Mass Comm Ch 6 and 7

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This older recording format has experienced a resurgence in recent years.


Both of the actors on the radio show Amos ‘n’ Andy were white.


Which of the following is the federal agency charged with regulating telecommunications, including radio and television broadcasting?


What medium did Guglielmo Marconi help invent?


Political talk radio is populated primarily by liberal hosts.


The most popular radio drama of the late 1920s was:

Amo’s N Andy

Which of the following developments occurred during World War I?

The military took over radio broadcasting.

which of the following was the major effect of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on radio

That today more than 50 percent of the radio stations are owned by major media corporations.

The rise of rock albums as a format also gave more promience to the record’s _


The BBC no longer tries to provide news in multiple languages around the world.


If you are listening to a song with lyrics that deal with heartbreak, kids, and adult relationships, you are likely listening to ______ music.


n Los Angeles, Spanish-language stations have low ratings and can’t attract enough advertisers to turn a profit.


Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry both helped create rock ‘n’ roll by combining white hillbilly music with black R&B music.


William S. Paley, the first president of the CBS network, saw radio as which of the following?

an excellent tool for advertising products and services

Which of the these statements about radio following the growth of television in the late 1940s and early 1950s is true?

Radio reinvented itself to become a companion medium, serving narrow niche audiences with specialized formats.

In 2012, the most popular radio format in the United States was:

Country/New Country

What government agency regulates broadcasting in the United States?

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

All of the following except _____ were part of RCA.

Columbia Broadcasting System

National Public Radio’s Morning Edition news program attracts a larger daily audience than any of the television networks’ morning news programs.


Which paper is regarded as the first newspaper in the North American colonies?

Publick Occurrences

As newspapers become available online, and accessible via smart phones and tablets, publications are transforming from newspapers to ________________

News Brands

Edward R. Murrow is best remembered for which of the following?

his accounts from London in World War II

Colonial newspapers could be characterized by which of the following?

Intensely partisan opinion writing

Most American newspapers are owned by which of the following?

Large corporate chaines

Until the 1960s, newscasts offered by the networks were only fifteen minutes long.


Gay newspapers suffered circulation and advertising losses in the late 2000s because gay culture was becoming more mainstream


Urban afternoon papers are more successful now than are morning papers.


Today, chains and conglomerates publish about 20 percent of all American newspapers


Which of the following was the newspaper responsible for breaking the Watergate story 1972

The Washington Post

Alternative papers such as New Times and the Village Voice are successful money-makers for which of the following reasons?

because they attract a young audience that advertisers want to reach?

A local paper chooses to cover a shooting that happened in one of its suburbs, rather than another shooting that happened hundreds of miles away in the state capital. This is an example of what news value?


The Los Angeles Times has engaged in a process known as mainstreaming. This means that the paper is trying to use news sources who are as diverse as the population of the city of Los Angeles.


In addition to owning The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos is also a majority owner of:

The Chicago Defender, launched in 1905, is an alternative newspaper that serves what community

African American

Spanish-language papers such as El Nuevo Herald typically just translate stories from English into Spanish.


Community newspapers remain important today because they provide information that people can’t get anywhere else.


Joseph Pulitzer wanted his paper, the New York World, to appeal to women for which of the following reasons?

Advertisers wanted to reach women

Which paper was published by Benjamin Franklin?

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Which one of the following newspapers most clearly defines what will be news in the United States?

New York TImes

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