IT-210 Chapter 5

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A data model is the diagrammatic representation of a database that clearly defines a database’s __________, __________ and _________.

entities, attributes, relationships

When customers access a Web site and make purchases, they generate ….

click stream data

Data redundancy refers to….

having copies of the same data in multiple locations.


NoSQL databases can process both structured and unstructured data.

There are six broadly applicable ways to leverage Big Data to gain value.

-Creating Transparency. -Enabling Experimentation -Segmenting Population to Customize Actions -Replacing/Supporting Human Decision making with Automated Algorithms. -Innovating NEW Business Models, Products, and Services. -Organizations can analyze far more data

In a relational database, the customer record contains information regarding the customer’s last name. The last name is a(n)


A _____ is a logical grouping of related fields.


In a database, the primary key field is used to

uniquely identify a record


method for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its most streamlined form.

structured query language

A standardized language used to manipulate data

Operational data that are constantly updated are stored in….


The data in a data warehouse have which of the following characteristics?

they are organized by subject

_____________ is the cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning.

tactic knowledge

_____ is a process that helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate, transfer, and apply expertise that is part of the organization’s memory and typically resides inside the organization in an unstructured manner.

knowledge management

Which of the following is an example of explicit knowledge?

procedural guides

Explicit knowledge has which of the following characteristics?



The data dictionary stores definitions of data elements, characteristics that use the data elements, physical representation of the data elements, data ownership, and security.


The primary key is a field that uniquely and completely identifies a record.


When various copies of the data agree, this is an example of data integrity.

A standardized language used to manipulate data is….

Structured Query Language


Knowledge management systems (KMS) are used by organizations to capture, store, and disseminate knowledge within the organization.

Place the following members of the data hierarchy in the correct order

bit- byte – field – record – file – database

The management of data across the entire organization is most accurately defined as

data governance


The amount of data is increasing exponentially over time.


In the United States, federal law requires companies to store, evaluate, and disclose financial data for fixed periods of time, even if the company no longer has any use for the data.


A database must be associated with only one computer program or information system.


Transferring data from the organization’s operational databases into its data warehouse is called data reconciliation


A data warehouse is a low-cost, scaled-down version of a data mart designed for the end-user needs in a department in a large organization.

The most important benefit of knowledge management systems is…

they make best practices available to employees


Normalization is a method for eliminating redundant data elements.


A group of related fields is generally called a data file.

It is very difficult to manage data for which of the following reasons?

data are scattered throughout organizations

Data dictionaries perform all of the following functions EXCEPT

providing information on each record


The data dictionary defines the format necessary to enter data into a database.


Social data is NOT a form of big data.

The use of databases enables organizations to….

-minimize data isolation. -minimize data security risks. -minimize data inconsistency.


Online analytical processing involves the analysis of accumulated data by end users.

Compared to data warehouses, data marts have which one of the following characteristics?

cost less


A relational database typically consists of one large two-dimensional table.

data rot

The deterioration of the medium on which the data are stored.

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