Mastering Astronomy Ch. 2 Qz

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Two stars that are in the same constellation

may actually be very far away from each other

The north celestial pole is 35 degrees above your northern horizon this tells you that

You are at latitude 35 N

Beijing, china and Philadelphia, PA, USA have about the same latitudes but very different longitudes. Therefore, tonight’s night sky in these two places

Will look about the same

During the winter in the northern hemisphere, earth’s axis points toward the star Polaris. In the spring in the northern hemisphere, Earth’s axis

Also points toward Polaris.

When it is summer in Australia, it is

Winter in the United States

If the Sun rises precisely due east,

It must be the day of either the spring or fall equinox.

A week after full moon, the Moon’s phase is

Third quarter.

The fact that we always see the same face of the Moon tells us that

The Moon’s rotation period is the same as its orbital period.

If there is going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight, then you know that

The Moon’s phase is full.

When we see Saturn going through a period of apparent retrograde motion, it means

Earth is passing Saturn in its orbit, with both planets on the same side of the Sun

Why is the solar day longer than the sidereal day?

Because the earth has moved in its orbit during the time of one rotation

The month is based on what celestial motion?

The time it takes for the moon to complete one revolution around the Earth.

The time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the sun with reference to the stars is called a/an

Sidereal Year

A sundial measures

Apparent solar time

Planets beyond earth will appear brightest when the are at


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