase, prophase metaphase, telophase
D). prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
E). metaphase, telophase, prophase, anaphase

A). Prophase. metaphase, anaphase, telophase

In sexually reproducing multicellular organisms, the main functions of mitosis are _____.
Check all that apply.

A). tissue repair/replacement of damaged cells
B). growth and development
C). reproduction (production of gametes)

A). Tissue repair/replacement of damaged cells B). Growth and development

Which events occur during prophase?
Check all that apply.

A). Chromosomes condense and are attached to spindle fibers.
B). The sister chromatids break apart and begin to separate.
C). The nuclear envelope breaks down.
D). Chromosomes are replicated.

A). Chromosomes condense and are attached to spindle fibers. C). The nuclear envelope breaks down.

Cytokinesis _____.

A). produces two new nuclear envelopes
B). finishes mitosis by dividing the cytoplasm and organelles of the original parent cell into two separate daughter cells
C). duplicates the chromosomes, setting the stage for cell division
D). lines up the paired chromatids along the center of the cell in preparation for anaphase

B). Finishes mitosis by dividing the cytoplasm and organelles of the original parent cell into two separate daughter cells.

During _____, the cell carries out its normal functions and the chromosomes are thinly spread out throughout the nucleus.

A). telophase
B). interphase
C). metaphase
D). anaphase
E). prophase

B). Interphase

Looking through a light microscope at a dividing cell, you see two separate groups of chromosomes on opposite ends of the cell. New nuclear envelopes are taking shape around each group. The chromosomes then begin to disappear as they unwind. You are witnessing _____.

A). anaphase
B). telophase
C). prophase
D). metaphase

B). Telophase

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